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Read my new column, "A Tempest In A Tea Pot." In Issues & Alibis magazine:

uncle-ernie 7 Mar 8
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I totally agree with your opinion with how our politicians are bought and paid for by the corpratocracy. We are a fascist state. I am a student of history and what our politicians are doing is very similar with how Hitler and Mussolini ruled. Your reference to our POS past presidents are extremely accurate. I too am an independent and do not have any respect for either party. I don't vote anymore because it's useless. The end is near my friend for this country. We print endless amounts of money to support our war machine which only benefits the banksters and the military industrial complex. Read "War is a Racket" by Smedley Butler. I too am retired military and if I knew than what I know now, I would have never joined.

Mojo1998 Level 5 Mar 8, 2019

Smedley, is a hero of mine, yes there was an RA in front of my number too, my dumb ass! Poli-sci, history major, myself.

@uncle-ernie thanks for turning me onto issues and alibis. Seems like an interesting site!


i'll take a look


I come from a Jewish background and found nothing Omar said offensive in any way. There is a grand difference between being critical of Israel and antisemitism. She has not crossed that line. Not once. Not even close. She did come close to dredging up a trope or two, but I don't fault her for that either. Also, I found what she said to be basically true. She may have embellished a couple of things in her criticisms, but I think even that was minimal. As for PACs and lobbyists, they should have their presence in the halls of the Congress and their directed funds (donations and bribes) eliminated. If certain interest groups want to influence policy, legislation, and elections, let them do it through taking their issues to the public and let the public take those issues to their representatives and senators. Monies for supporting candidates should also all come from the same source and there should be a fixed cap on amounts allowed without consideration of the source.

Good article with points well articulated. Thanks, Ernie....

You're welcome, and thank you, for your kind words! It's bad enough that our Con-gress is owned by American corporations but I have to draw a line when other countries are pulling our strings be they North Korea, Saudi-Arabia, Russia, Israel or dozens of others. As to religion, as an Atheist, I hold all religions equally in scorn, although some are funnier that others, Oh, perhaps I should mention that my deceased wife, Carolyn, was a Jew, but like mosts Jews I know, she too was an Atheist. Peace!

@uncle-ernie -- Most of us grow into atheism somewhere along the line. I'm one of the fortunate ones who discovered this early, though I went along with some of the rigamarole for a time. Habits and all that. Anyway, happily atheist for 60 years now.

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