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Grand question

levan 6 Nov 17
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I have no time for any damn fool who asserts the existence of his magic sky wizard.

anglophone Level 9 Mar 19, 2022

In the last 20 years Atheism has come a long way towards being normalized and in fact has become popular in a rebelious counterculture sort of way. I would contend that this is not an entirely positive situation Most recent Atheists know nothing of the philosophy or even why they are Atheists. As a result a fair number of them will / have reverted back to some religion. Most of us older Atheists became so after a lot of research, introspection, and facing very negative social admonishment.

Reignmond Level 7 Mar 19, 2022

Anybody who is negative about my atheism instantly reveals themselves to me as being cognitively challenged.

@anglophone I would point-out that my above post never once mentions you. So it is not the personal attack you think it is. You may or may not fit into my characterisation of recent Atheist tendencies. I don't know.

@Reignmond What are you talking about?

@anglophone Your response above to my comment to @levan.

@Reignmond Why are you pointing out that your above post never mentions me? Why do you think that I think that your above post is a personal attack?

For your information, I have no hesitation in pointing out foolishness whenever and wherever I see it.

@anglophone When you commented "Anybody who is negative about my atheism instantly reveals themselves to me as being cognitively challenged." it logically appeared that you were referencing my immediately preceeding post as derogatory against you since in your comment you made no reference to any other. It seems this was a mistake and that you may have been referencing the top by @levan without any indication of it. So it seems we are disputing over nothing.

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Posted by KhaCRI gotta remember to use this one…

Posted by levanLove this 💜💜💜

Posted by levan😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Posted by levan💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Posted by levan💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Posted by levanGrand question

Posted by levanYeah that's right

Posted by phxbillceeDamn skippy...

Posted by phxbillceeSorta says it...

Posted by phxbillceeOne of my all time fav S-F authors...

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