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This is a link to one of my personal favorite online sources for developing a sense of direction and knowledge of analytic philosophy. Carneades practices a form of pyhronic skepticism he calls indirect skepticism, but provides a well-rounded introduction to the many sects , branches, and pillars of philosophy. I recommend starting with his series on logic. Enjoy!

Edit: broken link Edit 2: Just look for the user "Carneades" on YouTube. His channel is excellent in teaching foundational philosophy.
EliRodriguez11 5 May 8
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I had this post bookmarked for when I finally got the time to watch. I took a bit of time today to watch a few, and I look forward to more. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the share! I'm a hobbyist philosopher, no school or anything to speak of. Philosophy is such an odd subject to study because you can spend a lot of time studying something, and then stumble into another expert who completely disagrees. For the uninitiated it's daunting to find a place to start.

It definitely is daunting. Even in an academic setting (I've sat in some college courses over philosophy) it's unlike any other academic study. You're taught one way to look at or understand a thing, and then the next thing you learn absolutely refuted the original perspective. And THEN you're taught about the issues with the second perspective. And finally, you're left without any "Right" answer to an issue. This kind of experience is predominant in philosophy of mind and in ethics. Which is why I reccomended the logic intros first. There's a lot more consensus there, but even in a statement such as 2+2=4, there is debate. It's a really puzzling field. But, I'm glad to have given you something to work with! Enjoy!☺ and "stay skeptical my friends"

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