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One demand you won't hear them make: that the rich pay their fair share in taxes.
CourtJester comments on Feb 3, 2023:
How much more should the rich pay?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 5, 2023:
@CourtJester Ha ha ha! Your 87% figure is more than double the typical Republican lie. Where did you get it? Faux News? Even the Right wing-nut figure of 40% is way off, because it does not take into account the FICA taxes (which include Medicare and Social Security), which apply only to the first $148K in personal income. It also does not take into account state and local taxes, which impact ordinary people far more than they do the super rich. Also, the rich can write off many of their ordinary expenses as business expenses. The limousine, the yacht, the jet, the apartment in Manhattan, the dinners at expensive restaurants, etc, etc., all write-offs, because they use all these things to entertain clients, travel to business meetings, etc. Further, a large portion of wealthy people's income is unrealized capital gains (from rising value of stocks and other assets) which are not taxed at all. And then there are the assets that are hidden behind layers of front business in offshore accounts. So the wealthy end up paying far less that commonly reported. The actual figure is closer to 8% when it's all said and done. Now watch what I do CJ. I'll take this reply to your ridiculous, trolling question, turn it into a stand-alone post, add some links with supporting evidence, and reach an even wider audience. Thank you CJ! You just helped the cause of justice in taxation!!! 😂😂😂
Santos, or whatever his name is, has amended his campaign funding disclosure document.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 4, 2023:
His expulsion will not happen until after Trump's conviction.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 5, 2023:
Santos, or whatever his name is, has amended his campaign funding disclosure document.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 4, 2023:
His expulsion will not happen until after Trump's conviction.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
Expect an indictment soon.
Santos, or whatever his name is, has amended his campaign funding disclosure document.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 4, 2023:
I am hoping for a dramatic, and speedy shrinking.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
I hope your hope will be fulfilled. But this squirrel will never resign his seat. He would have to be expelled. And McCarthy needs votes so badly that he would gladly take them by proxy from a jail cell.
Many Republicans are sick of Trumpty Dumpty.
Lorajay comments on Feb 4, 2023:
According to the push poll that I got from Trump the other day he has 56% of the Republican vote. I'm really happy with what Biden has accomplished under the circumstances. I think it's too old to run next time. Unfortunately regardless of whether he is really too old it will be just enough to ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
Interesting choice! Tester does have crossover appeal. He's certainly proven that he can get both Democratic and Republican votes. But he's relatively unknown outside of Montana. He one to watch. 👁️👁️
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Lufahyu comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Aside from all the bullshit here; and the manipulation of statistics to serve anyones particular agenda - I go by the eye test - reality. I got vaxxed as soon as it was available to me; I then proceeded to travel the country by car - interacting with tons of people, and still do to this day, after 3...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
@Lufahyu Yeah it's easy to find misinformation, but that's no excuse for spreading it further, for arguing vigorously in support if it, for pushing a bunch if shit on the world. Is it too much to ask that people fact check their information? To be open to better analysis? But that isn't really the way to look at it. I think many of the trolls who are spreading lies know they are spreading lies. Their aim is to sow discord, to foment chaos, to bring down society, to discredit democratic governments, and/or to contribute to the destruction of civilization. In other words, these are very nihilistic bastards we are dealing with.
Funny as hell,,, and a good life lesson all in one short story. Enjoy 😊 []
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 3, 2023:
Good story! 😂 I had never heard of 2CB before. I did a little LSD and magic mushrooms (separately) back in my college days. I always found the experiences to be both enjoyable and enlightening. I always felt in control, never forgot who I was, and was well aware that my hallucination were ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
@MyTVC15 Bummer.
KGB agent, President (dictator) of Russia, kleptocrat, disinformation czar, serial killer, war ...
hankster comments on Feb 3, 2023:
I don't know, but he doesn't seem to crave the adoration of the mob the way others with his damage do. is he just that sure of himself?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
At this point in Putin'd tenure the Russian people know what kind of ruthless bastard he is. He doesn't have any need to be loved as long as he is sufficiently feared.
One demand you won't hear them make: that the rich pay their fair share in taxes.
hankster comments on Feb 3, 2023:
in the end, will the rich not be richer? isn't it just a question of how much? seems that "law" is in a flimsy state. sad.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 4, 2023:
Trump gave the super rich a super tax break. Revenues went down so much that during the Cheato presidency the national debt increased by 25% ($7 trillion), more than it ever increased under any other president. The rich didn't just get richer; they got obnoxiously richer.
One demand you won't hear them make: that the rich pay their fair share in taxes.
CourtJester comments on Feb 3, 2023:
How much more should the rich pay?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
A rate higher than what a girl in Warren Buffett's secretarial pool pays, that's for sure.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
anglophone comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Anti-vaxxers, and that includes @BDair, are arrogant, emotionally deformed, and extremely dangerous. They need to be treated as such.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
@BDair OK, I should have said the CDC never said the vaccine is 100% effective at preventing infection. It's 90% effective. Or it was. That was true for the variants that existed at that time. And as new variants have emerged, the effectiveness of the vaccine has changed. And new vaccines have been developed in the attempt to keep pace with the viral mutations. And the CDC reported on this, and continues to report on these changes and developments as they take place. This is how science works. Things are constantly changing and new information is constantly coming in. And the CDC and NIH were on TV and updating their web sites almost every day with what new information they had learned about this novel coronavirus. In fact, they have done a splendid job of keeping us informed during this public health emergency. You really ought to get your facts straight before you start throwing around accusations. You could eliminate the crow from your diet.
One demand you won't hear them make: that the rich pay their fair share in taxes.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Feb 3, 2023:
BREAKING: Pence Supports Privatizing Social Security Mike Pence announced one of his first policy positions of a potential 2024 campaign — partial privatization of Social Security, echoing extreme calls from ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
Gutting Social Security has been on the Republican agenda for decades, generations.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
racocn8 comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I ran into another one today. He had all these stories of kids getting heart attacks or becoming epileptic. I haven't heard any of that, so I'm assuming he's plugged into Fox or other disinformation channels. He became very vocal and emphatic, even though I wasn't arguing or disputing anything. ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
@racocn8 I have seen this asshole driving around San Diego a number of times. Notice the Russian flag mounted behind the driver.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Feb 3, 2023:
I had giardia in my 30s. It was not fun. I see the ignorance and lack of logical reasoning of the anti-vaxxers is what makes them "anti" vaxxers. Because there are not epidemics of measles, etc., any longer, they think that vaccines are not needed. They somehow do not seem to take into account ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
I had a great uncle, my maternal grandmother's brother, who contracted polio as a child. His right arm was severely atrophied. (But he slways had a cheery,upbeat demeanor 🙂)
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
@CourtJester I guess you don't realize how dumb your last statement sounds. First, if I defined a policy as overreach, that would mean I didn't like it. I'm not going to call for something I dont like. Duh! Second, I tend to get along very well with people, wherever I go. Third, I am very comfortable in my liberal/progressive skin, and not afraid to have others see me for who i am. As you have seen over and over, I am perfectly capable of defending/promoting my positions; allies flock to me.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
racocn8 comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I ran into another one today. He had all these stories of kids getting heart attacks or becoming epileptic. I haven't heard any of that, so I'm assuming he's plugged into Fox or other disinformation channels. He became very vocal and emphatic, even though I wasn't arguing or disputing anything. ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
@racocn8 Yes, I think Putin is behind a lot of the disinformation. He has been at war with us for longer than many of us realize.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
TXLerins comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I don’t consider myself an “antivaxer” but I’ve never had a flu shot in my life. I don’t plan on starting now. I don’t say for others not to get vaccinated. I say, if you feel you need this vaccine then by all means get vaccinated. I am suspicious and cautious about unnecessary ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
The one personal friend I had who died from COVID contracted the virus early in the pandemic, before there were vaccines. He was 45 years old, with no underlying health issues. He worked in the billing department of a hospital, might have been exposed to the virus there. Or maybe elsewhere. We'll never know. Anyway, he was a healthy, youngish adult before he got COVID-19. When it comes to our immune systems, we are not all created equal. Some people have natural immunity to certain pathogens that knock others flat. It sounds like you might have a natural immunity to SARS CoV-2. But then again, that might be an illusion. An unvaccinated acquaintance of mine went the last 3 years mostly maskless and never got covid -- until a few weeks ago. He was pretty sick but has now recovered.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Lufahyu comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Aside from all the bullshit here; and the manipulation of statistics to serve anyones particular agenda - I go by the eye test - reality. I got vaxxed as soon as it was available to me; I then proceeded to travel the country by car - interacting with tons of people, and still do to this day, after 3...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
Thank you for sharing the results of your "eye test." Your vision is 20-20, btw. 🙂
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
barjoe comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have my doubts about the efficacy, not the safety of mRNA vaccine. It certainly isn't 95% like Pfizer or 94% like Moderna both sold it when they received EUA. They are still Big Pharma after all. Don't think overnight they turned into the good guys. I had all 5 shots and still recently got very ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
@barjoe Interesting 🤔
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
ASTRALMAX comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Essentially, the antivaxers are no different from anyone who has invested time in any belief or belief system.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 3, 2023:
@of-the-mountain 😂😂😂 Sounds like I touched a nerve 😂😂😂
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Yes, if no vaccines had been developed, and millions and millions of more people were dead or dying, this anti- vac brigade would have mounted an attack on science, saying 'see, science is over rated and can't solve problems.' We live in the age of the perpetual angst, where a segment of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@Scott321 In the last 2 years I have had 4 mRNA covid shots, a DTaP (diptheria, tetanus. and pertussis) shot, and 2 shingled shots with no problems. All systems are "go."
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
barjoe comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have my doubts about the efficacy, not the safety of mRNA vaccine. It certainly isn't 95% like Pfizer or 94% like Moderna both sold it when they received EUA. They are still Big Pharma after all. Don't think overnight they turned into the good guys. I had all 5 shots and still recently got very ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@barjoe I think the efficacy varies from person to person. And I don't remember it ever being touted as 95% effective at preventing disease. I yhink they might have been talking about preventing death.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
ASTRALMAX comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Essentially, the antivaxers are no different from anyone who has invested time in any belief or belief system.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@Scott321 Well he had to block you. A, it's his nature to shy away from a fair fight. B, if he's exposed to too much logic and reason his head will explode. 😂😂😂
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Yes, if no vaccines had been developed, and millions and millions of more people were dead or dying, this anti- vac brigade would have mounted an attack on science, saying 'see, science is over rated and can't solve problems.' We live in the age of the perpetual angst, where a segment of the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
Well said! 😎👍
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
barjoe comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have my doubts about the efficacy, not the safety of mRNA vaccine. It certainly isn't 95% like Pfizer or 94% like Moderna both sold it when they received EUA. They are still Big Pharma after all. Don't think overnight they turned into the good guys. I had all 5 shots and still recently got very ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@barjoe We are probably always going to he playing catch-up with this bug, because it mutates so effectively. So efficacy is never going to be 100%. Still, I think it's waaaaay better than no vaccine. PS: I have heard good things about Paxlovid. But the vaccine may have also contributed to the decreased duration of the disease for you this time around.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
ASTRALMAX comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Essentially, the antivaxers are no different from anyone who has invested time in any belief or belief system.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@of-the-mountain Your surrender is accepted 😂
Letters From An American 02/01/2023
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Thanks for the history lesson. I never knew that background on Battle Hymn Of The Republic. It's timely, too, as I am currently reading Jon Meacham's new book.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@HippieChick58 Sounds fascinating 😎👍
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
barjoe comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have my doubts about the efficacy, not the safety of mRNA vaccine. It certainly isn't 95% like Pfizer or 94% like Moderna both sold it when they received EUA. They are still Big Pharma after all. Don't think overnight they turned into the good guys. I had all 5 shots and still recently got very ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
Glad you are feeling better! I agree we should scrutinize big pharma very closely. Trust provisionally, and verify. PS: Who knows how much sicker you might have been had you not been vaccinated? We might not be having this conversation. Again, I'm glad we are. 😎👍
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
jackjr comments on Feb 2, 2023:
At least their insanity will mean fewer of them. I have told people when were kids and got sick my dad would go to the local drug store and buy a vial of penicillin. He would boil a syringe and give us a shot. When anti-biotics came out people often took them until whatever ailed them went away. We ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@of-the-mountain Blah, blah, blah,...Come back when you have some real facts, junior.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
jackjr comments on Feb 2, 2023:
At least their insanity will mean fewer of them. I have told people when were kids and got sick my dad would go to the local drug store and buy a vial of penicillin. He would boil a syringe and give us a shot. When anti-biotics came out people often took them until whatever ailed them went away. We ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@anglophone You're not missing much. Count yourself lucky. 😂
Letters From An American 02/01/2023
Flyingsaucesir comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Thanks for the history lesson. I never knew that background on Battle Hymn Of The Republic. It's timely, too, as I am currently reading Jon Meacham's new book.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@HippieChick58 It is good, but I spend too much time here, squashing trolls, instead of reading the book. 😂
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
jackjr comments on Feb 2, 2023:
At least their insanity will mean fewer of them. I have told people when were kids and got sick my dad would go to the local drug store and buy a vial of penicillin. He would boil a syringe and give us a shot. When anti-biotics came out people often took them until whatever ailed them went away. We ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@of-the-mountain Two years of COVID-free health since my first vaccination. When exactly am I supposed to fall apart? What? You don't know? Well know this, asshole: your doomsaying, defeatist, paranoiac ramblings are like so much gas bubbling up from a fetid swamp. It stinks, but it's transparent. We see right through it.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
ASTRALMAX comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Essentially, the antivaxers are no different from anyone who has invested time in any belief or belief system.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@of-the-mountain Censorship? What censorship? If anti-vax propaganda were censored, we wouldn't be having this conversation. In fact, what you call censorship is being on the losing end of a free and open debate. Essentially, you're not only full of shit, you're also a sore loser, a pathetic crybaby. Come on, stand up so I can knock your dick in the dirt again.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Jolanta comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have not come across anyone who has had the jab and had an adverse effect, not one.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@Budgie The COVID-19 vaccines are known to cause anaphylaxis in rare cases. That's why they make us sit in a waiting room for 20 minutes after getting the shot. It's a bummer that a small minority of people have a bad reaction. But we're still way better off having the vaccines than not having them. I'm glad your niece survived her ordeal.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
ASTRALMAX comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Essentially, the antivaxers are no different from anyone who has invested time in any belief or belief system.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
That's right, it's basically a religion for them.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
anglophone comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Anti-vaxxers, and that includes @BDair, are arrogant, emotionally deformed, and extremely dangerous. They need to be treated as such.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@anglophone Tru dat, And totally understandable. But I kind of enjoy kicking his ass all over the playground. It sharpens my beak and claws. 😂
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
jackjr comments on Feb 2, 2023:
At least their insanity will mean fewer of them. I have told people when were kids and got sick my dad would go to the local drug store and buy a vial of penicillin. He would boil a syringe and give us a shot. When anti-biotics came out people often took them until whatever ailed them went away. We ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@anglophone The poor dumb shits don't understand science. Biological evolution is beyond their ken.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
anglophone comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Anti-vaxxers, and that includes @BDair, are arrogant, emotionally deformed, and extremely dangerous. They need to be treated as such.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@BDair Again, no one (in the CDC or NIH) ever said the vaccines prevent infection. They don't. What the vaccines do is they prevent severe illness and death. You can keep setting up that straw man all you want. We are just going to continue burning it down. My question to you is this. You say you love your country. Then why did you decide to go to work for Vladimir Putin?
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
of-the-mountain comments on Feb 2, 2023:
When you compare Covid SARS vaccines to other viral vaccines you need to do more research!!! You are just parroting what the governments and pharmaceutical corporations which are touting benefits while pushing censorship of too many other knowledgeable scientists, doctors, and researchers, who ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@of-the-mountain Your fulminations are full of sound and fury, but they signify nothing beyond your own paranoia. In other words, blah, blah, blah.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
racocn8 comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I ran into another one today. He had all these stories of kids getting heart attacks or becoming epileptic. I haven't heard any of that, so I'm assuming he's plugged into Fox or other disinformation channels. He became very vocal and emphatic, even though I wasn't arguing or disputing anything. ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
I think a lot of this nonsense is a manifestation of a desire for chaos, a wish, on the part of authoritarian regimes and neo Nazis everywhere to delegitimise democratic, egalitarian governments world wide. That membership in the anti-vax camp can be largely predicted by political party affiliation speaks volumes. Today's Republicans are also adherents of the Q-Anon and election rigging conspiracy theories. They don't trust the courts, don't trust doctors, don't trust teachers, don't trust pharmaseutical or tech companies, don't trust regulatory agencies, don't trust college professors or any form of intellectualism. I'm not saying that we shouldn't keep our eyes on them. We should watch them like a hawk! But the MAGAts want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. And that's not in our collective best interest.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Garban comments on Feb 2, 2023:
We’ve been living for so long with the protection of vaccines, we’ve forgotten what it’s like to loose 25% or more of our kids to disease before they reach the age if 6. The anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists would gladly take us back to that time.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
Crazy as that would be, it seems they would.
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Jolanta comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have not come across anyone who has had the jab and had an adverse effect, not one.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@BDair Wow, they have a lot of fraudsters in Australia! We have our share here too. Take a look in the mirror.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
Jolanta comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Give it a break.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@BDair The hospital ships were a precaution, a place where non-covid patients could be treated without danger of infection. Some patients were seen there, but the ships were never going to be enough if COVID-19 really got out of hand. Luckily, it didn't. Most people followed the CDC guidelines for masking up and social distancing. We flattened the curve, and gave the hospitals and healthcare workers some breathing space. Still, because of Trump's poor leadership and conflicting messages, 200,000 more people died of COVID-19 than needed to.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@CourtJester Why not?
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
of-the-mountain comments on Feb 2, 2023:
When you compare Covid SARS vaccines to other viral vaccines you need to do more research!!! You are just parroting what the governments and pharmaceutical corporations which are touting benefits while pushing censorship of too many other knowledgeable scientists, doctors, and researchers, who ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
Blah, blah, blah. What a bunch of bullshit. 😂
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
Jolanta comments on Feb 2, 2023:
I have not come across anyone who has had the jab and had an adverse effect, not one.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
I had a low fever for about a day after my second shot. I had a higher fever after my first booster, but it was not life-threatening. I had no discernable reaction from my second booster.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@CourtJester I could live in Alabama. I just choose not to. Perish the thought! 😂
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@CourtJester Ooooo, sounds like I touched a nerve. 😂😂😂
Letters From An American 02/01/2023
DenoPenno comments on Feb 2, 2023:
Beaten by cops for a traffic violation - then you die. It seems this is the way for fascists to retain power in America today. The rebellion is not in people like the late Tyre Nichols. It is in those wanting to retain power. Police departments, state governments, et al. Let's not let it spread all ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
Too late to keep it from getting in. But I believe we can excise it.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
Jolanta comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Give it a break.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@BDair Before there were vaccines people were masked up, locked down, and the ICUs and morgues were FULL of COVID-19 patients. What planet did you say you were from?
The antivaxers among us are adamant and unrelenting.
BDair comments on Feb 2, 2023:
There are alternative opinions.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
Your opinion is noted. Come back when you have some facts.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@CourtJester Oh, that right, you're in Alabama. Deep South. Bible Belt. Confederate state. America's 6th poorest state...not doing so well since the slaves were freed.
Look what one of my apps has just reported: online stalking. Does it happen to you?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 2, 2023:
My browser has AdBlocker Ultimate and I avoid lots of nonsense that way. I'm not worried about which companies are stalking me because all of them do that now. They either want to sell you something or get your business somehow. Others might want to give you a virus. It's not likely you would find ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
I dumped Windows and went to Linux a long time ago.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@CourtJester You're from Texas, right? Then it doesn't surprise me.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
I know a bunch of doctors with "Fake" vaccine cards. Anyone in the medical industry simply has to ask a coworker. For a while, someone typically had a handful in their pocket for a patient that wanted the Covid shot. Our whole hospital was threatened with losing our jobs if we didn't get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@BDair Prove it. That's sounds like 🐂💩.
BOOM! FAKE vaccine cards for doctors?
Jolanta comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Give it a break.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@BDair I don't exactly disagree with that. But it does not tell the whole story. For one thing, many of us would be dead or severely disabled without vaccines against polio, diptheria, tetanus, measles, etc. I would probably either be dead or only have one leg if it were not for the antibiotic I took for a wicked bad staph infection when I was 12. My foot swelled like a football, and red streaks were running up my leg. It was either kill the infection, or amputate, or die. Without antibiotics, I would probably be dead or still sick from the giardia (an intestinal parasite) I picked up when I was 44. The parents of a young colleague of my mom were antivaxers, refused the COVID-19 vaccine. They both died of COVID. The brother and sister-in-law of a close friend of mine are antivaxers, and they are deathly sick with COVID-19 as of this writing. They skated fir a while, but it finally caught up with them, and now they may pay with their lives. Meanwhile, almost everyone else I know has gotten the mRNA shots and boosters, without any side effects other than a little fever for 24 to 36 hours, and, importantly, NO COVID-19!
From our Upside Down Department:
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
It's less comical when the shoe is on the other foot; isn't it???
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 2, 2023:
@CourtJester Democrats that did? What?
From our Upside Down Department:
CourtJester comments on Feb 1, 2023:
It's less comical when the shoe is on the other foot; isn't it???
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 1, 2023:
Tut tut, little CJ. Representatives Schiff, Omar, and Swalwell did not/do not support an insurrection/coup attempt as did/do Reps MTG, LB, PG; did not lie about their work history, family background, religion, campaign funding, etc., etc., as did the new Republican mendacity machine from NY.; Did not issue veiled threats of violence against their colleagues, as did Reps MTG, LB, and PG; are not total wack-jobs, as are all of the afore-mentioned Republicans. In sum, you are comparing 🍎s and 🍊s.
What the cartoonist omitted: parochial and religious schools.
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 1, 2023:
the supreme court is sending us to hell in a handbasket.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 1, 2023:
First they handed George W. Bush the White House. Then they upheld Citizens United. Then they allowed public funding of private religious schools. Then they overturned Roe. Where will it end?
I have heard it said that the quality of US policing was never higher than during the Great ...
HippieChick58 comments on Feb 1, 2023:
Now they hire any joe blow, and some of these folks have severe anger and personality issues. i have as little contact with police as possible.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 1, 2023:
And the guys that volunteer for the SWAT team? You don't want them on the SWAT team. They should NEVER be on the SWAT team!
Covid-19 is a leading cause of death for children in the US, despite relatively low mortality rate -...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 31, 2023:
About 7000 people have died of polio total. People are like plants, when the plant is given healthy nutrients food and water, sunlight and exercise. The plant is the heathliest in it's stem and roots, to fight off any bugs and diseases. Most people take far too much sugar, salt and many toxic ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Feb 1, 2023:
@SeaGreenEyez Yeah I don't know how some people can be so misinformed. The really weird thing is that giving them good information, steering them to good sources, never seems change their minds. They just remain entrenched in their wacko beliefs. It's a lot like religious zeal.
Covid-19 is a leading cause of death for children in the US, despite relatively low mortality rate -...
Castlepaloma comments on Jan 31, 2023:
About 7000 people have died of polio total. People are like plants, when the plant is given healthy nutrients food and water, sunlight and exercise. The plant is the heathliest in it's stem and roots, to fight off any bugs and diseases. Most people take far too much sugar, salt and many toxic ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
You really think only 7,000 people have died from polio? Well, I'm really not surprised. It's right in line with so many other idiotic things you have written here.
It still amazes me how much more the typical agnostic/atheist knows more about the Bible than a ...
anglophone comments on Jan 31, 2023:
The headmaster of my primary school told all his pupils that even questioning the existence of God would result in us being sent to Hell. It is dangerous evil liars like him that need to be silenced. If he was alive today I would spit in his face.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
@Betty Specifically, it's a form of abuse called coercion.
Does anyone else agree with me that we should be DISCUSSING religion rather than DEBATING it?
LenHazell53 comments on Jan 31, 2023:
There is ***nothing*** to discuss or debate Atheism is a moral standpoint that values truth over fantasy and delusion Theism is a power position, based on either a horrible truth or a damnable lie In either case theism is evil exploitative, destroys lives and sanity, steals, covers up up for ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
You just described MAGAt election deniers, anti-vaxers, climate change deniers, Q Anon believers, flat Earthers, etc. 😂
Does anyone else agree with me that we should be DISCUSSING religion rather than DEBATING it?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 31, 2023:
I have a killer point to silence the other side. Constantine arranged for the 66 smaller books we know as our bible to be put into book form complete with beginning and end, and this happened some 300 plus years after the time of Jesus. This is a fact. To add variables you have to go into ancient ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
True dat. And also, don't forget, the Bible has been translated many times, from Hebrew to Greek, to Latin, to English, etc. And things have gotten changed around in the process. For instance, the Hebrew word for "young woman" got translated as the Greek word for "virgin."
Who are they? Hint: they're on this site, and their screen names rhyme.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
@Gwendolyn2018 You don't look a day over 55.
55% of adults think Jesus will return to Earth (this includes 1% of atheists. []
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 31, 2023:
55% of Americans--I am sure that China, India, and other places do not buy into this. If "atheists" believe Jesus is coming back, they aren't atheists, are they?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
You're being too logical 😂
'CDC Issues New COVID-19 Guidance After FDA Makes Change The Centers for Disease Control and ...
BDair comments on Jan 29, 2023:
The CDC just makes it up as they go along. "The guidance again calls for immunocompromised individuals to wear masks and engage in social distancing, the CDC’s revised guidance says, despite CDC-cited studies and data suggesting that masks provide little effectiveness in blocking the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 31, 2023:
@Jolanta I know his type. He's a little boy trapped in an old man's body. Emotionally retarded, he craves attention, but doesn't know any other way to get it than by acting out. For him, negative attention is better than none. Thus, he thrives on rejection. He has seen every one of his posts calmly, methodically, and thoroughly refuted, yet he keeps coming back for more. That his particular brand of mania is disinformation about public health matters implies that he has a big beef with society. Like a lot of white guys his age, he's got a big chip on his shoulder. He's dissatisfied with his status in society, thinks he's entitled to more. He's worried about the demographic trend which is pushing mediocre types like him ever farther from the center. Feeling marginalized, he seeks to upset the table, knock the pieces off the playing board. He's desperately seeking relevancy, and finds common cause with other losers who are attracted by the idea of chaos. He may not even be aware that he's a pawn in a geopolitical game, being pushed around the board by a global criminal consortium of big authoritarian players. The fact that logical, well-reasoned, fact-based argument makes no impression on him says it all. For him, it's not about facts. It never was. It's about revolution.
Who are they? Hint: they're on this site, and their screen names rhyme.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Gwendolyn2018 Congratulations! 🎂
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
xenoview comments on Jan 29, 2023:
All babies are born atheist and agnostic. They don't have any knowledge of a god or believe in any god.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@ToakReon I would not say pointless. It is important to have good, clear definitions for things. The field of semantics is far more important than any discussion of the existence of an imaginary entity for which there never has, nor is there ever likely to be, a shred of credible evidence. Semantics has practical application. God is pure speculation. I entreat you to read this article, then tell me if you still think that the definition of "atheist" is a simple matter.
Who are they? Hint: they're on this site, and their screen names rhyme.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Gwendolyn2018 I admire your self care. 😎👍
Draft bill bans everything but 'scientific fact' in Montana's science classes
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Emrich is, obviously, a moron. And he would like to drag the whole state of Montana (and the whole USA) down to his level. I don't think he will succeed. He must not succeed. But he and his ilk will not stop trying. We are engaged in a great, cold, civil war. This is where we are. And it may get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Marionville I agree.
Draft bill bans everything but 'scientific fact' in Montana's science classes
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Emrich is, obviously, a moron. And he would like to drag the whole state of Montana (and the whole USA) down to his level. I don't think he will succeed. He must not succeed. But he and his ilk will not stop trying. We are engaged in a great, cold, civil war. This is where we are. And it may get ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Marionville We have met the enemy, and he is us! 😐
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
xenoview comments on Jan 29, 2023:
All babies are born atheist and agnostic. They don't have any knowledge of a god or believe in any god.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@ToakReon Maybe not as simple as you think.
Who are they? Hint: they're on this site, and their screen names rhyme.
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
You have interacted with both in the recent past. I'll give you more time to think. 😂
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
xenoview comments on Jan 29, 2023:
All babies are born atheist and agnostic. They don't have any knowledge of a god or believe in any god.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@ToakReon I just had this debate a cople days ago, and it ended with my supplying definitions of the word "atheist" that say it is belief in the non-existence of a deity. And that was not the first time. Do I have to repeat the task again? I'm beginning to feel like Sysephus.
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
To paraphrase Mark Twain, A lie [or conspiracy theory] will circumnavigate the globe while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Kurtn Your surrender is accepted.
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
alliwant comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Lies and bullshit can always be made more attractive than what is true, because everything that is inconvenient can be ignored and excluded. Very much on a par with other magical thinking.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@BDair Who elected you to the office of inquisitor-in-chief? He doesn't have to explain anything, you moron.
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
It's probably safe to say that all babies are born agnostic.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Ryo1 You troll transparently. 😂
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
It's probably safe to say that all babies are born agnostic.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Ryo1 Of course they don't identify as anything. I was just being a bit tongue-in-cheek, playing with the Greek etymology of the term agnostic, i.e. not knowing. 😂
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
To paraphrase Mark Twain, A lie [or conspiracy theory] will circumnavigate the globe while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 30, 2023:
@Kurtn You wouldn't know it from your comments above. The idea that the Earth is flat, in Columbus's day, was not a conspiracy theory; it was simply a poor but popular interpretation of the observable facts. Galileo was convicted of heresy, not conspiracy theory. Who exactly would Newton have been conspiring with when he wrote his Principia? He is known to have worked in absolute solitude. Copernicus did not allow publication of his work until he was on his deathbed. He like Galileo, was called a heretic, not a conspiracy theorist. Tesla was considered a crank by some, a genius or visionary by others. I'm not aware of any accusations of conspiracy theories. Lets face it: all of your examples fall flat. If your intention is to lift up modern-day conspiracy theorists, give them an air of respectability by placing them in the company of actual intellectual giants, you will have to try harder. Much harder.
'CDC Issues New COVID-19 Guidance After FDA Makes Change The Centers for Disease Control and ...
BDair comments on Jan 29, 2023:
The CDC just makes it up as they go along. "The guidance again calls for immunocompromised individuals to wear masks and engage in social distancing, the CDC’s revised guidance says, despite CDC-cited studies and data suggesting that masks provide little effectiveness in blocking the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@BDair Nothing you have posted is worth investigating. It's all hearsay, innuendo, anecdote, and rank, stinky bullshit. You should be ashamed of yourself. You're truly pathetic.
Florida Leading the Way 'The time has come for each of us to insist that every state in America ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Children's Health Defense is headed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an American environmental lawyer and author known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories. He skims off around $180,000 of the CHD's funding stream for himself every year.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@BDair He traffics in conspiracy theories. What else do you need to know?
Florida Leading the Way 'The time has come for each of us to insist that every state in America ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Children's Health Defense is headed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an American environmental lawyer and author known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories. He skims off around $180,000 of the CHD's funding stream for himself every year.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@BDair Oh for sure RFKJr is not the only slime-ball lining his pockets.
Florida Leading the Way 'The time has come for each of us to insist that every state in America ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Children's Health Defense is headed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an American environmental lawyer and author known for promoting anti-vaccine propaganda and conspiracy theories. He skims off around $180,000 of the CHD's funding stream for himself every year.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@BDair I can, but so can you. Go for it.
'CDC Issues New COVID-19 Guidance After FDA Makes Change The Centers for Disease Control and ...
BDair comments on Jan 29, 2023:
The CDC just makes it up as they go along. "The guidance again calls for immunocompromised individuals to wear masks and engage in social distancing, the CDC’s revised guidance says, despite CDC-cited studies and data suggesting that masks provide little effectiveness in blocking the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@BDair serves up another platter of...
THERE ARE NO ATHEIST BABIES (from an atheist website) .
xenoview comments on Jan 29, 2023:
All babies are born atheist and agnostic. They don't have any knowledge of a god or believe in any god.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
Atheism is belief that there is (are) no god(s). I doubt the issue ever crosses a newborn's mind.
Drum troll
Trajan61 comments on Jan 27, 2023:
He should have never been banned to start with as he was the best president we’ve had since Teddy Roosevelt. Biden and the democrats are far worse and they are the ones who needed to be banned.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@Trajan61 🐂💩
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
To paraphrase Mark Twain, A lie [or conspiracy theory] will circumnavigate the globe while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@Budgie 🎯 😎👍
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
To paraphrase Mark Twain, A lie [or conspiracy theory] will circumnavigate the globe while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@MyTVC15 @Budjie provided a very good definition of "theory" below.
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Secretguy comments on Jan 29, 2023:
Oh good. Another crazy on the site.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
You got that right! 😂
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Scott321 comments on Jan 29, 2023:
A conspiracy theorist is one who feels special or unique for solving puzzles the sheeple are oblivious to thereby gaining just one more millimeter upon the elusive goal of closure they so desperately crave.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@LovinLarge I'll name one that turned out to be factual: the withholding of medical treatment by the Tuskegee Institute from black men who were, unbeknownst to themselves, suffering from syphilis. Here is another: the Holocaust. (Before the allies arrived at the camps, there were rumors...some may have called them conspiracy theories.) But I'm sure that for every one that turns out to be true, there are a hundred that are false.
Not all conspiracy theories are based on gut feelings, some are based on facts still to be proven ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 29, 2023:
To paraphrase Mark Twain, A lie [or conspiracy theory] will circumnavigate the globe while the truth is still lacing up its boots.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@Kurtn You misunderstand the meaning of the word "theory." Please see the correct definition provided by @Budjie above.
Every single human being on the planet was born an Atheist.
K9Kohle789 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Yes babies are born as a blank sheet that the environment shapes or the people raising it. But most indoctrination to religion or their native customs and locale I don't consider severe child abuse. They are simply led around to believe what the parents believe. It's like if you had a child raised ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 29, 2023:
@K9Kohle789 Sure, every school has its own distinct culture and set of challenges.
Every single human being on the planet was born an Atheist.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 28, 2023:
It's a tempting proposition, but I would think twice before taking a bite out of that apple. Religion (superstitious belief in unseen, intentional, powerful, willful personalities) has spontaneously cropped up in every culture throughout human history. The reason for this is that we are social ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 28, 2023:
@skado Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that money had anything to do with the evolution of religion. I think the money and power angle came later.
Every single human being on the planet was born an Atheist.
K9Kohle789 comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Yes babies are born as a blank sheet that the environment shapes or the people raising it. But most indoctrination to religion or their native customs and locale I don't consider severe child abuse. They are simply led around to believe what the parents believe. It's like if you had a child raised ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Teachers today are up against the wall. Parents will pull their kids out of classes where evolution is taught. Or worse, they'll give tacit (or explicit) consent to disrupt the class. And administrators are terrified of the parents, so they won't impose meaningful disciplinary action. Instead, they pressure the teacher to soft pedal the controversial content, excuse laziness, accept mediocrity. Or they might just withhold even the pretense of support, and just let the wolves devour the inconvenient teacher who rocks the boat by telling the truth.
Any bets on whether the Republican-led House will even debate the issue?
CourtJester comments on Jan 28, 2023:
It's predominantly in Democrat ran cities though. It works in our favor to sit back and just let y'all thin your own herd. It's kind heart worming really.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 28, 2023:
You are so wrong! it's the red states that have the highest rates of gun violence.
To ignore Black history is to ignore American history.
CourtJester comments on Jan 28, 2023:
I'd be on board with it if they taught the truth. That the KKK was a part of the Democrat party, the democrats created the welfare system to break up the black family structure, and that the democrats abortion clinics specifically in black communities to thin them out. If they taught the truth, I...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Dixiecrats hated Lincoln, hated Reconstruction, hated the Civil Rights movement, hated Kennedy, hated LBJ....The two Parties switched names, kept their ideologies. Goldwater was a Republican. The John Birch Society membership was Republican. White supremacists of today are affiliated with the Republican Party.
Who is covering for them? 👉Republicans👈
CourtJester comments on Jan 28, 2023:
Fake news
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 28, 2023:
Charges Filed For The Five Memphis Officers Involved In Tyre Nichols’ Death -- News5
Flyingsaucesir comments on Jan 26, 2023:
Christ on crutches! It's like Rodney King all over again, except this time the beating was fatal. What the hell is wrong with these cops?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Jan 28, 2023:
@K9Kohle789 It's true that a lot of cops (and border patrol) are ex-military. Moving from the military to law enforcement does make sense at some level. There is a lot of commonality between the two occupations. Like long stretches of boredom punctuated by short episodes of intense or even terrifying activity. And let's not forget that when it is the moment to confront a determined and dangerous criminal, you do want (need) a tough SOB in your corner. The real trouble, I think, stems from systemic societal problems that set up the conditions for confrontation. The biggest of these is historical income inequality, racial discrimination, lack of opportunity, and very poorly conceived notions of what is criminal behavior. To expand on this last point, consider the War on Drugs. It's a total fiasco, start to finish. We criminalize behavior that should be treated as a public health issue, and in do doing, create black markets and empower organized crime. That the War On Drugs is a complete failure is obvious. The availability of dangerous street drugs continues to increase while their prices continue to decline. Law enforcement makes ever bigger seizures of contraband because there are ever greater quantities of drugs flowing across our borders. We run freeways through poor (colored) communities instead if investing in their schools and infrastructure. We warehouse men (and women) in private, for profit prisons which, instead of focussing on rehabilitation through education and training, are crime universities. Vast numbers of people have been chewed up by this system, so it's no wonder that there are some dangerous people on the streets. It's a jungle out there, so cops go into the field with a paramilitary mindset. None of this excuses what these five cops did, but it helps in understanding it. I feel as sorry for the coos and their families as I do for their victim and his family. There are no winners here.


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. 🙂
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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