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Any red dwarfers here...

James121 7 Sep 24
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You betcha I am. Love the show.

Budgie Level 8 Nov 4, 2019

I believe I've watched just about everything over the years. Always fun.

Umbral Level 8 Oct 20, 2018

Was a HUGE RD fan back in the day. Saw every episode of the first 8 seasons multiple times. I've seen every episode released (even the horrid American pilot, and Can't Smeg, Won't Smeg [a special episode of Can't Cook, Won't Cook"}, and at one point owned all the books... can't say I read them, but I owned them 😉 )

If you like the humour in Red Dwarf, I have to recommend (as I always do) Coupling. It is like Friends, only funny. It's based on Steven Moffat (he of Doctor Who and Sherlock fame) meeting his wife (Sue Vertue). It is about Steve, his best friend, and his girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, and about Sue, her best friend, and Steve's ex-girlfriend.

I'm assuming everyone knows what a Cousin Oliver is? It's when a new character (usually a baby or young child) is added in the later seasons of a flagging show. Named after Cousin Oliver in Brady Bunch. Well, when an actor left before Series 4, the Cousin Oliver they replaced him with was actually named Oliver.

Ozman Level 7 Sep 24, 2018

Afterwards , he did a series of robot battering ram machines , and I understand he later opened a bar . I think the cat was playing a policeman on a series called , "Death in Paradise ."

Cast1es Level 9 Sep 24, 2018

Can’t watch the American version of Battle Bots because the announcers are trying to make it sound like a sports show and aren’t him.



Nos2342 Level 5 Sep 24, 2018

Hell yes! I remember watching season 6 while at Grad school in England even!

Hordo Level 6 Sep 24, 2018
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Posted by IamceleryWho else likes cotc? anybody know any shows as wholesome and progressive as it?

Posted by kimlaleonaMy son said 10/10 (=

Posted by OldMetalHeadIt has absolutely nothing to do with selling to horny male gamers

Posted by LaurenSo happy Easter, y'all.

Posted by RayPowerAnyone dice rollers?

Posted by DarkNerdyGonzoCount backwords I can yesss mmuuuuuhhehheheheh

Posted by DarkNerdyGonzoA throwback to tripleforcefriday ,i used to have this pic on my twitter page before I was permently suspended so now it can live on here at

Posted by OldMetalHeadAn amazing Elastigirl cosplay!

Posted by ZantiMisfit Hello Fellow Geeks :) I'd like to share a recommendation with everyone.

Posted by SpawnofSaganAnime and Atheism.

Posted by kimlaleonaThe quiet ones 😂👌

Posted by James121Anyone watching the new Batwoman on CW watched the first 3 episodes and it looks so good..

Posted by PedrohbdsLast addition to the collection.

Posted by EricTrommaterAm I on freaking acid? Somebody tell me this is fake news?

Posted by EricTrommaterAm I on freaking acid? Somebody tell me this is fake news?

Posted by KynleiHold your books, I will.

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