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Okay so, imagine a Platonic Aristocracy as envisioned by Plato, now let's say that we modify such by forcing Epicurean communes into the structure and have them dot the land ruled by said form of government, now let's say that each of these Epicurean communes were considered guilds............. now let's say that we throw in some work from Abraham Maslow and and declare that the guilds be Self-actualization guilds........ now let's take this a step further by increasing the max number of residents in each "Epicurean Communal Guild For Self-Actualization" based on Dunbar's Number rather than dictate that all members necessarily be friends. For screening the membership of each guild let's make it a six month process that heavily monitors for traits of cluster B personality disorders as to ensure that only those who lack such traits may be qualified for membership in such a guild......... now for one of the final modifications for the starting idea let's say that Stoicism plays a significant role in defining emotional maturity in this societal model. Might anyone here be willing to help me flesh this out and work through some of the complications that said societal model might have?

Secular_Squirrel 7 Aug 17
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So why not monitor for cluster A personality orders, as well?

Heraclitus Level 8 Aug 17, 2018

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