11 20

I made these boots at a 4 day workshop last summer in OR. I always wanted to try being a cobbler. It was fun but very physically hard on my hands and pricey, too. But now I have some cool boots fitted to my feet with lots of toe room and they’re perfect for Ren fest. Check out Very friendly and good teacher. He teaches in MN sometimes, too. I might make another pair of shoes in the future.

Elusia8 6 May 30
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Those are adorable! the color is great!




those look most excellent

btroje Level 9 May 31, 2018

What an amazing job you did! I once made some pucker shoes to go with garb - they were so comfy, but didn't look as nice as yours.

pixiedust Level 8 May 30, 2018

Wow to infinity and beyond! I am size 12.


LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Wish I could take that workshop...but I'm in KY.

polyananda Level 5 May 30, 2018


hankster Level 9 May 30, 2018

nice boots!

jacpod Level 8 May 30, 2018

I design and sew costumes for a hobby. I specialize in 1500-1600 era. Your boots are wonderful! My oldest daughter works in a leather shop. I drool over everything when I go in there. You have inspired me!


Those boots are amazing!

Spinliesel Level 9 May 30, 2018

Very nice. I like the colours. They look more smart and less chunky than some of the handmade shoes/boots I have seen.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 30, 2018
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