11 4

Have you ever just lost your self control when someone is babbling pseudoscientific bullshit in your presence? I once was in the dressing room changing after a play. A fellow actor who had been spouting woo saw me putting on antiperspirant looked at me and told me that I should not use that stuff because it causes cancer. I lost it and gave an angry rant about credulity, pseudoscience, and the lack of critical thinking in our country. Of course, I looked like the asshole.

Jlangston70 7 July 10
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I'm not afraid to out myself as an asshole. They're gonna figure that out anyway. At least they'll know me as an asshole with a healthy bullshit filter.
In all seriousness, you are never wrong for correcting the delision, nonsense and woo you encounter in your daily life. In my opinion, you're only wrong if you accept that which you know is bullshit.

Jthurston2 Level 6 Aug 24, 2018

Even a knowing smile and shake of the head can illicit a tirade. I now know how the Homo-Sapiens must of felt.

You know how the homo sapiens must have felt?
Lol... I imagine you know exactly how homo sapiens feel.


Been there. Its usually not helpful, but I've been there brother.

JeffB Level 6 July 12, 2018

I bite my tongue and walk away shaking my head when the stupidity gets to be more than I can handle, usually.


I have to admit that I dumped a long time very good friend over it. She told me about this great new book "The Secret" based on the philosophy that wishing for things makes them happen. There had been others things, but that was the last straw.


Not yet, I get pretty amazed though.


No. I have not lost my cool, but I have a coworker who raves about essential oils. It's only a matter of time. For now, I just point out that they do nothing but offer fragrance.

JimG Level 8 July 10, 2018

Oh my good googly, I had a co-worker once who wouldn't shut up about how she'd cured her son's athsma by placing a drop of essential oils on his heel.
She said it was absorbed through his foot. Eventually I had to ask her how she thought that would work. If you get thirsty do you dip your foot in a puddle?
Unfortunately I lost some much-needed brownie points, as she was in charge of HR.


Rarely, but yes. And rather than lose it, I usually make the person look pretty silly.

Mitch07102 Level 8 July 10, 2018

Never lost my self-control... just maybe temporarily my faith in the sanity of the human race.

He probably read something about aluminum and deodorant and got locked in on it. He never read about the studies that debunked the rumor. I've known people who thought that vitamin E was an aphrodisiac or that eating eggs was a death sentence. And of course, giving your kids vaccines will make them autistic.
Oh, and the reason that we have climate change is that the earth is getting closer to the sun. (It is but it will take a few billion years.)

Einstein once said, "There are two things that are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity...and I'm not too sure about the Universe." 🙂

Heraclitus Level 8 July 10, 2018

You have to speak up. Otherwise people might think you agree, or at least, don't disagree.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 10, 2018

That's right.


Yeah, I've given lectures on climate science, Chem trail bullshit, homeopathy crap and healing with crystals nonsense. Sometimes, you can only put up with so much.

zeuser Level 9 July 10, 2018
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