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The Aylleth sisters, part 1.

Imagination is an important aspect of life, just as much as wonderment is, and the sense of being adventurous in the mundane. Yet life seems to hold all of that in it's nonfiction of reality.

Sitting in the public library at the moment, staring out of the window casually, to the farthest this eyes sight will take the vision of the mind, seeing all the way towards the back of some main street business which entices the immigration to flourish with ideas to formulate fictitious scenes of local business owners or employees proceeding on with chaotic instances of moments of which they would experience during their daily lives. Then looking up at the cloudy, grey winter sky, and thinking of all the questions, in which many have pondered, of the very existence of something that could be so simple, yet is so complicated. Or just even the imagination of what could be out there.

"Then mommy said we can get some ice cream later!" Yet, then the reality sets in, being taken back to Earth through the sounds of restless kids waiting for their mom to get off the computer, the sounds of a computer saying to any listening of how the computer has been compromised, "Your computer information has been..." and the library staff attempting to resolve the problem. "What happened?" A man telling another person of how he shouldn't not be on a phone, due to his circumstance of being in a library."..gonna be at the library for most of the day." An elderly man is being taught to say simple words of the English language, by a women who appears to be in her 50's. "R and then a Y..." A baby crying, the baby's whines penetrating the general whir of the average day of this local library. Taking up the whole moment, and that's what life seems to be, all of us living our separate lives within the same moment. Yet all of us within this building being drawn in some degree and in someway towards the baby's wail from across this small library, all of us sharing that moment.

Life is made up of a serious of never ending moments, yet there are powerful moments, that once pass become embedded into our mind, moments so special that just experiencing the moment seems to slow down time, and reveals the faintest inkling of information of the future. Hopefully a bright future mind you, yet not always so, and even comes to pass to some without the passion to pursue such a moment. Most tend to regret it later. Special moments seem to appear on what is typically a normal day, and to Alverstin Aylleth, it was such a day.

TCorCM 7 Jan 29
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