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Philosophy book by a friend of mine.

This was written by a friend of mine here near Nogales, AZ, USA (near the border with Mexico).
I'm not "recommending it" but it seems "ok" so far (I'm about 1/3 through). I'm not sure that I really agree with that much or not. So far the lens that he sees things through seems be "monists" versus "dualists", a dichotomy I'm not sure I was that familiar with previously. I think some of it is going over my head, so I have slowed myself down to take some notes on my phone while I read it in Kindle.

He did mention at some point he hoped I would share my thoughts on it (good, bad, indifferent), on Amazon. I am not at that point yet, but perhaps it will be useful for people here to know that I probably would not have read or passed along the link except that he is a friend. Still, it is good enough for me so far (in my fallible view) to be able to say it is thought-provoking.

Enter The Gods: The Devolution Of Intelligence (Cosmic Circus Trilogy Book 1) Kindle Edition
by Robert Moreno (Author)

kmaz 7 Sep 3
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