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After joining this group today I started to think about a famous quote - "I think therefore I am" - wouldn't it be more accurate to say "I shit therefore I am"? - Theres no evidence of thought, but shit - that's real evidence.

gater 7 May 8
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I say "I think, therefore I am miserable." People who think are people who can see the world has terrible problems. People who do not think are able to stay in their warm, comfortable, safe environment and can ignore or deny the bad stuff that exists. The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

SKH78 Level 8 May 12, 2018

Im sorry that you feel that way - when I was "enlightened" it was a wonderful experience.

That's exactly how the world looks to me as well.


Descartes was French. In French, "Cogito ergo sum" becomes "Je pense, donc je suis." In French, the verb "penser" and has a somewhat more complex meaning than "to think." Sometimes penser is translated "to think" and sometimes it is translated "to doubt." In French philosophy all thinking implies a certain doubt about the subject at hand. It is this doubt about the nature of the subject of analysis that drives thinking. Consequently, some philosophers, especially those taking Descartes in the context of his writings, think that what Descartes really meant was, "I doubt, therefore I am." In other words, Descartes was saying in his introverted analysis that he could doubt absolutely everything except the fact that he was doubting. There is no doubt that there is doubt. Where there is doubt, there is a doubter, or self.
No shit.


Lmao the thought is what's supposed to suggest the idea that you exist. Cogito ergo's a popular misquote for Descartes...who turns out to be a theist and is also our profile photo...but his significance in promoting skepticism and rationalism is too great to not admire even as an atheist...


But you gotta think about the shit to be able to use it as evidence. That's how the shit gets real. ?

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