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I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc. So this would be my first chapter and I only have about 3 chapters at the moment. I'm sure there are things not quite correct and if anyone has something to add or subtract please let me know. I will include dogs found that were either sent to a shelter or rescue or adopted. Mostly from my work as an ACO. Below are Robin and Lexi.


Getting a new dog

Finding a new dog can be as easy as visiting your local shelter or rescue organization. When you adopt a dog at these places you are saving two dogs’ lives. The dog you adopted and you’re allowing an empty kennel for the next dog so that one doesn’t get put to sleep due to over crowding.

Some shelters in small towns don’t have to make that decision but in the cities, reality is that there is no such thing as a no-kill shelter. When they are full, no kill organizations refuse to accept any more animals and the shelters that euthanize are forced to add these dogs to their inventory. Sometimes it’s alarming how many dogs are unwanted every day. The no kill shelters or rescues wait for their dogs to be adopted before adding new dogs. They aren’t killing dogs, no, but they force unwanted dogs elsewhere and those places handle the burden of putting them down when there is no open space for it. Dogs with severe issues such as a known biter, or a very timid scared dog that would bite aren’t even allowed to be put up for adoption. Dogs with issues are a liability, no one wants a dangerous dog to be adopted and put in a family situation. That is one excellent reason to train your dog. If a time ever came when you couldn’t keep your dog, the training may keep it alive and adoptable.

Rescues often go to the shelters and “pull” dogs out that have less than twenty four hours to live. They do their best to screen them and make sure they are fit for adoption by talking to employees of the shelter and making their own tests. Then most of the time rescues will have foster parents who keep the dog until they are adopted by someone. They also have volunteer shelters kennel them, which in my opinion isn’t a great way to see how that dog behaves in a home situation. The rescues rarely take in dogs because a person doesn’t want it, only a kill shelter can do that but dropping an unwanted dog off there doesn’t guarantee it will be adopted. What will save most of the dogs is for you to spay or neuter your pet and train it. That is the best and only way to save dogs from being put down.

When you look online at you can get an idea what you like locally. Once you’ve found a dog you like, see where it’s located and visit. A lot of times dogs online are gone before you get to the shelter so it’s best to go to the shelter and find your favorite by walking the kennels. Don’t be alarmed by all the barking and craziness. Some of the dogs don’t get enough exercise and act out while you’re walking through. Ask a volunteer or shelter worker to leash the dog you want to get to know better and take it for a walk or play in a fenced area with the dog to see if you’ll make good partners. First ask how well the dog behaves on a leash. You don’t want to put an adult Mastiff on a leash and expect to hold the dog in place if he’s a puller.

You can play with a dog in a fenced area and throw a ball, to see if the dog plays well. You can also play tug of war, see if the dog likes that. TIP: Never use your hands to play with a dog, always put a toy between you and the dog. If a pup nips it was probably taken from it’s mother too early. Nipping I put my thumb in the mouth and hold the tongue down in back. They don’t like this and will stop pretty quick after more bites and barking.

TIP: If you can, walk out of the enclosure and leave the dog alone in there, walk away a little and don’t turn around. That way you can test if the dog has separation anxiety. Sometimes separation anxiety is difficult to handle, especially for a first time pet owner. Also, escape artists aren’t for a newbie either. If you’ve never owned a dog you want to start with an easy dog. I will explain how to work with separation anxiety later. If you’re a dog newbie ask to see dogs that are already house trained, don’t jump around in their water bowls and are nice when being walked by the volunteers. The volunteers at the shelters know a lot about the dogs because they spend their time mostly getting to know them and taking them out for walks or playing with them.

When you adopt a dog they aren’t always trained, it’s best for you and the dog to get a wonderful start by going to an obedience class. You’ll both get so much from the experience and it will bring you both closer together as a team. The first thing to do if you select an adult dog is get it to a vet so you know the dog is healthy and won’t cost you thousands the first month of ownership. Then find an AKC club nearby or a dog training class and enroll there.

Be careful adopting a dog from a shelter. Often they are dropped off by an owner who doesn’t want to pay vet bills for the terminal illness the dog has and they don’t tell the shelter. Some dogs were strays and there is no background information on that dog about behavior issues. Could have been driven away from home and dropped off anywhere after biting a child. Altho all bites must be reported some don’t do so.

TIP: Training is the best way to communicate with each other. As an example I had many shepherds and my husband wanted three of them all obedience trained to get off the bed. He kept saying “Down!, Down!” the dogs looked at him as if he were crazy because they all were lying DOWN. I said “Now that you’re done messing with their heads, please say Off”. When he did they all left the room. Terminology is important for the entire family to learn if you take classes.

If a dog is already trained somewhat you may still want the classes so you can re-train the dog for you and your lifestyle, see how it behaves in a group setting and with strangers and strange dogs. Learn how to give the dog commands, learn how to teach the dog new things. You can even teach tricks to your dog.

K9Kohle789 8 Oct 24
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This is a very good article. I like the way you describe the material and you bring us into your own experience. Even your attitude towards dogs is clear, you love them no matter what. Choosing an animal is always a plus, especially when you want to make your life more varied. My dog lived with my daughter for a very long time, then he got mauled by a fighting dog. I don't know how the owner let him off the leash. We bought a best wifi shock collar for dog so we wouldn't have that problem with a new dog. Don't want to lose control of it. But I don't want to let the same situation happen, as every animal would be pitiable under such circumstances.

This is a very good article. I like the way you describe the material and you bring us into your own experience. Even your attitude towards dogs is clear, you love them no matter what. Choosing an animal is always a plus, especially when you want to make your life more varied. My dog lived with my daughter for a very long time, then he got mauled by a fighting dog. I don't know how the owner let him off the leash. We bought a best wifi shock collar for dog so we wouldn't have that problem with a new dog. Don't want to lose control of it. But I don't want to let the same situation happen, as every animal would be pitiable under such circumstances.

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