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These are the fastest growing groups this week!

Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening

This groups is for people who identify as Ethical Vegans -- Veganism - as defined by the Vegan Society -- is as follows: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to ...
Topics: Activism, Animals / Pets, Environment, Drink / Food / Diet, Philosophy
99 members, 229 posts, Last Activity: Jun 29, 2024

Conservative Bashers

This is a group where you can safely come to bash any conservative group, individual or action. No trolling is allow.
123 members, 1,312 posts, Last Activity: Jul 4, 2024

Uncommon words and their meanings.

Posting uncommon words and their meaning. Expanding your vocabulary.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Education, Hobbies /Interests, Happiness / Self Improvement
503 members, 6,364 posts, Last Activity: Jul 5, 2024

Laughter is medicine

All humour is welcome including philosophical satire,taken with a grain of salt. Political jokes and satire are catered for elsewhere so please refraim from posting here. Enjoy a...
61 members, 428 posts, Last Activity: Jun 30, 2024

Environment, Ecology and Sustainability

Articles and debate of interest for the preservation of the environment globally.
Topics: Activism, Charity, Economics / Social Sciences, Environment, Science
317 members, 725 posts, Last Activity: Jul 1, 2024

Food Glorious Food

A group to share recipes, ideas, styles of cooking, and virtual dinners. Please note that you have to press the join group button to be able to contribute. I do not want negative ...
Topics: Creativity, Family, Drink / Food / Diet, Health, Happiness / Self Improvement
1,440 members, 2,380 posts, Last Activity: Jul 4, 2024

Gun Control Now in 5 hours, 38 mins

Real gun and lethal weapon, control. Ban assault weapons large volume magazines and safer hand guns. This is not to ban all guns, and lethal weapons, but to promote more training ...
Topics: Activism
918 members, 1,678 posts, Last Activity: Jul 2, 2024


FreeThinkers is a community devoted to questioning all aspects of life and promoting the process of thinking outside the box. This community is designed to allow everyone to ...
2,660 members, 1,573 posts, Last Activity: Jul 2, 2024

50s +

Are you 50 or older and would like the company of folks who remember the world before social media? Come join us, and feel free to share anything thats relevant to our stage of ...
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Creativity, Health, Humor, Happiness / Self Improvement
1,652 members, 1,572 posts, Last Activity: Jul 4, 2024

Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter

Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. Look deeper: ...
Topics: Activism, Economics / Social Sciences, Environment, History, Politics / Political Ideology
2,435 members, 4,196 posts, Last Activity: Jul 2, 2024


I like Quotes, they are powerful, so share the power.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, History, Humor, Other, Philosophy
2,124 members, 6,445 posts, Last Activity: Jul 5, 2024

Just for Laughs

This is a group to share your joke, humorous cartoon, photo or story. Or just a place to visit if you just want to take the lighter side of things and laugh a little. We invite ...
3,292 members, 35,755 posts, Last Activity: Jul 5, 2024

Topic of the day

This group is primarily for "Topic-of-the-day" type posts. Please note that "Topic-of-the-day" posts are often on controversial topics may contain some positional bias in hope to ...
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences, Politics / Political Ideology
93,008 members, 26 posts, Last Activity: Jul 5, 2024

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