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What is fear?

mzee 7 Feb 16
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fear is brain reaction to danger you face, fear makes our body react quickly, for example if you see a lion coming towards you, you will scream automatically, because it can scare the the predator and your heart will start beating fast and makes your body to act faster and stronger, so that you could run faster and climb on the tree quickly.

NR92 Level 6 May 8, 2019

Inflammation of the amygdala.

ejbman Level 7 Feb 16, 2019

How you respond to fear is a choice, but fear itself is instinctive.

Heraclitus Level 8 Feb 16, 2019

When people ask me why I embraced atheism my first reaction is that it is logical, the second is that I had lived in fear of other peoples monsters for too long


Danger is real, you bet. But if you don't respond to fear, the result can be very real too.

That seems to be the Viking Ragnar faced with a monster. I've just been reading Beowulf who had to face three monsters in his lifetime.

brentan Level 8 Feb 16, 2019

Yes indeed!
I stopped getting nightmares after I became an atheist, it took away all the irrational fears 🙂

GothRik Level 7 Feb 16, 2019

Fear is an emotion that readies the mind and body for a perceived threat to one's life... Whether real or imagined

fear is real

@ponz111 yes, I know...

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