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Which Linux Desktop Environment is the Best?

. . . and which one(s) do you use ? I use XFCE4 (previously KDE).


FearlessFly 9 May 10
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I am also an XFCE on Linux Mint person.

gsiamne Level 8 May 30, 2020

Thanks for the article. One day I'll perhaps open a computer again.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 11, 2020

I use Xfce, with as few bells and whistles as possible. I'm less thrilled with eyecandy than I am functionality. I've got the bottom panel set to always visible, and the top panel autohides, which I basically use as a way to get to frequently used programs.

bingst Level 8 May 10, 2020

I use Kubuntu 18 or 19 which ever is easily upgrade too. For me the only requirement is the use of Apt-get or Apt, which is the tool used to upgrade the system as a whole. Everything else just works, and almost everything is free to use and further develop. One has the source code so if you want to do something or improve an application you use there is the means to do this and the documentation to do this.

Kubuntu is the distribution, not the desktop environment. KDE is the default, but several others are available to install. I start with Kubuntu and install xfwm4, cinnamon, etc.

@FearlessFly I am happy with what works, I do not play with it as I use it to produce what I do. Rather do that than play with the system. It all works. If others are reading this It is also possible to fix things easily as instructions are on the web. With Windows, you have to wait for them to provide the fixes.


It is strictly a personal choice and there is no best except to the individual. I personally have chosen Ubuntu Mate 18.04.4 LTS 64 Bit as my Linux Distro and use the Redmond Desktop which places the panel at the bottom. Your mileage may vary.

jlynn37 Level 8 May 10, 2020
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