
No more war

For those who are antiwar. Who are able to criticise all or any side. Who are disgusted at the profiteering war provides some. A place to post the consequences of war. A place ...
50 members, 239 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024


For people who want advice or help with aches and pains that they are experiencing.
Topics: Fitness, Drink / Food / Diet, Health, Other, Happiness / Self Improvement
37 members, 67 posts, Last Activity: Jun 27, 2024


For people who love reading, no matter of the subject.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests
18 members, 21 posts, Last Activity: Apr 13, 2024

Minority Heathens

This group is for those that want to discuss the unique challenges that go along with being a religious minority within an ethnic minority group (double whammy). This group is NOT ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Career, Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences
63 members, 89 posts, Last Activity: Jul 17, 2024


A place to share and discuss music related to classical, baroque, opera ... as wide as you want to make it! Crossover welcome.
Topics: Art, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests, Music, Society / Culture
131 members, 1,867 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Conservative Bashers

This is a group where you can safely come to bash any conservative group, individual or action. No trolling is allow.
126 members, 1,354 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Atheists for Liberty

Atheists for Liberty is a 501c3 educational, nonprofit dedicated to fighting for and sustaining individual rights and the separation of religion & government. We work to defend the...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Career, Charity, Debate / Argument
110 members, 16 posts, Last Activity: Apr 4, 2024

American Atheists (Fans)

This is a group for fans of the American Atheists organization. Since 1963, American Atheists has protected the absolute separation of religion from government, raised the profile...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Fan Groups, Politics / Political Ideology
288 members, 1 post, Last Activity: Apr 2, 2024

Uncommon words and their meanings. in 23 hours, 53 mins

Posting uncommon words and their meaning. Expanding your vocabulary.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Education, Hobbies /Interests, Happiness / Self Improvement
504 members, 6,393 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024


Meet others and chat. We try to welcome anyone who wants to chat. We know you are overtired and it can make you feel ghastly. All sorts of topics go - but good behavior is...
Topics: Animals / Pets, Family, Health, Hobbies /Interests
561 members, 1,698 posts, Last Activity: Jul 17, 2024

All Things Astronomy

Like NPR "All Things Considered" with a focus on astronomy and space topics to include... literally any object or phenomenon above Earth's atmosphere. (PLEASE abstain from posting ...
Topics: Hobbies /Interests, Science, Technology
731 members, 754 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.

Funny, & cute things we see, read, or hear, that don't fit other categories.
Topics: Animals / Pets, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Humor
924 members, 1,408 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Music Fans

This is a group dedicated to music lovers. Post your favorite songs here. Please post songs with the name or the artist and the song title. It helps when people are browsing ...
Topics: Music
1,281 members, 39,954 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

World Music

A group to share great music with others of any type from around the world, and of any language, and taste. Everyone is welcome to join! Just keep in mind that there are other ...
Topics: Music
1,337 members, 4,216 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Food Glorious Food

A group to share recipes, ideas, styles of cooking, and virtual dinners. Please note that you have to press the join group button to be able to contribute. I do not want negative ...
Topics: Creativity, Family, Drink / Food / Diet, Health, Happiness / Self Improvement
1,444 members, 2,380 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Real Intimacy

A forum for women and men to exchange thoughts about intimacy and relationships. Frank and explicit discussions about real life topics.
Topics: Relationships / Dating, Happiness / Self Improvement
1,850 members, 604 posts, Last Activity: Jul 15, 2024


I like Quotes, they are powerful, so share the power.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, History, Humor, Other, Philosophy
2,133 members, 6,494 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Introverts Unite!

A group for introvert discussions. Feel free to post memes, links, music, anything you like. The only group rule I have is don’t be an ass.
Topics: Happiness / Self Improvement
2,001 members, 1,295 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter

Take skepticism to the next level. Question our political and economic orthodoxy! Capitalism has become more doctrinaire and destructive than religion. Look deeper: ...
Topics: Activism, Economics / Social Sciences, Environment, History, Politics / Political Ideology
2,443 members, 4,198 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Memes R Us

A place to post memes. Bad taste is encouraged, but not mandatory. No porn!
Topics: Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Career, Creativity, Humor, News
3,012 members, 69,903 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024


FreeThinkers is a community devoted to questioning all aspects of life and promoting the process of thinking outside the box. This community is designed to allow everyone to ...
2,667 members, 1,574 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

Just for Laughs

This is a group to share your joke, humorous cartoon, photo or story. Or just a place to visit if you just want to take the lighter side of things and laugh a little. We invite ...
3,301 members, 35,974 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Topic of the day

This group is primarily for "Topic-of-the-day" type posts. Please note that "Topic-of-the-day" posts are often on controversial topics may contain some positional bias in hope to ...
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences, Politics / Political Ideology
93,236 members, 0 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

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