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Not quite sure how to react to this .
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 16, 2022:
I have heard of these mites before. They especially like to live around the bases of our eyebrow hairs. 😂 It's a type symbiosis called commensalism: one organism benefits from living on or in another without doing its host any harm.
Monologue: Substance Over Style | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 14, 2022:
I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing Trumpty Dumpty and his acolytes get their asses reamed. 😂
Why do atheists hate God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 14, 2022:
The accusation is baseless. Atheists don't hate God. Why would anyone expend precious emotional energy on something that has no existence?
Evidently, putting googly eyes on my parent's picture of Jesus...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 13, 2022:
It's a good meme, but I would have written the text a little differently. Apparently, putting googly eyes on my parents' portrait of Jesus is "not funny;" it's "blasphemous." You really notice the difference if you read the two texts out loud.
Letters From An American
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Fight neo fascism everywhere! Support Ukraine!
😲😲😲😲 OH HELL NO.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 12, 2022:
It's deeply disgusting but not all that surprising. I hope those cops are fired, arrested, and jailed for assault.
Photos of Brazilian evangelicalism - The Washington Post
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 12, 2022:
Christian missionaries fanned out across the globe to spread their brain rot. And, unfortunately, they have met with some success.
FFRF meme
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 12, 2022:
ECS was a wise woman!
Behind-The-Scenes Stories From 'Schindler's List' Spielberg Took No Salary For Making The Movie ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 10, 2022:
Great movie. It never ceases to amaze me that Holocaust denial is actually a thing.
Flat earthers looked for this eclipse to prove that they are right.🤣🤣
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 9, 2022:
Now that's what I call a shadow of doubt! 🤣
If you believe….
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 9, 2022:
I remember the story and how there were supposedly clues embedded in the Magically Mystery Tour album ("I am the walrus" supposedly meaning Paul was dead, "dragged a comb across my head" supposedly meaning a head injury, etc.), and the White Album (Revolution Number Nine played backwards sounds like "turn me on dead man). Of course it was all bullshit, but the harmless fun of it contrasts sharply with the decidedly nasty and dangerous lies from anti-vaxxers, neo-fascist seditionists, conspiracy theorists, and general self-promoters we are inundated with today.
Some sad news for Agnostics Members….
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 9, 2022:
Death don't have no mercy in this land. So sorry.
DeSantis Ad Implies He Was Chosen By God | Twitter Bans Users For Impersonating Elon Musk - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 8, 2022:
In all fairness, DiSantis IS a sanctimonious turd.
Anti-bullying is just bullying the bullies. And I wouldn't ever stand for that.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 8, 2022:
Vladimir Putin is a bully, and I'm ALL in favor of the International Criminal Court bullying him right into a hangman's noose.
I realize many don't like Dawkins, but one can learn some Portuguese Spanish... []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 8, 2022:
I like Dawkins 😎👍 (The subtitles are in Portuguese, not Spanish.)
So let's break down this quote.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 7, 2022:
Good use of emojis 😎👍
In Indiana, a legal victory for religious liberty over fetal personhood
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 6, 2022:
The right answer to one of the most important questions of our time 😎👍
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 4, 2022:
Amazing, isn't it, how a crazy fever dream like replacement theory can turn a country upside down?
Beware of killer robots! []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 3, 2022:
Sounds like bullshit.
Bolsonaro Mob Rallies Outside Army HQ Demanding Military Coup
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 3, 2022:
We will very likely see the same asinine shit here in 2024, if not later this month. My message to those who would replace democracy with fascism: be careful what you wish for!
Why doesn't the IRS care when churches endorse candidates from the pulpit?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Nov 1, 2022:
Revoke the tax-exempt status of every church, synagogue, mosque, and temple that violates the Johnson Act!
Something I posted on my FB page 9 years ago, thank you Robert Heinlein Shared with Your friends...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 31, 2022:
This is why I feel like a stranger in a strange land.
It's the American way.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 31, 2022:
How about the Arizona woman who was jailed for "ballot harvesting?" She turned in 4 ballots for 4 friends.
Fall bivalent boosters: Science update round 2 YLE 10/30/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Good to know that the updated vaccines are more effective, even if they take a little longer to stimulate production of bivalent antibodies. 😎👍
"Stop pimping out your friend," I replied. "This is an old scam."
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Right out of the gate they're asking you for contact outside the security of the site. That is a flapping red flag. It's obviously a scam. There is no "friend."
It's the American way.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 30, 2022:
Ronald Reagan's "trickle down" economics (in a nutshell, tax cuts for the rich) is to the middle class what a colony of termites is to a fallen tree trunk. They both have a hollowing effect. Every Republican Administration since Reagan has followed Ronnie's fiscal lead to some degree, most notably his Royal Orange Foolius Himself. The Done Cheato gave the wealthy a tax break that would have made Reagan blush. As a kid the only time I ever saw beggars and homeless people was when my dad took me on fishing trips Mexico. Now they're part of the American landscape. Way to go, GOP!
It's my sixth day of work, down at the election Polls, and I got into a fight with a Party Of ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Ty is a dick and you were right to counter his line of bullshit. Glad things didn't turn out worse. Carry on. 😎👍
Wang Wenbin: "The US 2022 Nuclear Posture Review smacks heavily of Cold War & zero-sum mentality.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 29, 2022:
Funny (not really) the only ones threatening use of nuclear weapons are Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un
Catholic diocese agrees to secular oversight after botching sex abuse cases
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 28, 2022:
They should lose their charter and be dissolved. Bulldoze their buildings and put in a community garden.
Tasmanian Marist Catholic IT worker pleads guilty to sexually exploiting multiple young girls ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Sad all the way around.
Forum - "Gender Neutral Language" by Karen Lynn Humanist Association of Toronto [meetup.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 28, 2022:
I don't do virtual events. But ya'll have fun!
Christian hate-preacher: We'd be 'lucky' if Hitler killed 6 million Jews
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 28, 2022:
The shithead managed to combine rank anti-Semitism with Holocaust denial in one sentence.
Yikes: 45% of Americans say the U.S. should be a 'Christian Nation'
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Christian nationalism is an important component of the fascist MAGA movement. It's all very disturbing.
At long last the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, succinctly expresses what is thought by many ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 28, 2022:
Placing the white dove of peace and Putin's name on the same page is an exercise in contrast, a clash of opposing ideas, a cognitive dissonance, a tasteless joke.
Fuck Your Criminal Court.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 27, 2022:
Alito, Gursuch, Kavenaugh, Coney-Barret, and Thomas all ascended to the Supreme Court on lies.
(regarding events that took place around 1940): Introducing Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 27, 2022:
I've been listening. It's a very relevant and timely history lesson. 😎👍👍
Computer tempest in a teapot. You will laugh at this.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 26, 2022:
Congratulations 👏👏👏
A better booster campaign YLE 10/24/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
I've had 2 boosters already. I don't have a problem getting a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th,...
Just so some Americans can read that not everyone agrees with them.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
So far in this discussion, 22 points have been awarded to various interlocutors, but none to poor, bedraggled, Frayed Bear. The people: 22 Frayed Bear: 0 The people have spoken! 😂
Just so some Americans can read that not everyone agrees with them.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
Pretty presumptuous assertion. Or idiotic. Or both. Whatever. BTW, are you actually thinking that anyone here would take seriously anything published by RT? 😂
Jaimee Harris "Missing Someone" I've seen her at Woodyfest twice in each year she gets better.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2022:
Pretty easy on the ears 🤠
How do you respond to the question "Do you believe in God?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Depending on the context in which the question is asked,... They pay me to teach you biology, not my personal beliefs. Belief is irrelevant. Who wants to know? Why do you ask? Which one? I see no evidence that I should. Hahaha! No.
We read the Gab founder's how-to guide to Christian nationalism.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 24, 2022:
Torba's shitty book is on the best seller list? 🤮
Local church rebukes Christian Nationalists
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 24, 2022:
It's a well-written document. Unfortunately, not many Christian nationalists are likely to take heed. They're going to have to learn the hard way.
Tim Allen Blowing Minds With His PROOF God Is Real - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 24, 2022:
What a moron 😂
"Religious Freedom" is Neither - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 23, 2022:
Nice summary of the current situation 😎👍
This is what religion does to people: "Mumbai Man Slit Wife's Throat For Not Wearing Burqa On ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 23, 2022:
There, but for the Constitution and the rule of law, goes America.
Greg Locke's church is so loud, his county may adopt a noise ordinance
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 23, 2022:
First they work themselves up into a frenzy, then break out the gasoline and matches. I can think of several ways this could go sideways. 🔥⛺🔥🤣
Are you feeling tired of endless analysis and specuation?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 22, 2022:
I'm not really in the mood for an endless/pointless article. And if you gave up on it, I'm not even going to start it 🤣
Letters From An American 10/20/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Reagan's supply-side economics was/is bad for average Americans (as Brexit is bad for Brittain), but MAGA, if allowed to take over, will be disastrous. Happily, there are signs that MAGA will not prevail. The Kansas abortion referendum outcome was a welcome surprise. And now a traditionally conservative Oklahoma newspaper is backing a Democratic candidate for the US Senate. These are visible cracks in the MAGA facade. There is reason for hope. 🤞
Shortlisted Award Winners for Comedy Wildlife Photography 2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 21, 2022:
Bullwinkle! Whatsamatta U?😎
As the religiously unaffiliated rise, a new atheist podcast network launches in Los Angeles A new ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
Good for them! I hope they reach a wide audience! 😎👍
Gotta take a bong hit before you go to church.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
I love a good redemption story 😂
Louisiana pastor admits stealing $900,000 from church and congregants | New Orleans | The Guardian
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
All my life (6 decades +) I have seen a steady stream of reports of this kind of behavior (and worse) attributed to Bible thumpers, and yet people continue to fall for their schtick, generation after generation. Amazing!
Two of my favourites in a little skit. Bowie and Gervais. []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
I'm accustomed to thinking about politicians (e.g. Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, et al) in those unsparing terms, but not so much entertainers. However, come to think of it, Kanye West certainly qualifies. And Ted Nugent. Let's see, who else...? 😂
Corporations Using Inflation As Cover To Raise Prices [youtube.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
There is NO DOUBT that corporations are price gouging consumers, and Republicans (and some Democrats) in Congress are enabling that behavior.
The mayhem of religion will continue
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
And Christian nationalists want to make the USA into a fascist theocracy.
God's word
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 20, 2022:
The Bible is full of stuff like that. Not exactly a shining example of moral virtue.
Thankfully Governor Gavin Newsome Blocked Patricia Krenwinkel Parole |
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 19, 2022:
I agree; she should die in prison.
COVID-19 State of Affairs: Your Local Epidemiologist 10/18/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Having already had my second booster (the original Pfizer), what I would really like to know is, is it worthwhile getting one of the newer vaccines designed to target a specific variant?
Insightful Commentary on the net from 'Debra' to Steve Kirsch Steve: you come from the Left (what...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 19, 2022:
Sounds like a lot of anti-vax gobbledygook: long on drama and short on evidence.
Yellow flowers are uplifting. What's your favorite flower color?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 18, 2022:
I don't really have a favorite. I pretty much like them all.
Christian hate-preacher Greg Locke plans book burning on Halloween
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 18, 2022:
So I guess 8 Balls are a big no no for them. I agree most of the stuff they're burning is crap. But burning plastic just fouls the atmosphere with toxic chemicals. I hope they get hit with a fine for polluting the air we breathe.
Jamie Lee Curtis' transgender daughter faces death threats []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 17, 2022:
They're probably motivated by fear of their own latent transgender tendencies 😂
Ricky Gervais Takes On Hitler, Churchill, Gandhi and Anne Frank | Universal Comedy - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 17, 2022:
I’ve just been thinking about all the known religions I can think of and have come to the ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 14, 2022:
The clerical vestments and paraphernalia are meant to symbolize a special relationship with the Sky Daddy. Sounds kinda kinky to me. 🤣
Lawyer fined $400,000 for warning school about predator priest on staff
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 14, 2022:
Lawyers are officers of the court and are bound by strict rules. Rule of law is an imperfect system, but it's better than anarchy. I only hope that no real injustice was done here.
Prosecutors ask jury to recommend death sentence for Parkland shooter.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 14, 2022:
I did not hear the case, so I'm not going to second guess the jury's decision. Let the POS rot in prison.
What Native land are you on? This map shows Indigenous tribes' past territories : NPR
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 10, 2022:
Kumeyaay, at this precise moment.
Visualized: The World's Population at 8 Billion, Map
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 9, 2022:
Very interesting. The last graph, showing the world population in the year 2099, is, I think, very much in doubt. Climate change, and war spurred by same, will likely have a lot to say about whether we ever reach 10 billion. I'll be long dead by then, of course.
COVID deaths higher in Republican states, new study proves
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 9, 2022:
An immensely important study. If only Republicans would read it, understand it, believe it, and act accordingly. But then they would be Democrats! Maybe they could get head transplants...🤣
What was in the documents from the 48 empty folders marked "CLASSIFIED," and where are they now?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
The National Archivist thinks that Done Cheato STILL has not coughed up all the documents. Stay tuned!
A study finally shows how COVID is much deadlier for Republicans.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
I've been waiting for a study like this one to come out. It's still early days; there will be more. I'm betting they will confirm these findings. Parenthetically, it's also great to see Darwin's theory confirmed once again. 🤣
This church’s ‘I ❤️ hot youth pastors’ sticker raises many, many questions
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
There is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
Unholy Catholic Ireland: Despite secular shift, many cling to Catholicism
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
Hopefully Ireland is a bellweather.
The beliefs of and how children will grow up to look at others and accept differences is taught at ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
🌈 Yay! 🌈
Student no longer attending Trinity High School following racist social media post ([wmur.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
It's odd and out of character for the members of the younger generation to exhibit such blatant racism. These kids must have been raised in a very backward environment.
Crimean Kerch Bridge: Excitement and Fear in Ukraine Bridge Blast of Road to Russia
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
Glad to hear the Ukrainians are still kicking Putin's ass.
Has retired US State Senator Richard Black succinctly called out the Nordstream & Ukrainian war ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 8, 2022:
Black is just shooting blanks in the dark. He offers not a shred of evidence to back up his position, which he himself characterizes as a "guess," a "hunch," "speculation." Black totally misrepresents Biden's words, and he totally ignores Russia's (Putin's) obvious motive to destroy the pipeline. Putin is desperate to sow discord in the EU and break the West's will to support Ukraine. What better way than to make every European ask him/herself if helping Ukraine is worth being uncomfortably cold this winter. Without evidence, Black points the finger at his own country and doesn't even acknowledge that Russia had not only a compelling motive, but also the means and opportunity to destroy the pipeline.
Has retired US State Senator Richard Black succinctly called out the Nordstream & Ukrainian war ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I call...
Michael Shermer: Why people believe weird things | TED Talk
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 7, 2022:
I love it! 😂
Obviously. All Republicans are now terrorists. []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 7, 2022:
Most Republicans today either believe Cheato's Big Lie or are so afraid of being tarred and feathered by their own that they parrot the lie or remain silent. These people represent an existential threat to American democracy.
I do not find this funny I will say straight up.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Old Joe is actually doing a pretty good job, whatever you may think of his speech and movement. With Done Cheato every week was "Infrastructure Week," yet he passed no infrastructure bill. Old Joe passed the biggest infrastructure bill in US history. Done Cheato bitched constantly about China but did nothing to reduce our dependence on Chinese products. Old Joe actually did something: he passed the CHIPS Act. Done Cheato emboldened Putin to try and overthrow a sovereign European democracy. Cheato tried to extort a political favor by withholding military aid to Ukraine that had already been approved and paid for by Congress. Cheato did everything he could to alienate our NATO allies. Old Joe reinforced our alliances and now the despot Putin is bogged down and on the ropes. I'll take Biden over Trump every week day and twice on Sundays. 😎👍
Look what I made today! Pear upside-down gingerbread cake.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 5, 2022:
Looks yummy 😍
An Ohio man was arrested for writing a Satirical piece about his local police on Facebook.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 5, 2022:
I heard about this case. It's outrageous. The police are guilty of false imprisonment. All those responsible should be fired and barred from ever putting on a badge in any jurisdiction.
My adventures continue.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 4, 2022:
It is a type of garter snake called a ribbon racer. I've seen dozens of them. They are often up to three feet in length. They may appear longer, but that is due to their slender build. They are very fast, hence the name "racer."
APISTEVIST - Extracts: Someone who rejects using faith as a legitimate method to reach ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 4, 2022:
It's the same root word that we find in the terms "epistle" (a letter or series of letters), and "epistemology" (the study of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope; the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion).
Questioning the Historicity of Christ There are several authors who debate that Christ was not an...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 3, 2022:
It is probable that a philosopher/teacher named Jesus did indeed live in Galilee 2,000 years ago. There are contemporaneous Roman writings indicating this is so. This is not a big deal. It is silly to get hung up on that point.
What do you think of people who refuse to evacuate?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 2, 2022:
They're idiots, but it's all good. Natural selection removes the unfit from the gene pool. 😂
In stunning reversal, TX judge can continue his coercive courtroom prayers
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
One of the 5th circuit judges on this case is Patrick E. Higginbotham. He was appointed to the District Court by Gerald Ford in 1975. He earned his undergrad and law degrees in Alabama. In 1996 Higginbotham upheld upheld the Religious Freedom Restoration Act against the claim that the Act exceeded Congress's powers under the Fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court later reversed the decision. The Act states "Government shall not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability." Another is Edith Jones, who was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1985. She got her BA at Cornell and he law degree at Univ. of Texas. group of civil rights organizations and legal ethicists filed a complaint of misconduct against Jones on June 4, 2013, after she had allegedly said that "racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime" and are "prone to commit acts of violence" that are more "heinous" than members of other ethnic groups.[15][16] According to the complaint, Jones also stated that a death sentence is a service to defendants because it allows them to make peace with God and that she "referred to her personal religious views as justification for the death penalty." Jones allegedly made the remarks during a speech to the University of Pennsylvania Federalist Society. However, the speech was not recorded, and the ethics complaint was based solely on affidavits from audience members. The third is Andy Oldham, a Republican, appointed by Donald Trump in 2018. He got his BA at University of Virginia, his MPhil at University of Cambridge, and his JD at Harvard University. In 2015, Oldham wrote an amicus curiae brief in support of Texas Governor Gregg Abbott's successful challenge of President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals executive order. Oldham has been an adjunct professor at the University of Texas School of Law since 2019. He has been a member of the Federalist Society since 2002. As of this writing I don't know which two voted to endorse Mack's bible thumping from the bench.
In stunning reversal, TX judge can continue his coercive courtroom prayers
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
One of the 5th circuit judges on this case is Patrick E. Higginbotham. He was appointed to the District Court by Gerald Ford in 1975. He earned his undergrad and law degrees in Alabama. In 1996 Higginbotham upheld upheld the Religious Freedom Restoration Act against the claim that the Act exceeded Congress's powers under the Fourteenth Amendment. The Supreme Court later reversed the decision. The Act states "Government shall not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability." Another is Edith Jones, who was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1985. She got her BA at Cornell and he law degree at Univ. of Texas. group of civil rights organizations and legal ethicists filed a complaint of misconduct against Jones on June 4, 2013, after she had allegedly said that "racial groups like African-Americans and Hispanics are predisposed to crime" and are "prone to commit acts of violence" that are more "heinous" than members of other ethnic groups.[15][16] According to the complaint, Jones also stated that a death sentence is a service to defendants because it allows them to make peace with God and that she "referred to her personal religious views as justification for the death penalty." Jones allegedly made the remarks during a speech to the University of Pennsylvania Federalist Society. However, the speech was not recorded, and the ethics complaint was based solely on affidavits from audience members. The third is Andy Oldham, a Republican, appointed by Donald Trump in 2018. He got his BA at University of Virginia, his MPhil at University of Cambridge, and his JD at Harvard University. In 2015, Oldham wrote an amicus curiae brief in support of Texas Governor Gregg Abbott's successful challenge of President Barack Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals executive order. Oldham has been an adjunct professor at the University of Texas School of Law since 2019. He has been a member of the Federalist Society since 2002. Which two ruled in favor of Mack?
In stunning reversal, TX judge can continue his coercive courtroom prayers
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Who appointed the two judges on Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals who ruled in favor of Mack? Are they from the Federalist Society list?
Herschel Walker is ridiculously stupid and childish, there was a time, because he is black, he would...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
It's really sad to see a grown man, an idol to some in the community, make such an ass of himself in public. It goes to show that prowess on the football field does not necessarily translate into wisdom in the public square.
A court in Israel recognizes online civil marriages, even for gay couples, as valid : NPR
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
Why not? After all, it's just a contract between two people.
The sabotage of Nordstream - An international Whodunnit by US lead Terrorists?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 30, 2022:
This has Vlad's fingerprints all over it. He's getting desperate; so desperate he he resorts to rattling the nuclear saber. But he knows he can't actually use it without alienating even the countries that currently tolerate him. His adventure in Ukraine is not going well. He's losing ground; the Russian people are not happy with the call-up of reserves.He's trying to break the will of Western Europe by preventing them from building up gas reserves for the coming winter. But it won't work. The Europeans would rather put up with a temporary inconvenience than allow a cheap thug to grab sovereign territory on their doorstep. They can't afford to let it happen. If they do, it will only embolden the criminal to go further, to take more, to pose a permanent threat.
For Greater Glory - Wikipedia
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 29, 2022:
Remember that the Spanish conquista of the Aztecs, with all its brutality, death, and disease, took place with the blessing of the Catholic Church. Most of the surviving indigenous folk converted to Catholicism, but some memory of what happened to them undoubtedly survived. But the main reason for rebellion against the Church was probably the Bolshevik Revolution. Mexico has, for the last 100 years, flirted with communism. The Mexican Communist Party did not last long; it was absorbed into another party, which was in turn absorbed by another, in their "multiparty" system. I put the word in quotes because in reality the country is run by two competing factions: a corrupt oligarchy and a bunch of narco cartels that fight each other as much as they fight the government (elements of which are bought off by the cartels). But there is still a strong socialist strain in Mexican politics, mostly centered in the present-day party known as the PRD.
I been a yard sale fanatic just about all my life.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 29, 2022:
Recycle, reuse, reduce. Good job!
The Christian Destruction of the Classical World with Catherine Nixey []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 28, 2022:
So Christians of antiquity ignored and destroyed texts that didn't conform to their own precious beliefs. Some things never change. 😂
The more vaccinated countries appear to be doing worse.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 28, 2022:
Who the hell is Michael? The standard for dissemination of information regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines is publication of peer-reviewed articles in reputable scientific journals.
17 dead, 24 wounded in Russia school shooting by gunman with converted pistols and a shirt with ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 27, 2022:
School shootings are now an international plague. I didn't see where this article said anything about a "Ukranian 'Nazi' youth."


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. 🙂
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
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