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Just wanted to share this interesting site that allows testing of all the Linux Distros.


Hasn't been around that long and has been very busy.

I'm a refugee from Mac, turning to Chromebook, but getting to know Linux on the side, so I found this site interesting.

Never Windows!


David1955 8 June 20
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Enjoy being online again!

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I am writing this on a chromebook and it runs both android and Linux applications. Great computer. I really like the touch screen. This is the first computer I have had that will run AutoCad, Blender 3D, Google Search, and keep up with the apps on my phone. All this an for less than $300.00.


Interesting. I almost got it to work. The system runs in a popup window, something I found out upon disabling tracking protection (because nothing was happening). Maybe Firefox is not the best for this.

bingst Level 8 June 20, 2019

Thank you for this.

jlynn37 Level 8 June 20, 2019

Recent Visitors 12


Posted by FrayedBearAnyone using Android 12? Are you having problems with the Gmail app no longer working along with the PlayStore?

Posted by ScubaWagsWow, Windows 11 will have tiling windows. No one has ever done that before...

Posted by ScubaWagsThis made me giggle

Posted by OldMetalHeadThis is quite interesting. I knew Ubuntu would be high, but I honestly didn't expect it to be that high.

Posted by ScubaWagsApparently it's penguin awareness day today... I assume that must include Tux

Posted by hrichardson8Hey, I resemble that remark. []

Posted by HiFiGuyHello, everyone! I'm new and I just wanted to say hello and share a little bit about myself.

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