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Philosopher Intelligence

Which Philosopher was the smartest and why?

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CMH100 3 Oct 28
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His writings were so brilliant, particulalry Critique of Pure Reason, that folks that didn't understand it at first had to take multiple attempts at interpreting it, correcting themselves, and reinterpreting it before they got the point amd acceded he was correct in the end. If there had been no Kant, it may have taken longer to get a Russell, and therefore a much delayed Wittgenstein, Turing....... And therefore would likely not have entered the digital age for some time..... Though I digress....

The following link may be a good read that helps address these points. Really Russell didn't have to agree fully with Kant..... It was enough that Kant influenced Russell and therefore Wittgenstein (and subsequently Turing) to consider the nature of a how a priori synthetic judgments might be possible. []


How can one say. What one person prefers another doesn't, and how would you measure being smart, what is the scale? They all have something to add, something to say and make our lives more interesting, more enjoyable, more magical.

Jolanta Level 9 Nov 4, 2019

Socrates Plato was his student

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 29, 2019

Socrates because he started it all and Plato learned from him..


Thales father of all Materialists, Atheists and scientists....poor list to choose from ....Nietzsche was not very optimistic....we are in our 27th century of Atheism because of Thales


Wittgenstein is my favorite. Then Marx, then Hegel and Nietzsche. But "smartest" is too vague.

towkneed Level 7 Oct 29, 2019

"I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing."


"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing."


Heraclitus Level 8 Oct 29, 2019

Am I the only one who just sang Bruces' Philosophers' Song from Monty Python?

scurry Level 9 Oct 28, 2019

I’m not sure who was the smartest, as both Plato and Aristotle were two of the greatest geniuses of all time. I voted for Aristotle because of his contributions to science and logical thinking in general.

sfvpool Level 7 Oct 28, 2019

Id go with Aristotle - although im no expert on the topic.

gater Level 7 Oct 28, 2019

The oracle at Delphi said Aristotle was the smartest because he realised how much he didn't know.

brentan Level 8 Oct 28, 2019

That would be Socrates not Aristotle

@Kodiamus You're right!

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