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Ty for this group. I feel we give our own lives meaning. Philosophy is important as a critical and abstract thought by which we understand, grow, and derive meaning.

Adorkable 6 May 8
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Hello and welcome to the group. I also believe philosophy is an essential practice when attempting to come to know gs. It is especially important nowadays with all the heated debate in politics, the advancements in science, lame arguments on social media, shifts in culture, and new problems our societies face. It offers a manner in which to communicate, form strong arguments and recognize other strong arguments. Philosophy I think is more important than ever today. It can help with what seems like an infinity of issues. Hope you enjoy what's soon to come!

You're typing from an Android platform, right?

@skado yeah how could you tell?
Edit: grammar

Admin is working on fixing a bug which, apparently only on Android, drops the word "thin". So your "attempting to come to know things" becomes "attempting to come to know gs. " from my view. Which way does it appear from your view?
(not complaining, just trying to understand this bug)

@skado it comes out as "gs" too on my end


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