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I must ponder this since I have found few who do. The question withstanding is, "Does anyone really believe in anything to which a human hand has been put to?
I asked this same question of myself and it caused me to really took a look at what I believe in and what lengths I would go to fully embrace those beliefs. I am still working on it...

DonaldHRoberts 7 Feb 3
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So if the human hasn't been put to it what is left. Nature's hand can be and is often deadly.


What is there that a human hand has not been put to that we know about?

@Pbpierson2 About which we...guess about. 🙂


Any belief or system is from the “human hand” including science and philosophy

Kodiamus Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

Sorry, but yoyur question is not clear. Can you rephrase it?

CeliaVL Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

Not sure where you are going with this, (call me Mr Stupid!) Are you referring to belief v evidential phenomena or something else?


I don't know what you include in "... anything to which a human hand has been put to...." But, I know that without the accomplishments of the human mind, I, most likely you, and probably most of us on this site, would not be alive today.

sfvpool Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

@DonaldHRoberts There are too many things that I believe in to list here. Some would be included as beliefs, as in, "accept as true", and some as in, "hold as an opinion." As far as the subject of your topic, I believe that the human mind can be amazing and can result in great things and tragic things, as history has proven.

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