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I don’t know is but the beginning
By J. L. Young

I am here looking at the stars, my back to the world. A thought comes to mind. Could I have been a mouse scurrying about on one of those far-flung planets? Or has my soul always been a human one destined to walk this wet dust ball eternally?

Could the soul be some programming language yet deciphered? Could that information have been stored in our DNA making us different from all the other beastly creatures? To what end?

Who is the programmer? Could there have been a need that required a simplistic, yet clever invention, like the barbed wire fence?

Could it be that we humans are shaping this planet for another race of beings? Could it be we are nothing but slaves with the illusion of free-will instilled by our teachings, driving the terraforming effort forward? Are we to invent the machines that accelerate our planet’s warming? Are we to simply asphyxiate when the carbon dioxide displaces the oxygen when there’s no more need for us?

I don’t know.

Perhaps the world around us is the programmer and this is some cosmic waiting room. Every creature and plant on this planet is waiting. Waiting for what? To be upgraded like a person stuck in coach. I am certain I’m not qualified to answer that question.

In our cleverness, we have invented ways to produce the answers we are not qualified to answer. We have formed disciplines to answer those very questions. We call these disciplines, Science.

Some formed religion as a method to answer them and accepted that we humans are not meant to know. In some religions, we are forbidden to know and accepted that it is the will and wisdom of some other being.

I don’t know is but the beginning of knowledge. We live in a world best described as paradise, but it isn’t without its flaws. We, humans, are one of the Earth’s flaws, but we have the ability and the knowledge to make our world and ourselves better.

Gohan 7 Apr 2
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We humans are so diverse, often working at odds with one another: with different understandings and abilities.
So many variables at play and we’re traditionally slow learners, still getting stressed from old hunting responses that kept us alive years ago, still adapting to an abundance of food, some with little or no nutritional value.
Time will tell if the paradigm shift to managing to live in an enclosed biosphere with finite resources will come before our extinction. Some have hoarded wealth for themselves and their families, and those at least are likely to make it, if they are resourceful and forward thinking enough.
If we turn it around enough for my nephews to live well I will be happy.


i don't doubt that a lot of politicians were rats & weasels scurrying around a planet in an alternate universe.


Interesting Idea. I have wondered what we are contributing to the Universe, so far I am at the point where the only thing I can come up with is to supply beer to our new overlords.

Maybe that's it.

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