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I am working on a court document. My ideal is:
making the explination of biblical god to show modern scientific understanding of observability that a Richard Dawkins mind virus evolving into a person as the theme of biblical text that indicates how Jesus character come about. So then I have grounds for showing what a biblical style god is, and request (if a legal demand is possible) requiring the Judge to then show exactly what, who or how this god is all about that they have "In God We Trust".

I know, most people here are not well educated on biblical text. One reason I have the discussion group "Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity " is because I understand biblical theme that most Christians don't understand.

As I have explained to people, the reason I left Christianity is because it can be observed that the major theme of biblical text is, that of, a mind virus organism as explained by Richard Dawkins that developed and evolved as a cognition based organism that by natural means which can be seen on a small scale of brainless slime mould cognition and zombie ant fungus parasite controlling cognition of ant for reproductive purposes is a way to understand Jesus character on a larger organism scale of homo sapian. We have natural view to understand how Jesus character come about, and after explaining the biblical style God observation, I request the Judge to by what ever means, natural, legal or supernatural, have the "God" of their "In God we Trust" brought to the court hearing to show and document what or who this God is for documentation on public record. Request government to give clarification of sorts, Is this god in which you trust a biblical style mind virus that is supposed to evolve into another Jesus style god? Or is this "American" god completely different than the biblical Jesus, Angelic lord of host Lucifer the devil style God?

It would help if anyone could assist with getting things articulated well. Or, at least suggestions.

Word 8 Apr 23
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As Congress were the ones to add, ‘In God We Trust’ to the constitution you may be better off addressing them.


Or you could contact the Humanist Society and see how their work in this is going?


I have wondered how I might could use this. "The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP or DOTROIP[1])[note 1][2] is a non-legally binding resolution passed by the United Nations in 2007. Wikipedia "

@Word what do you mean by use it?


@girlwithsmiles just to give a written historical documentation of an account that shows how this European invastion "America " government is not indigenous and limits the freedoms of life once enjoyed by the origional indigenous inhabitants. Taxes on property, business and income and other things to be done away with.

From an essay: "remarks concerning the savages of north America ". By Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper European invador decend Benjamin Franklin.

The Indian Men when young are Hunters and Warriors; when old, Counsellors; for all their Government is by Counsel of the Sages; there is no Force there are no Prisons, no Officers to compel Obedience, or inflict Punishment.—Hence they generally study Oratory; the best Speaker having the most Influence. The Indian Women till the Ground, dress the Food, nurse and bring up the Children, & preserve & hand down to Posterity the Memory of public Transactions. These Employments of Men and Women are accounted natural & honorable, Having few artificial Wants, they have abundance of Leisure for Improvement by Conversation.

@Word mmm interesting. England was also once a land without lords and overseers. So long ago I doubt any of us would want to return to that way of life.

It sounds like Franklin gave a very lovely account of pre colonial North America, however to go back in time is, unfortunately, an impossibility. There may be other accounts like his, but although a great dream, I think the closest way to live like that would be to, ‘go bush’ in a verdant spot of land with plenty of food.

I’ve thought about building communal housing, like that available for students, for older adults. With shared recreational spaces, gardens and gyms, but it’s all a lot of work without a team of like minded people to help.
Living together saves on heating/ air cooling. Modern buildings can have intelligent eco design included, and many of us feel lonely and disconnected, plus housing is expensive.

But to go back to a time where ownership didn’t exist? I don’t think the land and business owners would allow it.

@girlwithsmiles I am not trying to go back "bush", but rather fix such laws of capitalism slavery that restricts freedom for everyone and everything. Patent laws are a good examples of enslaving people because an inventor holds technology for their single personal gain rather than providing that everyone has full access free from capitalism slavery so that everyone can enjoy the latest and greatest of technological "luxuries" only currently available to the "rich". Does everyone have full access to the latest and great smart phone with fullness of communication capabilities?

@Word well no, but do we need them; for most also no.

It might be worth doing some work looking at the revival minimalist movement. These guys do some really interesting work.

It doesn’t work both ways. The guys that feed off the endless churning out of new tech are doing it for the money. If they had to give it away there would be much less interest in the endless creation of new products.

Who really needs the newest product anyway, as you say only the rich can afford and they don’t really need it most of the time, it’s a status symbol.

The Native Americans were happy, in that they did what they needed to survive and then enjoyed being craftsmen and each other’s company.

There is modern slavery, unfortunately, probably the worst current example being, due to their mass, but it’s never good to have no liberty:


Obviously depending who and where we are born it can feel as if we are forced to perform in a way that is compliant in order to be able to eat and provide shelter, especially where there is no free land and affordable housing, however we can hardly compare our lot to that of the people currently experiencing what some call genocide in China 🙁

The constant need to create new stuff is one of the reasons we’ve got the cycle. To break free and still be able to support ourselves, that’s the challenge!

To be able to afford great shoes that last 15 years a time, and no one hassle you about being fashionable, yet having the cobbler there in 15 years for a new pair, will put people out of work. The recreation industry only goes so far to filling the gap.

@girlwithsmiles I know, no one asked for existence. Nothing is by any mean equal or right and fair to all. Man with one shoe met a man with only one foot.

Many slaves driven to their death and their dead bodies burned in great wall of China.

I am just in the mist of experiencing life as being enslaved forced by evil wickedness with no freedom and no apparent hope for freedom to have goodness and experience goodness and freedom of goodness free from such evil wickedness.

And many have lived their entire lives never knowing freedom.

Well history has built what we have now too, yes.
But like the minimalists say, the start is to appreciate what you do have, even if it’s a bridge to sleep under and a soup van that visits, it’s a mindset change that helps you move forwards.

Looking after yourself is also the first step of first aid, you don’t want to follow in the electrocuted person’s footsteps. You have to see the bad situation and try and avoid it.

Once you have a safe place and food, can be somewhat healthy, even just in mind, you have something to be thankful for. If you can hear birds singing, see trees and plants etc even better.
I know it sounds wishy washy, but appreciating the basics does help you see where can can make changes and where your energies are best spent.

The UN have made a start and the US did eventually come to the party with the agreement that you cited.
Acknowledging the harm done and history helps us move on. But there is much to be done and one person can do most by meeting like minds and taking action together, trying to move these things on your own is going to be very time consuming and the expert groups have teams dedicated to making the changes that you’re hoping for already.

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