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LINK Interesting video on ethics by C. S. Lewis Doodle

If you can spare just over 30 minutes...

The lighthouse of Christianity shines because it is based on the reality of an objective & universal Moral Code that we mysteriously know & have broken. It is this truth which makes Christianity's offer of forgiveness, & its gift of supernatural help towards keeping that Moral Code, so incredible. In this foundational doodle, Lewis shows that the conscience is as old as Adam & Eve. It is not an invention of civilisation or of great human teachers, but has always been there, witnessing away in the human soul.

See Romans 2.14-15 “Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the Moral Law [God gave to Moses], do by nature things required by the Moral Law, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the requirements of the Moral Law are written on their hearts (= minds), their consciences also bearing witness, & their thoughts sometimes accusing them & at other times even defending them.”

Jetty 7 June 13
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Thanks for sharing; I enjoyed that. He kept looping around the same concept, but managed to get to it from multiple angles, covering off many arguments.
Seems clear to me, I just wish the world would 'get it' too...

scurry Level 9 June 16, 2020

Too much!


Paul wasn't going to let the Gentiles off the hook because they didn't have the Law of Moses!

I've been reading a lot recently about early Christianity. The one thing that stands out to all the Church Fathers is that the faith is witnessed by their hearts to be true. I think I understand how radically different it was from pagan worship, liberating people to think of themselves as having the dignity and hope of sons of God. But I think, in relation to secular people, heart has a secular expression just as law did. But they didn't realise this. They thought it must be true by virtue of its revolutionary nature. Nowadays, we can think in terms of humanitarian values. I don't know if they were able to think in those terms.

brentan Level 8 June 13, 2020

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