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Anyone into the wheel of time books or Stephen Kings Dark tower series Or Robert Rankin Pooley and Omally series..Ironfist and finally Preacher...asking for a

James121 7 Sep 13
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WoT fan here
I play a Fade on

darthfaja Level 7 Dec 14, 2018

Wanted "Dark Tower" to go on...un-realistic I know, but many hours of enjoyment, finally managed to get in the hard back books.


I thoroughly enjoyed the Dark Tower book series. I read the as they came out and I am trying to collect the set so I can reread them without the long gaps between. The ending both surprised me and didn't. Ka is a wheel after all. I have been reading Stephen King since I was 9 and, since becoming an adult, usually have his books on preorder before the release date.


I'd say Iron Fist makes a massive - and needed - leap of recovery in season two... Surprised how much I enjoyed it, fingers crossed for a third season!

DiogenesUK Level 5 Sep 13, 2018

Yeah, idk about that ending though

@Marz Kind of depends if you've read the Matt Fraction run on the comics or not... Some of the end positions give a chance to get into some really cool stuff...


Wheel of Time and Preacher big fan of. Dark Tower one of those series I always meant to read but never do. Iron Fist if Netflix version I am on the fence watched first episode it did not grab me like DD or JJ.

Wahker Level 6 Sep 13, 2018

The Wheel of Time was a staple of my youth. I only finished the last book of the series a few years ago though.

CurtisHall Level 5 Sep 13, 2018

Hated the last book...

@Dragoria wow really I thought it was good. I know it would be better if Jordan had finished it but was still ended cleanly. What was it that you hated?

Nice. I wasn't that patient lol.

@Wahker Jordan wove a wondrous tapestry of characters, locations...building up to the final battle...sorry spoiler the Sanderson shrunk it down to pulp fiction...

@Dragoria I wouldn’t say that I hated it, but the three books that Sanderson wrote did move further away from Jordan’s writing. It was disappointing.

@CurtisHall while I agree with you better to have sander finish it then leave it unfinished.


I've read most of The Wheel of Time books but it's been so long that I couldn't tell you anything about them lol. I own all of The Dark Tower books, they're amazing, at least once you get past the first 2. They're good, just a little slow and dry. I refuse to watch the movie, I already know it's going to piss me off to no end.

Wish I had not watched it at all..totally mixed up piece of nonsense...but what is once seen cannot be unseen and so disappointed... lol

@Dragoria just more affirmation that I made the right call on not watching it


I've watched Preacher and Iron Fist. Preacher is really good but definitely loves to push the envelope. You need an open mind and strong stomach to watch that show.

mikecagain Level 7 Sep 13, 2018

That's what makes Preacher.


Watching Iron Fist, loving Preacher.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 13, 2018
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