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How is it that dogs can anticipate where I'm going next? They block rooms so i can't get in them without stepping on a tail or foot. I suppose it has to do with big dogs and small house 960 sq ft. I should have stuck to smaller dogs but then I'd sit on them; a cruel way to go.
i really love that Jet follows me around, he wants to be in the same room with me. So cute. Leela gave up following me when she realized I wasn't going anywhere other than another room. It's like I have a best friend. Without dogs I'd be a very lonely person.
Does anyone else feel the same about their pets? My husband passed in 2005 and I thought I would be in a relationship by now. It didn't happen in FL so I moved to TN; not much easy pickins here.

K9Kohle789 8 June 21
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Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789I have wondered how many dogs are camera shy because I had a foster pup that I could only get pix of her running away from the camera and hiding behind a tree.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789A lot of people don't know about all the different types of German shepherds there are.

Posted by K9Kohle789The land shark has learned how to pop open the garbage lid.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789Well Jet is a little mischief maker.

Posted by K9Kohle789This is the puppy.

Posted by Kempster45Degenerative Myelopathy Anyone here ever deal with this in their dog?

Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by LorajayMy precious Rickie was cremated 3 years ago and now resides in the urn pictured.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

Posted by K9Kohle789I've wanted to write a book on all I know about dogs and ownership, puppy mills, training, breeders, shelters, etc.

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