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Why there is a teacher shortage:

Flyingsaucesir 8 Feb 7

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Home schooling is far better

That would depend s lot on the teacher.

“Home schooling” is a euphemism for indoctrination. The object of the exercise is to raise the children in a parental bubble so that they never grow up to discover that the dumbest people in the room were actually the adults. Where else would the next generation of climate change denying Christian nationalist insurrectionists come from?

Education in our current school system is indoctrination I would say. Teaching little boys that they could be little girls, teaching that America was founded on slavery, teaching that particular groups are still oppressed, Teaching kids that they're better off protesting so that boys can use woman's bathrooms or compete on women's sports teams rather than working to support themselves and families to be productive parts of society. I don't know that actually teaching kids to think for themself in a home setting is indoctrination though.

I don't have to be a Christian to show my kids that Al Gore's house has the highest electric bill than any home in the state of Tennessee with no solar panels and that Obama that said that the solar caps are melting and threatening to flood the coast lines recently purchased a house on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. It's deductive reasoning skills, the ability to think for oneself, and the willingness to improve one's life that liberals are missing. That's why a recent study showed that 99.8% of US welfare system recipients would vote for democrats, statistically, home schooled kids outperform traditional school graduates, homeschooled kids have a far lower risk of STD's, addiction, and higher SAT and ACT scores.

I think fewer democrats home school their kids because it requires effort. Just a theory.

And here's your insurrection.

@CourtJester Based on previous comments by you, the central purpose of your home schooling project is to turn your children into carbon copies of yourself. That’s indoctrination.


A mother with a psychology degree from Stanford and a dad with a PhD and Marine. I don’t know that that would be such a bad thing.
Beats the hell out of living off of government subsidies voting for whoever offers you the most free stuff.

@CourtJester There are people with degrees who believe 9/11 was an inside job. There are intelligent, well-educated people all over the world who believe the Koran/Bible are divinely inspired documents. So it’s what you do with your intellectual resources that separates the wise from the cranks. And based on the bottomless cavalcade of bizarre, ill-informed comments you make on this site you have zero deductive reasoning skills, and are little more than a ventriloquist dummy for far-right propaganda mills such as NewsMaxx. And when it comes to accessing “free stuff” from the government in the form of subsidies, tax break/avoidance schemes and the like, nobody does it better than the wealthy.


So then what is deductive reasoning ?

@CourtJester You want a definition? Google it.


Is full body armour provided or at least bullet proof vests?

Nope. You're basically naked and alone.

@Flyingsaucesir Seems that lack of danger money and body armour is a good reason to give the role of teacher a wider berth there.


I have friends who are teachers. I have the utmost respect for them, but seriously it is a hard job that modern times have made 100 times harder than it needs to be.

WAY harder than it needs to be.

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