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Anybody in here follow the DC shows on the CW?
Admittedly they are pretty light fair. But overall I think they represent the comics well and are entertaining.

mikecagain 7 Sep 2
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Oh, yes. I enjoy watching the shows, even with the cringy moments. I used to write comic reviews, so they were a perfect accompaniment.

Hordo Level 6 Sep 2, 2018

I was following them, and may again, but some of the soap opera like story arcs started to get to me.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 2, 2018

I think the arrow is trash. they took too much from the batman mythos and then applied to green arrow. but i guess they had to figure out a way to make him more interesting then he actually is. the rest of the shows i think are great, tho they do veer a bit from the original source from the comics. other then the arrow, most of the shows keep to the spirit of their source. my favorites are the flash and supergirl, followed closely by legends of tomorrow. black lighting stands alone for me, in it's own criteria due to the subjects and current social themes played out in it. i think it's almost a challenge to marvels 'luke cage' series.

Arttoa Level 5 Sep 2, 2018

The DC TV shows are great because they embrace the batshit craziness of where they come from, as do the Marvel movies. What's weird is that Marvel TV and DC movies seem vaguely embarrassed about being derived from comics...


No, I haven't been following - can you recommend one that you've enjoyed?

skye724 Level 7 Sep 2, 2018

I like all of them. They are all a little different. Arrow is probably my favorite. It's darker and a little more grounded than the others. Supergirl and Flash are probably the easiest to get into and are a little more "fun" than the others. Legends is more campy and about the action. They all represent the comics well.

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