8 4

I always get so enamored of the theory of surplus value. And then I remember that the 20th century has taught us that a thing is worth what people will pay for it.

towkneed 7 Dec 6
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People pay some absurd amounts for rubbish just because it is in fashion. Just look at those jeans with holes in.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 10, 2019

I'm not sure if you're referring to something specific or not, but at work, when I quote on a job, and we get it, I bill what I quoted, but always try to deliver a little more than was ordered... extras. Nothing that would really cost us anything, but something of value to the customer. It's not always possibly with every order, but my customers always seem pleased (excited even) when they see the bonus bits. 🙂
Also... Here's a meme about value/worth.

scurry Level 9 Dec 6, 2019

Life is short and priceless, no amount of money will bring you back.


Unless it is subsidized. Then it's worth what the taxpayers are willing to donate to.

Didn't realize taxes were a donation... I always thought donations were voluntary.

@scurry It called sarcasm. We taxpayers have little choice in what we have to pay. However, in my state initiatives can be voted on changing the tax structure. A recent such vote decimated the car tab fees which will seriously hurt transportation in this state.


So, I guess that means that the value of a human life is $129,000 a year? Or only $500,000 total if you are a soldier killed in Iraq or Afganistan?



"a thing is worth what people will pay for it." Indeed, and Big Pharma (among others), know this VERY well! EVERYTHING has become extremely over priced in THIS country, because enough people (or insurance companies) are will to pay the price, PEOPLE be damned! It's the Libertarian, neoliberal way! MONEY above all else! Or as THEY like to call it "market based economics." Reminds me of a quote on the poor...

“No one has the guts to just let them wither and die.” — John Johnston, former Indiana GOP State Rep candidate, said during a social media discussion on poverty

Or as Representative Allen Grayson put it:

"The Republican health care plan is a very simple plan:

"1. Don't get sick.

“But the Republicans understand that this is not a fool-proof plan, so they have a back-up plan, in case you do get sick.

"2. If you do get sick...


Daco2007 Level 7 Dec 6, 2019

Yes indeed. There are some things, like going to see a particular artist in concert, that I think are priceless.

brentan Level 8 Dec 6, 2019

But worth is a relative concept. To my mind advancement requires shedding of values given to material goods. I put love as the only thing of value.

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