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Holy Babymaking, Batman!
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 13, 2022:
These people are effing insane.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 13, 2022:
@FrayedBear It's a euphemism, obviously.
Science-denying Republican dog gets the ride of his life.
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Yeah, when they figure it out it will be too late. It's been a wild ride, and crash... it's over for all of us.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 12, 2022:
I would not say over yet. We will have to do a lot of adapting and are facing a steep learning curve.
Moscow Municipal Lawmakers Demand Putin's Resignation
OldGoat43 comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Wouldn't it be suitable for one of them to bring a concealed weapon to a meeting and execute the dictator who is dragging their country into the mud? Or maybe a dot of nerve toxin on the handle of his teacup. The same poison they used on their escaped agent and wife in England a few years ago.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 12, 2022:
Probably easier said than done.
When this is funny, it's also sort of sad.
jlynn37 comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Don Jr.s got his troubles, I got mine.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@Alienbeing Of course Don Jr. holds no government office and does not affect us directly, any more than out-of-office Done Cheato does. But both are representatives of a political movement that seeks to replace American democracy with fascism. If they are successful, that will certainly affect us all. To simply dismiss the threat that Don Jr., a fascist mouthpiece with a big megaphone, poses is a rather obtuse position to take.
"Intellectually superior " Atheist Neil DeGrass whatever his name is: let the baby jump in the mud ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 11, 2022:
So in your world the only two meaningful or important jobs are cutting down trees or fixing car axles? FYI, centrifugal force comes from spinning or rotating, not from puddle jumping.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@Focus1 Okay, thank you. I figured it was something like that.
"Intellectually superior " Atheist Neil DeGrass whatever his name is: let the baby jump in the mud ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 11, 2022:
So in your world the only two meaningful or important jobs are cutting down trees or fixing car axles? FYI, centrifugal force comes from spinning or rotating, not from puddle jumping.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@Focus1 So you don't want me to see it. 😂
"Intellectually superior " Atheist Neil DeGrass whatever his name is: let the baby jump in the mud ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 11, 2022:
So in your world the only two meaningful or important jobs are cutting down trees or fixing car axles? FYI, centrifugal force comes from spinning or rotating, not from puddle jumping.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 11, 2022:
That's a direct quote of Tyson? Please provide the exact source. BTW, when you quote someone, it is customary to put their words in quotation marks.
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen - on the river Thames - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 10, 2022:
They called Elizabeth a fascist, but try singing a song like that about Putin in Russia.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@WilliamCharles Assange is special case. He indiscriminately released a lot of information that could get people killed. People working on behalf of the USA and the American people. What he did was criminal and reckless. Fuck Julian Assange.
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen - on the river Thames - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 10, 2022:
They called Elizabeth a fascist, but try singing a song like that about Putin in Russia.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@WilliamCharles I'm sure there is some truth in that. But it's also true that two young reporters (Woodward & Burnstein) at the Washington Post broke the story (Watergate) that brought down a President (Nixon); that many newspapers published the Pentagon Papers purloined by Daniel Ellsberg, which helped bring an end to the disastrous Viet Nam war; that CNN and MSNBC and PBS and many others have been calling out Trump's lies and crimes for years, and the J6 Select Committee has provided sweeping evidence of treason and other crimes perpetrated by the ex-president. I think misinformation and disinformation are MUCH greater threats than censorship is.
The Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen - on the river Thames - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 10, 2022:
They called Elizabeth a fascist, but try singing a song like that about Putin in Russia.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@WilliamCharles Question: was it the monarchy or parliament who banned the song at the BBC in 1977? Or was it some programming executive at the BBC? Either way, the banning probably did more for Sex Pistols record sales than their actual music. But I agree, banning music, movies, or books is generally a bad idea. One more thing: it was truly heartwarming to hear how the former Johnny Rotten honored the Queen at her passing. I believe he was even heard joining in a chorus of God Save The King. 😂
Trajan61 comments on Sep 6, 2022:
I hope it results in the groups demise as it’s a very radical and racist group anyhow.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@Savage "...if you want to know what the repugs are up to, listen to what they accuse Dems of," is no exaggeration. That's exactly how they operate! 😳
Is COVID-19 winding down? Scientists say no. Here's why
BDair comments on Sep 8, 2022:
When NPR publishes something like this, you know it is over. Live your life and go about your business. Everyone will be fine.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@BDair The vaccines do not prevent all infections but they clearly reduce morbidity and mortality.
Is COVID-19 winding down? Scientists say no. Here's why
BDair comments on Sep 8, 2022:
When NPR publishes something like this, you know it is over. Live your life and go about your business. Everyone will be fine.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@BDair The reason we can open up now is because so many people have achieved a level of immunity, whether through exposure to the virus or through vaccination. Before we had the vaccines and the therapeutics, it was necessary to go through all that masking and social distancing. Those actions kept the death rate down, kept the hospitals from being completely overwhelmed. Even so, it was rough ride. A lot of people died. But many more would have died.
MAGA modus operandi
Dave375 comments on Sep 8, 2022:
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 8, 2022:
MAGA modus operandi
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 7, 2022:
Of course they will.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2022:
They have no honor.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 7, 2022:
Okay I checked around and I see other, reputable outlets carrying the story. So the guy is indeed accused of stealing. Now we wait for the verdict in the law suit. Obviously it doesn't look good, but innocent until proven guilty, right? Newsflash: black people can be just as corrupt as white ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2022:
@noworry28 Absolutely.
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
Petter comments on Sep 6, 2022:
They seem to be more frequent recently, but that's probably because of better world-wide communication.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2022:
@Petter Tru dat.
creative51 comments on Sep 6, 2022:
They should be tried and if found guilty, they should face fines and jail. But lets be honest, people making money off political donations happens across all political groups (left, right and inbetween). The current champion of skimming of political donations and breaking the law is good ole Donald ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 7, 2022:
@Trajan61 You are so full of shit. 🤭
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
Petter comments on Sep 6, 2022:
They seem to be more frequent recently, but that's probably because of better world-wide communication.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
No, there really have been increases in floods, fires, droughts, etc.
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
CuddyCruiser comments on Sep 6, 2022:
And will only continue to get worse.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
Probably. But let's not just throw up our hands and give up. Let's hit the problem at its source. Let's stop burning fossil fuels.
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
creative51 comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Earthquakes been going on for literally billions of years. It is how the earth operates. Humans are new comers. We would be well advised to accept what the earth does naturally and adjust our way of life to account for it. Instead, we ignore it, do what we feel like, and then are surprised when the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 The only earthquakes caused by humans are from fracking, and those are relatively small and very localized. There has been an increase in fires, floods, droughts, etc., but this increase is due to anthropomorphic global warming.
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Extreme weather is the new, frequent norm. Get used to it, as we're past the tipping point on climate change. Taking the needed policy changes now, not that I think our planet's leaders ever will, is not going to prevent it or stop it, only mitigate what happens in the future with climate. It's too ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
There is debate among climate scientists as to what comes next. If we were to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the near future, and start actively extracting CO2 from the atmosphere, we might just avoid total catastrophe. This part of the equation is totally up to us to decide.
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
L2390t comments on Sep 6, 2022:
That's definitely true as soon as one goes away we have another one to deal seems to be like this is the regular normal . I'm starting to believe that the end is coming and the earth will be washed away with no people , no plant life or animals too at all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
I can't say I approve of your tone. To my ear it sounds too much like the apocalyptic mumbo jumbo of the Bible. And it doesn't acknowledge the fact that we humans have agency. We don't have total control, but we can nudge things one way or the other. The climate catastrophe that is building today is totally of our making. The off-the-charts floods, fires, heat waves, droughts, hurricanes? We did that. And to whatever extent we can mitigate them or avoid them in the future is all about choices we have made, are making, and will make. Most affluent people still think it's ok to get on a plane and fly wherever they want, whenever they want, as long as they can afford the tickets. They are choosing their capricious desire to travel over their kids' and grandkids' future. Soccer mom puts a 100 miles on her SUV every week day, and 300 miles on the weekend. She may not realize that she's putting 10 or 12 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year, but she probably does have some notion that burning fossil fuels causes global warming, and that she could drive less. Choices.
Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming []
L2390t comments on Sep 6, 2022:
That's definitely true as soon as one goes away we have another one to deal seems to be like this is the regular normal . I'm starting to believe that the end is coming and the earth will be washed away with no people , no plant life or animals too at all.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
@creative51 The five mass extinctions occurred over a loooong time span; nealy 500 million years. And you're right: life always rebounded.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
@Alienbeing Ha! I never said that we are not a republic. I wrote: "The USA is a constitutional federal republic. The word "republic" comes from the Latin phrase "res publica" which means "public affair." That is, the running of the country is a public affair. We are not under the control of an oligarchy, dictator, or king. The public administers the country through its elected representatives. All of which boils down to the inescapable fact that a republic is a type of democracy." It's amazing to me that someone who claims to read so much can have such difficulty with the idea that not all democracies are "pure" democracies. Which leads me to wonder why you parrot the talking point that Republicans with fascist ambitions so often trot out. But then I should not be surprised. It is not the first example of off-kilter thinking I have see from this source. You started off here talking rubbish about a state you don't live in. News flash: 5 years in Huntington Beach does not make you an expert on California! Again, you are invited to stay away.
Reeling in a 240-pound bigmouth ass takes skill, patience, and finesse.
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I'd like to believe you're right, but... 1. Skepticism; 2. Not holding my breath; 3. Don't trust Garland (any more than Mueller) The serious, salient take-home lesson that no one talks about is that Justice Delayed is Justice Denied also applies to the victims of the wealthy. Allowing the...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 6, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin I am betting that Cheato will be indicted, but not betting that he will do prison time. I think house arrest and a ban from elected office are real possibilities. 🤞
Reeling in a 240-pound bigmouth ass takes skill, patience, and finesse.
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I'd like to believe you're right, but... 1. Skepticism; 2. Not holding my breath; 3. Don't trust Garland (any more than Mueller) The serious, salient take-home lesson that no one talks about is that Justice Delayed is Justice Denied also applies to the victims of the wealthy. Allowing the...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin I hope you're wrong on this one, and I think you hope you're wrong too. 😂
Reeling in a 240-pound bigmouth ass takes skill, patience, and finesse.
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I'd like to believe you're right, but... 1. Skepticism; 2. Not holding my breath; 3. Don't trust Garland (any more than Mueller) The serious, salient take-home lesson that no one talks about is that Justice Delayed is Justice Denied also applies to the victims of the wealthy. Allowing the...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
You make good points. I admit I don't know what the future will bring. My gut tells me Trump will be indicted. But all I can say is wait and see.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@Alienbeing I am perfectly aware of the shortcomings of this democracy. I can see it is a democracy because I take a nuanced view, whereas you have more of an all-or-nothing approach. Too bad. Your rhetoric is exactly what the fascists want to hear. And it's not the first example of off-kilter thinking we have seen from you. So no great surprise.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@Alienbeing This is from Wikipedia: "While not all democracies are republics (constitutional monarchies) and not all republics are democracies, common definitions of the terms democracy and republic often feature overlapping concerns, suggesting that many democracies function as republics, and many republics operate on democratic principles, as shown by these definitions from the Oxford English Dictionary: Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives..."[1] Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."[2]" The key term here is "elected representatives." The USA is a type of democracy; an imperfect one, but a democracy nevertheless.
After Teaching For 11 Years, I Quit My Job. Here's Why Your Child's Teacher Might Be Next.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Why I left teaching after 20 years in the classroom: 1. Lying, cheating, lazy, disrespectful, and undisciplined students. 2. Parents that enabled the bad behaviors enumerated above. 3. Cowardly, lazy, enabling, useless administrators.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@Diogenes What does enforcement look like? All I know is that parents need to teach discipline, but many are abdicating their responsibility to various types of screens. And the internet makes the wild west look tame.
He didn't really walk back his threat of riots; he lied that he had said something else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 4, 2022:
I say bring it on, if his followers want to begin civil war, then let's get on with it, I think it's been coming for a while and is inevitable anyway in the next few years or sooner. If the DOJ lets him slip away without being charged, then it will encourage another insurrection anyway and set the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin The specifics I ask for are really only broad outlines. And yet neither you nor anyone else can say what they are. I think this shows that statements like "there will certainly be a civil war" are kind of meaningless. After all, some would argue that we are already at war, that the first shot was fired at Ruby Ridge, that the Morrow Building in Oklahoma City was a victory for the alt right, that the mass shootings in Buffalo and elsewhere represent military actions carried out by soldiers of the resistance, blah, blah, blah. Bloody as they are these incidents pale in comparison to the carnage of the Civil War, which left 600,000 Americans dead and a president assassinated. The difference between then and now is vast. So I'll say it again: unless you can provide some details as to the broad outlines, to say that civil war is inevitable is meaningless. A better statement would be, it's a real possibility.
Is anyone familiar with "Vision Church at Christian International?
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Greg Locke founded and heads this "church" as sole leader. Greg Locke is a bigoted, hate mongering, Trump supporting, arrested six times and placed on probation five times, wife divorcing secretary marrying, covid denying, anti-vax, fuckwit He brands himself as the “outspoken pastor that is ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
Lets hope he (Locke) trips, stumbles, and falls into a deep coma.
He didn't really walk back his threat of riots; he lied that he had said something else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 4, 2022:
I say bring it on, if his followers want to begin civil war, then let's get on with it, I think it's been coming for a while and is inevitable anyway in the next few years or sooner. If the DOJ lets him slip away without being charged, then it will encourage another insurrection anyway and set the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin There's that consistent pessimism again 😂 I don't think I need to explain to you the illogicality of saying a calamity might as well happen sooner rather than later. We're all going to die someday. Should we all just take poison tomorrow and get it over with? And I get that you are certain that a second civil war will happen. Well, since you know so much, tell us what it will look like. How many combatants on each side? How many casualties? What strategies? What tactics? What focal points? What duration? The fact is, you don't know. Nobody knows with certainty what the future will bring.
After Teaching For 11 Years, I Quit My Job. Here's Why Your Child's Teacher Might Be Next.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 4, 2022:
In my 20 years of teaching high school it was pretty rare to find an administrator that had spent 10 or 20 years in the classroom before going into administration. Often they started working on their administrative credentials in their first year or two of teaching, and as soon as they had the admin...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@HippieChick58 I bet you would have been a great teacher.
Trapped underwater, how I nearly died in a kayaking accident.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Didn't you post this a few weeks ago?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 5, 2022:
@LiterateHiker Huh. I read something very similar a while back. I thought it was you who posted it. I must be mistaken.
He didn't really walk back his threat of riots; he lied that he had said something else.
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 4, 2022:
I say bring it on, if his followers want to begin civil war, then let's get on with it, I think it's been coming for a while and is inevitable anyway in the next few years or sooner. If the DOJ lets him slip away without being charged, then it will encourage another insurrection anyway and set the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 4, 2022:
I sincerely hope it doesn't come to civil war. Win, lose, or draw, nobody wins. Everybody loses.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 4, 2022:
@Alienbeing A republic IS a form of democracy. Representative democracy is a form of democracy. I agree that the electoral college is outdated and anti-democratic. But that is not the whole government. We live in a constitutional federal republic, aka a type of democracy.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 4, 2022:
@Alienbeing Again, the USA is a republic, which is a type of democracy. Is it the best it could be? Far from it. Still, it is a democracy just the same. In a democracy where only half or two thirds of the eligible voters actually vote, we should not lay all the blame for the way things are on the governmental structure. If people were not so apathetic, so easily distracted, so complacent, so (here it is again) ignorant, and instead had a real sense of civic responsibility, then things might be better. Should it be easier to change the federal constitution? Probably. But that would not be such an issue were it not for the trend toward originalist interpretation of the document that has increasingly manifested over the last 40 years. For instance, we should not be reading the 2nd Amendment through 18th eyes that never foresaw the evolution of smooth-bore muskets into automatic rifles. When I agree with the statement that the USA is screwed up, or that it is in deep trouble, I am focusing on the fact that one of our two main political parties appears to he giving up on democracy and turning toward an authoritarian cult of personality. At the same time, I am heartened by the fact that the attempted coup failed, and that we are working towards holding the coup plotters accountable. It is an uphill battle. And there are other problems too, including a blood-sucking military industrial complex propping up a planet-wrecking fossil fuel industry, and pipelines of dark money feeding armies of lobbyists and flooding the media with propaganda, for starters. Unlike Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, West Virginia, and other big fossil fuel-producing states, California is taking the lead in renewable energy and zero emissions vehicles. And as climate change bites harder, I think we will see that movement accelerate. And more states will follow our lead. They had better; climate change is the number one threat to our national security.
He didn't really walk back his threat of riots; he lied that he had said something else.
racocn8 comments on Sep 3, 2022:
But the DOJ hasn't handed out one sentence over 10 years for violent sedition, when the constitution explicitly says 20 years. All of the sentencing have been slaps on the wrists. The DOJ is still in the service of the MAGA fascists.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 4, 2022:
I feel you; it's tempting to lock 'em up and throw away the key. But there is also something to be said for judicial restraint. The people who have received sentences so far have been low-level dupes of the Done Cheato. They are to he pitied as much as feared. And, as @rainmanjr points out, sentencing is not DOJ's role.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 4, 2022:
@Alienbeing Dude, you know nothing of my experiences outside California. But I give you points for presumptuousness. I don't know what your problem with California is, but since it bothers you so much, feel free to stay the fuck away. The USA is a constitutional federal republic. The word "republic" comes from the Latin phrase "res publica" which means "public affair." That is, the running of the country is a public affair. We are not under the control of an oligarchy, dictator, or king. The public administers the country through its elected representatives. All of which boils down to the inescapable fact that a republic is a type of democracy. Saying "America is a republic, not a democracy," is a Republican talking point, and belies a tragic ignorance of civics. (There's that word you like so much.) People (mostly white males) who are terrified of egalitarian, multicultural pluralism and would happily overthrow our democratic republic in favor of a fascist dictatorship often use the tired trope if denying that we are a democracy. I guess in their minds this will somehow facilitate the descent into the fascism they think they want. I don't claim California's homelessness problem is due only to its temperate climate. Certainly there are other factors drawing people to the state, including pipe dreams of making it big in Hollywood, at the grandiose end if the scale. New York and Los Angeles have similar problems, in that they are both huge centers of activity, and attract people of all ability levels, including some who are not prepared or equipped to make it here. And yes, rents are very high, and life is full of vicissitudes. A large percentage of Americans are not financially stable enough to weather an unexpected expense of only $500. This is a national problem, not specific to California. Again, I invite you to stay away if you don't like it here. We will not miss you one bit. 😎👍
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 3, 2022:
@Alienbeing BTW, I don't think most people on this site would agree with you that I am ignorant, nor would they dismiss my opinions out of hand. Nor would they immediately resort to ad hominem attack. They're better than that. You should learn from them.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 3, 2022:
@Alienbeing Obviously much infrastructure will have to be built to support zero emissions cars and trucks. But that does not necessarily mean just charging stations. I think hydrogen fuel cells will eventually come dominate over batteries. Having enough water for both cities and agriculture is definitely a challenge. As the drought worsens we will need to set up more reverse osmosis plants (we already have two in SD Co.) And they will have to be powered by green energy. But we have plenty of sunshine; we'll figure it out.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 3, 2022:
@Alienbeing Wherever you have a large population and good weather you are going to have high cost of living and high homelessness. The song a man who is down on his uppers sings goes like this: "I'm going where the climate suits my clothes." What really sucks is that our 40 million people are represented by only two US senators, while the Dakotas, with only 3 million people, have 4 senators.
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 3, 2022:
@Alienbeing California has over 40 million residents, so naturally there will be problems. But by and large we handle our difficulties well. We have among the strictest gun laws in the nation. We don't interfere with a woman's health choices. The state has a budget surplus, a thriving industrial sector, myriad small businesses, TWO great state university systems, and a plethora of private colleges and universities. We have diverse natural environments: over 1000 miles of Pacific Ocean coastline; majestic mountains; vast deserts. We also have strong environmental protection laws, and California will be the first state in the nation to ban the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines. We are building out a green energy infrastructure that will one day get us to zero carbon emissions. We have the 5th largest economy IN THE WORLD. We are a reliably blue state, holding true to (small "d") democratic values. We are a very diverse state, with people of every ethnicity, creed, and language group living in relative harmony. Best of all, we are NOT in the Bible belt. And the really good news is that as goes California, so goes the USA. 🙂 🇺🇲
Fall Boosters ACIP Meeting: Cliff Notes YLE 09/01/2022
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 2, 2022:
I already got my 2nd booster 🙂
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 3, 2022:
@MyTVC15 Yeah I gathered that. I may get that booster too eventually.
America's like a car accident.
KKGator comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Walker is mentally defective. He's got a whole host of issues that absolutely disqualify him from holding any elected office. He won't be removed from the ballot, as he should be. However, many Georgians intend to vote to send Senator Warnock back to DC. I'm one of them. Everytime Walker ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 2, 2022:
@KKGator Oooooo, I like what you are trying to achieve, but I'm afraid it is unfair to maggots. How about maga-hatters = mad hatters? 😂
America's like a car accident.
Alienbeing comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Please look away, we don't need your strange analysis, we are doing well.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 2, 2022:
@Dyl1983 I agree. We are not "doing well." We are hanging on to a decent life by the skin of our teeth.
America's like a car accident.
GrooshStar comments on Sep 2, 2022:
A recent poll I seen on msnbc has walker leading right now. I know you can't trust polls especially right now but still. It's freaking ridiculous.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 2, 2022:
I sincerely hope he loses. He deserves to lose.
America's like a car accident.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Walker says he doesn't believe in evolution, that man cannot have descended from apes because there are still monkeys alive on Earth. That's the brain-dead level he operates on. Just to be clear, the earliest ancestors of humans were bacteria. Later came protists. Then the first animals, which ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 2, 2022:
@KKGator Don't let the bastards get you down 😂
America's like a car accident.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 2, 2022:
I think of it more like a train wreck...😂
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 2, 2022:
@Alienbeing Actually California is one of the bright spots. It's Texas that we have to worry about.
America's like a car accident.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Walker says he doesn't believe in evolution, that man cannot have descended from apes because there are still monkeys alive on Earth. That's the brain-dead level he operates on. Just to be clear, the earliest ancestors of humans were bacteria. Later came protists. Then the first animals, which ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Sep 2, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend On the bright side, It looks like he's going to lose this election.
The trick now will be to keep the walking dead from bringing on a zombie apocalypse.
Matias comments on Aug 31, 2022:
No, Trump did not destroy the GOP. It was destroyed from within, by people like Lindsey Graham or Mitch McConnell, who knew that Trump was crazy, but used him anyway for their means. Trump is more of a sympton than the evil culprit.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 31, 2022:
If we are going to use metaphors such as disease, then I agree that Orange Foolius is more of a symptom than a cause. However, if we draw our metaphor from chemistry, then I would say he has acted as a catalyst in a reaction that would not take place at nearly the same rate, maybe not all, were it not for his presence.
NC Lt. Gov.: Kids shouldn't learn science or history in school
dumasarok comments on Aug 29, 2022:
I disagree with most of what Mr Robinson wrote but the part about Science and History being taught in grades 1 through 5 caused me to search my memory. My elementary school education was many years ago, so far back that it is difficult for me to remember with much detail. I do remember that the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 30, 2022:
@snytiger6 Instruction in science and history does start earlier. I don't think that is the problem. The problem is that some important content is glossed over, watered down, dismissed, or left out. Biological evolution might be taught as "just a theory," or presented as less plausible than intelligent design. And slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, the John Birch Society, lynching, massacres of people of color.....forget about it!
There are it is said as many different definitions of what the word “Religion” means, as there ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 29, 2022:
My simplified definition of religion: belief in something in the absence of any independently-verifiable evidence.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@Fernapple My simple definition covers all that. Fake evidence & fake authority ≠ independently-verifiable evidence.
I am releasing any expectations, thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve my ...
creative51 comments on Aug 29, 2022:
You are on the wrong web site, you shithead.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@creative51 😂😂😂 Got it! Thanks!
NC Lt. Gov.: Kids shouldn't learn science or history in school
dumasarok comments on Aug 29, 2022:
I disagree with most of what Mr Robinson wrote but the part about Science and History being taught in grades 1 through 5 caused me to search my memory. My elementary school education was many years ago, so far back that it is difficult for me to remember with much detail. I do remember that the ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 29, 2022:
I remember that in 4th grade my teacher provided us with a vial of mercury that we could pour out on a table top and move around with our hands. If anything like that happened in a classroom today they would seal it off for weeks while it went through a deep and expensive decontamination process. And the teacher would probably be fired.
I am releasing any expectations, thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and behaviors that no longer serve my ...
creative51 comments on Aug 29, 2022:
You are on the wrong web site, you shithead.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 29, 2022:
@creative51 I don't see any mention of Jesus or Christianity on his profile. Am I missing something?
Letters From An American 08/27/2022
DenoPenno comments on Aug 28, 2022:
I'm not really a Biden fan but I keep wondering what is was that held the toilet paper to Trump's shoe as he boarded the plane. Biden may have fallen off his bicycle but at lest he's not full of crap.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 28, 2022:
So he fell off his bicycle. The important thing is that he got right back up.
White House shines light on Republicans who are criticizing student debt cancellation after getting ...
jlynn37 comments on Aug 26, 2022:
That's the way it has always worked.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 27, 2022:
@jlynn37 Ah, well as a believer in the greater good and the idea that rising tides float all boats, I think that even the privileged have been deprived of something by a system that keeps some people down.
White House shines light on Republicans who are criticizing student debt cancellation after getting ...
jlynn37 comments on Aug 26, 2022:
That's the way it has always worked.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 27, 2022:
Then it has always sucked.
White House shines light on Republicans who are criticizing student debt cancellation after getting ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Damn straight. And here's the thing: they keep yelling about how unfair it is, but they are not taking into account the fact that the cost of higher education has gone up and up and up. People with student debt today, on average, have bigger debt than in the past. And a lot of that is due to ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 27, 2022:
@MyTVC15 12%! 🤬
Why I keep a fork next the the remote:
HankHunter13 comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Put A Fork In It
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 27, 2022:
Bravo! 😂
See? Nobody needs guns... Three critically injured in North York stabbing []
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 27, 2022:
The difference between knives and guns, esp. guns that are automatic weapons, is that this incident would likely have been two dozen killed rather than three critically injured...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 27, 2022:
Uh, maybe, maybe not. Most murders are not mass murders.
Do not feed the animals.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 26, 2022:
Looks like Donnie has been stress eating. Maybe that would help. Or maybe his cheeseburder habit will catch up with him... we can only hope.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 27, 2022:
Oh I do hope he lives long enough to fully experience prison 😂
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Do you still beat your wife?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 26, 2022:
@FrayedBear The one who gave birth to you 😂
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 24, 2022:
Well this is some crazy shit this guy is putting out there, but it's not at all surprising. Christian nationalists don't even pretend to follow the teachings of Jesus. They're all about wrathful Old Testament retribution, patriarchy, and getting the AR-15 into the hands of as many white "Christian" ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@p-nullifidian I stand corrected.
Dejá vu all over again
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 24, 2022:
That's a lie!!! He loves NO one except himself.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 24, 2022:
Tru dat!
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 23, 2022:
He was divorced due to his abuse of wife and kids, a real piece of shit. Also, if he so much wants to stick to his reading of scripture, his divorce isn't valid (while the supposed Jesus never railed on gays, he certainly railed against divorce), he is committing adultery now and should let himself ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@ChestRockfield He (God) doesn't hate anybody because He doesn't exist.
I'm just going to post these all in one post.
Storm1752 comments on Aug 23, 2022:
Risking being labelled a racist, does anybody know the details. Not saying the beating was justified, quite the contrary. It most certainly wasn't. Just asking, was the black high on meth, PCP, or some other drug which caused him to resist arrest vehementally, angrily, belligerently and refused to ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 24, 2022:
Ok to ask the question. Here are some other ones: what is to be gained by beating when the subject is already on the ground, held down by multiple officers? Why not just snap the cuffs on and be done with it? Who is being served by the beating? Will it make the community safer?
Beware the brew concocted from a stolen recipe; it may well blow up in your face.
Garban comments on Aug 23, 2022:
Anyone that’s willing to bury the mother of his children at a golf course for a tax cut, pressure NOAA to change a hurricane forecast to protect his ego, and kiss the ass of Putin and Kim Jong-un is definitely not to be trusted with national security secrets. Greed, ego, and excessive ambition are...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 24, 2022:
You mean we shouldn't trust a malignant narcissist with nuclear codes? Too late! 😂
The thing is, they found what they were looking for, that which had no business being where it was ...
rainmanjr comments on Aug 21, 2022:
MSNBC/CNN so-called Journalists need to stop calling it a raid. It was a legal procedure or search.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@rainmanjr No, of course I don't think you sympathize with the Done Cheato. I am just going with an understanding of the word "raid" that developed in my mind during a lifetime of taking in movies and news stories where cops descended en mass on the premises of criminal operations, including bookmaking, illicit drugs, ponzi schemes, stolen merchandise, counterfeiting, human trafficking, kidnapping, etc., etc. Mar-a-Lago fits in perfectly with that ignominious crowd. Trump is a crook and he is, at long last, being treated like a crook. It's totally appropriate. 🙂
Protesters demand Utah require clergy to report sex abuse
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 22, 2022:
You mean they aren't already required to report sex abuse? WTF?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 23, 2022:
@OldMetalHead Hey the ancients just threw babies with any kind of deformity into a chasm...
The thing is, they found what they were looking for, that which had no business being where it was ...
rainmanjr comments on Aug 21, 2022:
MSNBC/CNN so-called Journalists need to stop calling it a raid. It was a legal procedure or search.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 23, 2022:
@rainmanjr I for one am totally in favor of the raid, execution of search warrant, retrieval of documents, whatever you want to call it. And am very happy to see Done Cheato publicly humiliated. Were his rights trampled? Not at all. The DOJ acted deliberately, with way more deference, courtesy, and respect than Foolius deserves. Am I biased against his royal shit-heel majesty? You bet! And I will shout it from the rooftops!
Protesters demand Utah require clergy to report sex abuse
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 22, 2022:
You mean they aren't already required to report sex abuse? WTF?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 22, 2022:
@OldMetalHead That's FUBAR.
Fat chance!
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 21, 2022:
They think everybody is even stupider than they are.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 22, 2022:
Ain't that the truth 😂
The thing is, they found what they were looking for, that which had no business being where it was ...
rainmanjr comments on Aug 21, 2022:
MSNBC/CNN so-called Journalists need to stop calling it a raid. It was a legal procedure or search.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 22, 2022:
I feel you; we all hate to see anything Cheato can spin to misdirect attention away from his malfeasance. However, "raid" is a perfectly legitimate term to describe the execution of a search warrant on the premises of a criminal enterprise. And that is exactly what Trump is: a walking, talking, criminal enterprise.
The thing is, they found what they were looking for, that which had no business being where it was ...
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2022:
When we're done listening to Trump's lies, and hearing about how they want the affidavit released. Can we find out what Trump intended to do with all these classified and secret documents? Not that we'll believe him. What I want released are the titles of these secret documents so we can gage just ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 22, 2022:
After sitting around unsecured for a year half, we have to assume that all that information is now compromised. Imagine all the scrambling that the intelligence community must be doing to make sure the information is useless to our adversaries. It must be costing the taxpayers billions. 😐
If Biden runs again in 2024, will he keep Kamala Harris as his running mate?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Biden only ran reluctantly in 2020. And with his record of accomplishments he can retire with honor. Hopefully he will endorse Gavin Newsom as his successor. Not that I don't think Harris couldn't do the job; I'm sure she could. But getting her elected might be a stretch. And the stakes are so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@Alienbeing I just think that these days, the religious right patriarchy is feeling more empowered and less willing to negotiate.
George Carlin - Saving the Planet - YouTube
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 20, 2022:
George's material certainly stands the test of time. I would just offer this one update: as he said, back in the day, the extinction rate was about 25 species a day. Now its over 250 a day. 😐
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@David1955 Actually 250/day may be a little high. Current estimates are running around 150 -200 per day. Still, it way higher than the natural rate without human impacts .🙁
Overlapping interests: A crook attacks the legal system that would hold him accountable.
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Shameless, lying fucking hypocrites, every one of them! That summarizes the whole party, esp. the pols in it, in a nutshell...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 20, 2022:
Republicans who support Done Cheato are either fascists or invite fascism to this country. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime.
Overlapping interests: A crook attacks the legal system that would hold him accountable.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Abe Lincoln would be so ashamed of how far the rethuglican party has deteriorated.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@AnneWimsey No, it was honest Abe 🙂
Overlapping interests: A crook attacks the legal system that would hold him accountable.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Abe Lincoln would be so ashamed of how far the rethuglican party has deteriorated.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 19, 2022:
I doubt that he would recognize it at all. But he certainly knew human nature, and the lamentable existence of charlatans and liars in our midst. Hence his famous quote: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time."
If Biden runs again in 2024, will he keep Kamala Harris as his running mate?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Biden only ran reluctantly in 2020. And with his record of accomplishments he can retire with honor. Hopefully he will endorse Gavin Newsom as his successor. Not that I don't think Harris couldn't do the job; I'm sure she could. But getting her elected might be a stretch. And the stakes are so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 19, 2022:
@Alienbeing Good question. In the most simplistic terms, I would say that times change and conditions differ. Could you see such an amendment passing today? (I can't.)
If Biden runs again in 2024, will he keep Kamala Harris as his running mate?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Biden only ran reluctantly in 2020. And with his record of accomplishments he can retire with honor. Hopefully he will endorse Gavin Newsom as his successor. Not that I don't think Harris couldn't do the job; I'm sure she could. But getting her elected might be a stretch. And the stakes are so ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 19, 2022:
@Alienbeing You apparently did not read the whole article. Here is the important part you missed: "The rati­fic­a­tion dead­lines that Congress set after it approved the amend­ment have lapsed, and five states have acted to rescind their prior approval." The 38th vote for ratification occurred AFTER the deadline. Therefore it did not count. The proposed amendment WAS NOT ratified. That's why the US Constitution DOES NOT include an Equal Rights Amendment.
If Biden runs again in 2024, will he keep Kamala Harris as his running mate?
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 18, 2022:
The video clip was edited to make her look bad. I can identify at least two cuts in the tape, the first more obvious than the second. So much for the veracity of Sky News.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 19, 2022:
@TomMcGiverin Historically the VP position has tended to be a nothing job, so no surprise that KH is keeping a relatively low profile.
Cheato should be worried. It doesn't take 6 hours to plead the 5th.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Trump said fifth almost 500 times in his testimony. So maybe.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 19, 2022:
Okay, if the questions are long, then yeah.
If Biden runs again in 2024, will he keep Kamala Harris as his running mate?
CourtJester comments on Aug 18, 2022:
He won’t remember who she is by next year.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 18, 2022:
He (Biden) is 1000 times smarter and more competent than you will ever he on your best day, CJ.
"What documents?
racocn8 comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Sadly listened to a friend recite Fox horse shit about Hillary's emails in a zoom discussion this weekend. I used to think this guy was fairly bright, but apparently one can be bright and still be seduced into a cult.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 18, 2022:
It's amazing, the Svengali-like power Done Cheato has over people. Of course, he couldn't do it without the help of the alt-right media: Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, Breitbart. Unfortunately, the fascist movement in America is now bigger than Trump. They don't need him anymore, and are ready to see DiSantis as their new Mussolini.
Alito’s Call to Arms to Secure Religious Liberty New York Times, Aug.
racocn8 comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Alito has demonstrated his unfitness (desire to disregard foundational Constitutional concepts) and in so doing, violate his oath. He and the others should be summarily impeached for seditious conspiracy and removed from their positions.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 17, 2022:
I look forward to hearing the rest of "The Scheme."
Some of the best news in almost six years has come out in the last couple of weeks. 🙂
Barnie2years comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Now if only one could at least take a big ol' bite out of his ass!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 17, 2022:
I think it's going to happen 😎🤞
Alito’s Call to Arms to Secure Religious Liberty New York Times, Aug.
yvilletom comments on Aug 17, 2022:
SCOTUS will have to allow expressions of militant non-xianity from spectators.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 17, 2022:
They should but that's not the way they're going.
Salman Rushdie - Writing under death threats | DW Documentary
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 16, 2022:
I have read the Satanic Verses and a few other things by Rushdie. He's a good writer and the fatwa against him is a blatant attack on free speech and free thinking. That religious fanatics think they have to resort to such tactics illustrates just how weak is their faith in the power of their own ...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 16, 2022:
@rainmanjr Alas, I doubt even the Webb telescope's power to kill human superstition once and for all. But I'm sure it will contribute to the enlightenment of many.
If only people would stick to basics, and perhaps start with something like this.
Buttercup comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Science is like a little kid who answers "why?" to everything. One thing pseudosciences have in common is they end with an appeal to authority. Once they reach a wall they quit, "because the bible says so" is obvious. Astrology started as science but once they accepted "it's written in the stars" as...
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 14, 2022:
Actually there is something to evolutionary psychology. For instance, the field has provided evidence that based on scent alone, women can detect which man has an immune system most different from her own, and in a blind test will choose him over other prospective mates. This makes sense only in evolutionary terms. The combination of genes coding for more immune system diversity provides offspring with a higher chance of survival, all other things being equal. There are other examples as well.
If only people would stick to basics, and perhaps start with something like this.
anglophone comments on Aug 14, 2022:
If anybody tells me that they have "scientific proof" of anything that tells me that they are mentally defective.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 14, 2022:
Evidence, ok. Proof? Rare as hen's teeth. That's the great thing about science. It always leaves the door open for new information and an updating of our knowledge.
Choking hazard 😃
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Oh for damn sure!
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 13, 2022:
He's going to try and get a civil war started. Mark my words.
Contortionist party, pretzel logic
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Republicans have some twisted damn priorities.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 13, 2022:
They claim to be for the kids but shoot down the child tax credit and refuse to regulate the biggest cause of child deaths (guns).
Cheato hits speed bump to monetizing his post presidency
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
His retirement will be a tad different than he hoped it would be. It will be rather..... CONstrained.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 13, 2022:
And CONtained within a 5 x 10 cell if all goes well 😂
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Wouldn't a direct message to her inbox be more effective? Or am I missing something?
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 13, 2022:
@AnneWimsey No, should I have? I never try to communicate with them. My offer stands if you ever need help messaging.
Cheato hits speed bump to monetizing his post presidency
dkp93 comments on Aug 13, 2022:
We'd be more than happy to pay for his prison.
Flyingsaucesir replies on Aug 13, 2022:
I think he will look really good in orange. 😂


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Moonrise at sundown
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On the fly
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Mt. Laguna
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Unbeknownst to me, this 40-litre Florence flask had sat unused in storage for years. It had been donated to the school by County Sheriff, who had confiscated it from an illegal drug lab. The Science Dept. Chair was going to throw it in the trash. I rescued it, made a base for it, and used it as a classroom fish tank. 🙂
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Three Sisters Falls, San Diego Co., CA
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Hauled out for bottom paint.
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Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System is a concentrated solar thermal plant in the Mojave Desert. It is located at the base of Clark Mountain in California, across the state line from Primm, Nevada.
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San Diego, January, 2023.
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People collect the damnedest things.
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1960 Gibson LG-0; solid mahogany top, back, sides, and neck.
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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