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I never could get my 2x Sony CD rom to work with Linux Slackware back in circa '94, and gave up on it.

Any reason I should try Linux again?

MollyBell 7 Apr 19
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Linux distros have come light years since the 90s. I had tons of trouble with hardware compatibility with Redhat back in the day, I've been using Ubuntu exclusively for about five years and two or three machines now, and I've never been happier.

geist171 Level 6 July 20, 2018

Been using linux since 1996 I think, can't remember when I started but I do remember it took a week to download the first version I used over the internet. Debian dual booted with windows.


One reason to "try" Linux again is that you can install it onto a USB stick and run it from that, without modifying your hard drive. Obviously it'll be slow, unless you have a good speed USB drive and lots of RAM, but, it's a great way to check it out.

Duey Level 4 Apr 19, 2018

Thank you, Duey. That sounds like a wonderful idea.

It'll be slow regardless, because the USB protocol doesn't allow the same file transfer speed as you'd expect -- that's the main bottleneck.

At least, for USB 2.0. I've never tried with USB 3.0 or looked at any figures for it.

Also good to mention, that Linux is good for doing system recoveries too for this reason! Even if you happen to not be a big fan of the terminal.


The good thing is that hardware support is far better than it was in '94. Also, many distros have live versions, which allow to check it out without installing.

If you have a fairly robust 64-bit system, you can even try out installations inside a VM, like Oracle's VirtualBox. Personally, I dislike systemd, which to me seems like an attempt to obfuscate things in a manner like the Windows registry, which is why I've gone with Devuan.

bingst Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

Aww, but troubleshooting systemd units is so convenient!

Yes, I know, I know. I'm weird. I also like pineapple on my pizza. And I like katsup on my eggs.


Things have progressed significantly since 1994! Modern linux distros are packed with functionality and compatibility. I would recommend to anyone who is "coming back" try a Debian-based distro to see if it plants a bug, such as straight Debian or one of the Ubuntu flavors. They're really pretty stellar. Slackware still has a niche but it's minor.

Shawno1972 Level 7 Apr 19, 2018

Aside from being very bloated, I can't stand Ubuntu's interface.

@bingst It went all Windows 8.

@alxa Is that it? I've never used anything above Vista, and that only recently. 😛

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