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The Most Complicated question ever asked.
WHY? and WHY NOT is not an acceptable response. To use it would actually be So, WHY? The answer lives in the deepest regions of your subconscious mind.

DonaldHRoberts 7 Nov 4
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"Why" is the realization of self ignorance.

mzee Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

Asking the right question first ,then proceed with more questions until we can ask no more.Why not ,is a good answer if the questioner is being confrontational. Asking why are we here or is there a purpose for the universe is far above our pay grade.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

The question, "Why?" reminds me of Richard Feynman's answer to the question:

sfvpool Level 7 Nov 4, 2018

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