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Not quite sure how to react to this ... πŸ˜…

This beautiful little creature is called a Demodex. His dimensions are approximately 0.3mm, which means you can’t see him living on your face. Especially on your forehead, nose and chin. He's always there and it will be that way forever. At night, he vigorously mates with females on your face and then she lays her eggs in the pores of your skin. Funniest thing is that the Demodex have no anal orifice to evict. They accumulate and build up to death bursting with feces right on your face. Sweet dreams everyone!

Ryo1 8 Nov 15

Enjoy being online again!

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At least he/she cannot get acne. He/she is ugly enough already..... Throwback thoughts from looking at my own early reflections. He/she probably caused some of my pain. Just getting my own back.


In other words, they are full of shit.

And they explode on your face.

'Ah, just like a republicon.

@MrDragon Perhaps they got in you brain, then exploded.

@Alienbeing. Whatever. You must be a republicon with that kind of response, which would mean that you are full of shit.

@MrDragon the Alien claims to be a Libertarian.

@FrayedBear. Well, his reaction still says republicon. Unless being a dick is his only attribute.

@MrDragon No, I am not a Republican, but all Republicans I know seem much more intelligent than you seem.

Get lost loser.

@FrayedBear "claims"???? Why would I make a false statement about that?

@MrDragon First, learn to spell the political party you distain. Second, and more important "whatever" is an expression used by people who are at a loss for words, i.e. they don't know the subject they are discussing.

Last, get an education, you need it.

@Alienbeing. You first. It's not, (you brain); it's your brain. Don't forget to look in the mirror, asshole. And it's misspelled for a reason which seemed to elude you, so much for being intelligent.

@Alienbeing you first loser.

@Alienbeing, @MrDragon Alien try reading your statements made on "Following discussion elsewhere I have learnt of an American political party hitherto not known to ...".
You may have changed your mind having seen c19 reactions by your preferred political mates but you rarely express any stance.

@MrDragon Your self admiration stops your ability to think. I knew you misspelled purposely, my reply is what went over a head (yours).

As for intelligence, one does not need any intelligence to see you are a numbskull. I suspect your reply will be "whatever".

@FrayedBear If I don't take a stand it is because I either don't care about the writer, or what the writer wrote was not worth a reply.

In your case it is almost always that you aren't worth a reply.

@MrDragon "You first loser"? Did you learn that remarkable reply in third grade just before dropping out of school?

Maybe you didn't drop out, perhaps schools dropped you.

You're not very good at recovering from your own mistakes that make you look foolish. Nice try, though.

@Alienbeing And yet you replied. How inconsistent of you. And here I thought we could be friends.

@MrDragon How you understand my posts/replies, is absolutly meaningless to me. Your reply reinforces my comment regarding the fact that you don't catch on very well.

In the future if you want to appear more intelligent try one answer rather than two or more. Organization is a sign of intelligence, and you really need to prove you have intelligence.

I take it that you don't want to be friends.

@MrDragon didn't you know that alien will never be admitted into heaven nor hell because the imaginary god could not accept someone who thinks they are more omnipotent and the imaginary devil could not accept someone who will state that the devil's opinion is not wanted or needed as they, Alien, is omnipotent.

Incidentally if he's a prick then I suggest that it is one badly disfigured & still infected with syphilis herpes & gonorrhea. However as he's still alive at his age he probably isn't!

@FrayedBear I see you still have nothing to say. It really must suck to be you.

@FrayedBear Words from the Great Alienbean- If I don't take a stand, it is because I either don't care about the writer or what the writer wrote was not worth a reply.

In your case, it is almost always that you aren't worth a reply.

Which he is in constant contradiction. I still have to correct his lack of proper use of the English language.
But that's okay, though, we're friends now, and I am sure he understands.

@MrDragon You could not correct a moron because you are void of facts.

@Alienbeing I have all the facts that I need my friend.

@MrDragon I am certainly not your friend, and if you have any facts, you hide them well.

@Alienbeing Oh, yes, yes, you are my friend, you keep writing to me, and you keep responding to me so, that makes you my friend, and as far as the fact goes, they're in the open for all to see, in fact, they are your own writings, I don't see how you can possibly miss them.
Thanks for noticing me.πŸ™‚

@MrDragon Your delusional mind needs help.

@Alienbeing Yes, my friend, and how do you define delusional?
And how do you know you're not delusional?
A matter of perspective, I suppose. Yes?
And once again, thanks for noticing me and conversing with me.

@MrDragon It is easy to notice you. You stand out in a crowd...... not in a good way.

I see you reject other's reality and substitute your own. You really didn't need to put that in your bio, it is obvious.

I'm delighted to see you crave negative recognition. Is that because negative recognition is all your mommy gave you?

@Alienbeing, I notice that you haven't defined DELUSIONAL yet. Is that because you can't give one? Or does that put you in a position that you're not comfortable with, concerning that you may also be delusional and are just playing it safe?
Negative recognition is better than none; it also gave me insight into your inner self.
You think that you are insulting me or at least making a very vague attempt to; however, that is what you reveal your inner self to me; thank you. You have made it too easy.
My friend, I am enjoying this very much, thank you, you are a true friend.
And thank you for the compliment that I do stand out; how I stand out is irrelevant; just the fact that I do is enough.
Thank You, thank you very much.

@MrDragon I can EASILY define any word. I always use standard dictionary definitions, so if you are not acquainted with any word I use, consult the dictionary.

@Alienbeing My good buddy and pal: Talk about sidestepping a topic and failing to define the word you are attempting to use. Perhaps you can also use a book for your lack of good grammar. Thanks again for your attention.

@MrDragon If you think you sound part, try reading your remarks. I told you I use standard definitions. That is not sidestepping a thing. Next, PLEASE cite my "lack of grammar"... PLEASE.

Last, PLEASE continue to prove your mediocre command of English.

@Alienbeing LOL, you are so funny; I love this; keep it up. Love you, my friend.
Life is too short to be as serious as you are. Loosen up, relax and unwind, and be free of your stuffiness, my dear friend.

@MrDragon You are very strange, and seem to be somewhat of a masochist.

Since you desire friendship from those who insult you, come on over and clean my house and yard. When you are done, I kick you in the butt and tell you that you must go. Perhaps that will satisfy you desire to be humiliated.

@Alienbeing You are so much fun, my friend. Does putting someone down make you feel good about yourself and make you feel oh-so superior?? If it does carry on, I wouldn't want your ego bruised.
You can never humiliate me; that is a fantasy that you own. Have fun, relax, recharge, and enjoy life. Life is so damn good and too damn short. I like our conversations and watching you try to demonstrate how superior you are, yet you have failed, my friend. Keep trying; you are nearly there to catch on, and I would hate for you to miss it.
Until next time my friend, live free.

@MrDragon NO, putting anyone down does nothing for me. Correcting you is another story.

You are weird, just weird.

@Alienbeing You don't get anything out of putting people down? And yet if you re-read all of your posts that is exactly what you have been doing all this time, and not only to me but to others as well, interesting. You're not very good at this, perhaps you should retire, oh, that's right you are retired and living the good life, or so you have said. You don't seem to be very happy. Well, you're not presented as a very happy person here anyway.

LOL, you could have fooled me, and now who is delusional? Are you thinking that you are correcting me?? You're not very good at it. LOL, No wonder you didn't want to define delusional. You fit right in there for being delusional, and of course, you hate seeing your reflection in the mirror that you are constantly projection on others to ease your delusions. Interesting. How you fail to see your contradictions throughout this whole dialogue. It is fascinating to what your mediocre mind at work. Do you get a lot of headaches, my friend?

LOL, I am weird? Am I? I don't believe I have ever claimed to be anything more or less, and in a perverse way, so are you.

Once again thank you my friend for conversing with me, you have given me a much deep insight into your delusion. You are really fun to converse with.

@MrDragon What you "understand" from reading does not mean your understanding is corrrect.

Your ability to determine my happiness is as poor as other "understandings" you have expressed.

Correcting you is easy.

You are weird

Sad you have fun reading about your inadequate attempts to understand.

@Alienbeing So, tell me, little buddy, who is the weirdest? The one writing or the one that is continuously responding to the one that is writing? Namely, you as the responder.
Oh, and just what is it that you think you are correcting?? Can you even begin to point out in detail the error that you are correcting??
I don't think you even know what it is or can ever show it. Thus, you're just talking out of your little alienbean ass, which is what you have been doing all this time.
Like you, I am retired and living the good life, and I can also keep this up forever.
Thank you. I see my weirdness is rubbing off on you.
Carry on as you must. I'll be here.

@MrDragon You should give up trying to be an analyst, you truly stink at it.

Please do keep up forever, maybe you will learn how to spell Republican, or maybe someone as moronic as you, but on the other side will ask if you are a dumbocrat. Children love to use such words.

@Alienbeing Is that the best you can do? Is that all you have? I was expecting something much more with a head as big as yours. I guess big head little dick is all you have: my good and best buddy, alien bean. Republicon and they are just what they are con men, and you have been conned. You're too easy.
And your grammar and spelling still suck.
The funny thing is that you still have no clue what you are trying to correct. So, you keep having those sweet little delusions that make you think you are a teacher.
You are so much fun. You're a real glutton for punishment. Carry on as you must, buddy.

@MrDragon You are truly one VERY weird person, additionally please cite the grammar errors Spelling and/or typos are of no concern to me.

I am concerned about your concern over the size of my dick. Be aware I am not gay.

You will never know my "best" because when I reply to you I do so laughing so hard it is difficult to give proper attention.

Last, when you reply see if you can illustrate something other than a weird personality.

@Alienbeing Am I so weird? And yet you're the one with the bizarre profile picture.
I'll never know that best because you have none; that was obvious from the start.
I am glad that you are enjoying this, and so am I. Just stay laughing; it's good for the soul. I am glad that I make you feel so good. Thanks, that made my day.
Well, my friend, I have to run; I have a tee time with some friends this morning.
Chat with you later; you have a good day, you hear?

@MrDragon Your obsession with my picture is weird. Do you take it into the bathroom with you?

I note you have NOT cited any grammar errors. I am not surprised, dumbocrats don't speak or write in a usually accepted manner.

@Alienbeing, I note you have NOT cited what you are correcting; I am not surprisedβ€”always diverting and trying to cover up your shortcomings. How typical of a republicon.
Regarding your picture, why would I take it into my bathroom, and you call me weird?
Well, it's a good thing that I am not a dumbocrat.
Well, you have a good day, and do by all means point out what it is that you are correcting since you have avoided the issue.

@MrDragon I did cite a correction (your misuse of English) and I really don't care at all if you agree.

I asked about where you take my picture because you illustrate a weird attachment to it. You are weird, in many ways.

Last I didn't try to dirvert anything. I am not required to answer any, no less all of your stupid remarks. Perhaps the first senence of this reply enlightens you.

Last, you are not only weird, you are real slow on the pick up.

@Alienbeing DItto, my friend, and right back at you. All you just said, I thus return to you with the same malice and contempt that you have provided; I hope you enjoy.
Down below are the grammatical and spelling corrections to your post. There is a shit load more, but I grow tired of your lack of proficiency and leave you with a more proficient form.
You're Welcome. The star is for a terrible sentence structure.

@MrDragon, I cited a correction (your misuse of English), and I don't care if you agree.*

I asked where you took my picture because you illustrated a weird attachment to it. You are weird in many ways.

Last I didn't try to divert anything. I am not required to answer any, no less all, of your stupid remarks. Perhaps the first sentence of this reply enlightens you.

Last, you are not only weird, but you are also really slow on the pickup.*

@MrDragon The sentence structure was fine. Even if it was "terrible" it had no grammar errors. If you don't like my prose, don't read it.

You remain weird.

@Alienbeing So says you, and I am just correcting you as you think you are correcting me; your sentence structure needs more clarity. Fair play, I would say. And Ditto, if you don't like what I have to say, don't read it.
You make me laugh; you don't like it, huh? Do unto others, you know, and you started this, and now you're stuck, aren't you?
Being weird isn't bad. It just means that I stand out; it's not an insult as you seem to think. I am just obstinate and enjoy conflict, as you seem to enjoy. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here now. Now would we?
Well, you have a great day, you hear Mr. Alien bean. I know I will. lol

@MrDragon Merely because you say a sentence is awkward, does not mean it is awkward. You said there were grammar errors, yet the best you can come up with is your opinion about sentence structure; which you don't even try to explain. Obviously you just blurted out what was crossing your little mind.

Being weird is bad, and you sayiing it is not, proves you are weird. I never said or implied being weird was an insult (your reading your prejudices into my script, and believe me you are not qualified to do that), so once again you just bounce around.

Last, you have become a total bore, so I won't be responding to you. I prefer to "debate" with more intelligent people.

@Alienbeing My dear friend alien bean, that is the same thing you were doing to me, telling me that you were correcting me without explanation as to what you were correcting, so, now that the shoe is on the other foot, you don't like it, do you?. So, what have we learned? That you're just as inept as you claim I am, only your the worst of them all because you don't have a clue what you're talking about, because you also have not found anything wrong with my English or grammar either. The only reason you're not going to respond anymore is that you can not win, and now you're going to run away.

I still maintain that, like the little bug is full of shit as you described it, so are the republicons, and so are you.
It was nice conversing with you, and you proved your lack of intelligence.
You are incorrect; being weird isn't wrong; that is your definition, and I don't accept it. Therefor I stand correct.
And as you have pointed out in my bio, I replace your reality with my own; that also means my rules. Something that you're having trouble coping with.
So, my little bean, run away now, run away. With my blessing and me laughing so hard, I am rolling on the floor as I watch the great and intelligent bean run away and hide.

Good day, Mr. Bean, good day to you. lol


No wonder people have pimples.


These little fuckers mite be on to something….πŸ‘€


At least someone’s getting some ass while I’m in bed I reckon!?πŸ€”


I have heard of these mites before. They especially like to live around the bases of our eyebrow hairs. πŸ˜‚

It's a type symbiosis called commensalism: one organism benefits from living on or in another without doing its host any harm.


Hey, these assholes have to pay rent πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Diaco Level 7 Nov 15, 2022

We are each our own ecosystem. After taking parasitology, nothing shocks...


I did an undergrad paper on these. The nightmares are still fresh.


Gives new meaning to the expressions shitface & shithead.
Where's @Alienbeing, @FvckY0u, @Mofo53 & the other suspects? 🀣


It's not like your dog or cat defecates on your face.


So then… this is what black heads look like? . 3mm seems large. I’ve got to assume that was meant to be nanometer… but even so. I feel like this reads as your black heads are alive.
That got worse; much worse [] they are arachnids… 23-100% o humans are infested with them. Effectively that to me, means they are a part of being human.

Informative. I like the drawings. Lol


WTF? Why did you have to tell us about this? I really hate you, man

Glad all of you got the joke...

Now let's talk about the hundreds of different species of bacteria living in your gut πŸ˜‚

@Flyingsaucesir Hard pass..

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