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Any teen titans fans out there? I'm looking forward to seeing the Teen Titans Go! animated movie next week with my daughter, but there's also a Titans tv show coming out soon that's wrong in many ways (relative to source material).

It's just such a shame that the DCEU keeps screwing it up, because there's so many comic stories that would do well on the big screen. For instance, Titans Rebirth...

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Marz 7 July 19
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Teen Titans Go! is not my cup of tea in any sense - though it can have some good background references at times. However, I believe that the new TV show has potential - yes it isn't going to follow the source material exactly - no live action show should. It is probably going to be too dark too but we have seen one trailer so we can't judge the show too much yet. Besides we have to talk it as a whole by itself - this show is not a comic nor is it part of the Rebirth or New 52 lines - it is its own world and we need to judge it by that once we have seen the series.

Nicsnort Level 6 July 21, 2018

Looks pretty badass. Certainly looks better than Justice League was. Sucks that you will have to subscribe to DC's streaming service to watch it though.

I am referring to the new show, not the cartoons.


I loved the original Teen Titans. Hate the Teen Titans Go and the movie is like the new bad version. My teen son feels the same and says it’s a common opinion. They even make make fun of themselves.

LauraUU Level 6 July 19, 2018

I grew up with the original series. Teen Titans Go is literally a joke, stripped of all seriousness or depthness. It has a coulple of good jokes, but I dislike overall.
The original was mostly jokes too, but it had setois moments of chatacter development and analogies to challenges teens actually face. Isolation, lack of self confidence and finding your identity.

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