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Working in a major retailer in a major city and tourist area is emotionally draining for me. Every day it's non-stop dealing with people who don't speak the language, abusive locals, and outrageous amounts of theft. A week ago a customer complained about a new tattoo that I got and I was told to cover it up at work. I normally wouldn't make a big deal about it, but a day later a customer called me a " fucking bitch " because I refused to sell alcohol without proper ID. That's pretty much my problem in a nutshell. Customers treat us like shit and management sides with them every time. I'm thinking of just working enough hours to keep my benefits and doing sex work on the side to make ends meet. A radical solution to be sure, but I'm comfortable with it. I haven't really made my mind up for sure, I just needed to vent.

Islandgurl 6 Jan 11
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I feel ya

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Jan 12, 2019

Do you really think you'll be treated better , as a sex worker ? In real life , the sex workers are the ones serial killers chose , because they won't be missed . You hang out on the streets at night , with the homeless , also serial murders choices , same reason . Won't be missed .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 12, 2019

I'm sorry. It sucks. Been there. I was in retail up until a few months ago and I had the same experience. My situation was a little better in that the management, for the most part, had the staffs backs. I don't miss it. But I am watching my niece come home each day telling me about the ugly natured people she has to deal with as a swimming pool life guard. (in Australia). Ugly is ugly I guesse all around the world. Hang in there.

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Posted by AmiSueWalking in traffic.

Posted by KojaksmomYep, it's always this way!

Posted by AmiSueAh! Winter. When corporate lets you close the store only after the roads are closed.

Posted by AmiSueIn a nutshell.

Posted by josh_karpfWhat music do you/must you work to?

Posted by josh_karpfWhat music do you/must you work to?

Posted by RavenCTI thought of you guys when I saw this one

Posted by josh_karpfI've been away from the site for months, so Christmastime seemed perfect for coming back.

Posted by AmiSueBy the skin of my teeth... My store is trashed. I was cussed at, yelled at, and disrespected in all manner of ways. We made the goddamn sales plan :)

Posted by idlopalevBack to work pulling Uboats to stock shelves today

Posted by idlopalevFirst rule of Pharmacy training X the opened bottles

Posted by idlopalevLet my Bays be in one piece after my day off. Please!

Posted by idlopalevLet my Bays be in one piece after my day off. Please!

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

Posted by idlopalevNext two days off Yay

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