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Netflix is has canceled productions on the Iron Fist and now Luke Cage, I am only disappointed about Luke Cage. The second season was different in that it focused on the other characters, villains as well. With Disney about launch their own streaming service, I'm thinking they wanted that.

Arttoa 5 Nov 2
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They will eventually cancel all of the marvel Netflix shows. As others have said it's due to Disney developing its own streaming service. Also as others have said I'm getting annoyed by everyone making their own streaming services. Part of the appeal of cutting the cord was the convenience of having basically everything you wanted to watch in two or three services. Now you need a average of eight to ten streaming services.

Kashif Level 5 Dec 6, 2018

me too!! tho i'm sticking to netflix and hulu till they die! well i've been with netflix since they were initially a dvd rental by mail. i may just pick up the dvd service again before i pick up additional streaming service. i refuse to more then i used to for cable. because then, there is no point being cable free.


I watched the first season of iron fist and itwas good and diverse so have to watch season 2 to find out why now....but never watched luke cage

James121 Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

So there is no talk about those series being replaced by other Marvel shows? I'll miss them both. I agree that Luke Cage was the better of the two, but I didn't hate Iron Fist as much as some, and it's just cool having some different super hero options on TV. I'm disappointed, but won't mind as much if something else is brought in.

Disney will keep cashing on that, this may be happening as they begin to launch new shows, or reboot them as they want. Like they have done with starwars.

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