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To get out of 88-degree heat, today I hiked a 6.6-mile loop near Mission Ridge Ski Area above Wenatchee, WA with four women. It is 20-degrees cooler in the mountains. Most of the trail is in shade. That's I chose this hike.

There was too much snow on the Clara and Marion Lakes trail at 4,600' elevation. So, we took a side trail- still sliding and postholing in snow- and looped down to Beehive Road, then descended to the Pipeline Trail at 4,000' elevation with more wildflowers.

Photos: Mt. Stuart, 9,416', Pacific Trillium, the first Tweedy's Lewisia blooming (my favorite wildflower), Larch, rocks and snow, and pink, snow dwarf primrose flowers. We had fun!

LiterateHiker 9 May 15
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When I was younger I used to hike in the North Cascades. Thank you for the pictures, they bring me back. Now I hike in Arizona.


I wanna go there!

It takes an observant eye to spot many wildflowers. I walked right past the Tweedy's Lewisia patch, thinking they don't bloom this early. "Kathleen, look! Tweedy's Lewisia flowers!"

"Where?" I asked. Chris pointed. I feel thrilled each time I see a Tweedy's Lewisia.

Extremely rare, these flower only grow in North Central Washington at certain elevations and exposures. They like rocky cliffs. Karen and I scramble up cliffs to photograph the best flowers, always at the top.

@LiterateHiker my environment is upland desert. A biology student recently discovered a ground dwelling sparrow on my land that I never noticed. I've been on that land for all my life and walked right past that bird, I'm sure!!

@farmboy2017, I have never heard of a ground-dwelling sparrow. Amazing!



Free_2B_Me Level 7 May 15, 2018

Thank you! While hiking, I'm the only person in my hiking group who carries a camera. After taking photos, I run to catch up with my pack and camera bouncing wildly.

I love how the sun lit up the snow on Mt. Stuart and surrounding mountains. A few minutes later, Mt. Stuart looked dark. When you see a good photo, take it! The light will change.

Have been simplifying the composition of my photos.

The creamy, white Pacific Trillium picture is my favorite. The light was perfect. I left the Douglas Fir branch lying there. The fir needles echo lines in the Trillium flowers and leaves.


Looks and sounds fantastic. Love the photos.

AstralSmoke, Thank you!

ronin73, Thank you!

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Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

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Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

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