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If a book were to be proclaimed to be the most important book ever written........

What would it have to be about for you to agree?

Secular_Squirrel 7 Oct 14
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It would be very difficult to propagate a book of universal appeal. Take the success of the bible or the koran. These marketing tools backed by massive organisations that claim these publications successes. Yet perhaps they are the most unread books. They are important by their very existance and not their content.
When I approached a couple of christian church organisations for their environmental policies I expected them to hand me a bible instead there response was just that the have none.

@Secular_Squirrel Your original statement
"If a book were to be proclaimed to be the most important book ever written 。。。“
but now you claim that universal appeal is unimportant。

Obviously the implication of the phrase "most important book ever written" is that it had universal appeal or resonance. How else would you evaluate its importance?

I do not doubt that you are "pretty good at finding the core to a problem". Your claim that " have found a significant core that all of the world's biggest problems share" could do with some explanation.

Your allusion to "certain personality traits" is rather vague.


There a couple of problematic absolutes in your question. For example, using the word "ever" opens your question up through infinity. How can we anticipate what will happen throughout infinity? Therefore some constraints are needed to qualify an answer. A book of universal knowledge handed to us from our first alien visitors would be the most important book in the human epoch up to that moment.

kensmile4u Level 8 Oct 14, 2018

@Secular_Squirrel Your responding comment provided the constraints needed to have a constructive dialogue which meet your expectation. IMHO people on this site think in possible and impossible dimensions.

@Secular_SquirrelI I applaud your desire to learn. Here is a link to an article from Discover magazine which is titled the "25 Greatest Scientific Books of All Time". IMHO Science books are the most important category of books because they are products of the scientific method of inquiry which defines the arc of knowledge throughout history. The article has Darwin's 'The Origin of The Species" at number one. I would place Newton's "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" at number one because it had a more universal impact on the arc of knowledge.



A book that taught people how to be genuinely content in life regardless of material circumstances.

skado Level 9 Oct 14, 2018

Wrong premise. Right up front we have the problem of 'important in what respect and to whom?' As for my agreeing, it could be about anything as long as it was the most pertinent book ever written on whatever subject. There is no objective way to answer a question like this.

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