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Reasons to Hate Linux: 2020 Edition


FearlessFly 9 June 7
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Is this really worth watching for over an hour?

bingst Level 8 June 7, 2020

I read the article, probably not. He makes some valid points.

He had lost me within his first 15 seconds. Self centred indulgent earwig!

@FearlessFly And what were those points in your opinion?

@FearlessFly I listened to it all. I would have to really go through and write down a list of his points, but I found disagreement with him early on, when he's talking about searching for linux, but then talks about the numerous iterations of Mac and Windows. Just linux? Clearly linux-related searches might not even include the word itself, but instead on distro names. I'm aware of this because I check into my own and other distros.

I also have to wonder about his viewpoint in general. I know nobody who goes to any kind of linux conferences, much less speaks at them. So just how elitist of a user is this guy?

A word on backwards compatibility, which I myself don't think I've had a problem with. What he was talking about with AppImage, if I understand it, is essentially programs built with static libraries (which takes up more storage space and more memory to run). But as far as I know, it's possible to have different versions of shared libraries on a system. I'm given to understand that it's even possible to have 32-bit libs on a 64-bit system. So maybe his problems with backward compatibility has something more to do with a lack of knowlege and understanding?

@bingst Perhaps he is a legend in his own GRUB.

@bingst I have had no occasion to use Appimage or snap . . .

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Posted by FrayedBearAnyone using Android 12? Are you having problems with the Gmail app no longer working along with the PlayStore?

Posted by ScubaWagsWow, Windows 11 will have tiling windows. No one has ever done that before...

Posted by ScubaWagsThis made me giggle

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is quite interesting. I knew Ubuntu would be high, but I honestly didn't expect it to be that high.

Posted by ScubaWagsApparently it's penguin awareness day today... I assume that must include Tux

Posted by hrichardson8Hey, I resemble that remark. []

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

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