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From migrant farmworker to astronaut: an incredible true story is now a movie.

An inspiring story. "Million Mile Man" is now streaming on Amazon. It's wonderful!

At the end of the movie, I loved the pictures of young Jose' Hernandez picking vegetables, working as an engineer, getting married, and as an astronaut in the Space Shuttle.

Dad's 'road map'

Hernández’s father, Salvador Hernández, gives his young son sage advice when he’s frustrated from picking produce in the fields. He would go on to share with him the “recipe” to success, which is also how the film is formatted into various chapters of the engineer’s life.

“Find your goal”

“Know how far you are”

“Draw a roadmap”

“If you don’t know how, learn”

“When you think you’ve made it, you probably have to work harder”


LiterateHiker 9 Sep 19

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Sounds like a real American dream story. 😍🇺🇸


I want to watch this but have procrastinated due to the consistent fictionalization of "bio-pics". Bohemian Rhapsody must have traumatized me 😒

@Garban I really enjoyed seeing BoRap, but noticed the songs were out of chronological order and it made me wonder. In doing some research, so many events in the movie happened at different times or under different circumstances. And this was done under the two remaining members of the band as Producers.

I thoroughly enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody, but I went into the movie as a very casual listener of Queen, never having attended one of their concerts, and knowing almost nothing about their story. Therefore, details like chronology were (and still are), for me, of little import.

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