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I spent a couple of years in South America in 2011/12&13 and one of the places we visited was Trujillo, Peru and the ruins at Chan Chan but not far from those ruins is a large gas station and behind that gas station and under it is the Museo Cassinelli Mazzei. This is a private museum that is filled with pieces collected over the last century and many of them are quite strange. The family that owns the museum went out of its way to buy up pieces that it felt would be buried or perhaps even destroyed because they do not necessarily conform with accepted theories on human history. Most of the pieces date from 200AD to 600AD. What do you think of these pics that I took myself in the basement vault under the main museum?

Surfpirate 9 Aug 11
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Very cool!

Donna_I Level 8 Aug 11, 2018

Peru has amazing artisans. I have a 300-400 year old painting from Cusco in the "Cusco School" style that is phenomenal. Peru is on my bucket list and you just added another location/place/museum.
Thanks so much for sharing these pictures!


An interesting collection indeed. I especially like the mummy

pixiedust Level 8 Aug 11, 2018

You can't see it in the pic but the dwarf had severe spina bifida as well but appears to have lived quite a few years which is surprising as without treatment most infants with spina bifida don't live very long at all, months not years.

@Surfpirate And nowadays many people with spina bifida live full lives.

I thought that was the figure you included in your comment below. If you click on pictures in the post to enlarge them, the arrows take you through pictures included in the comments as well.


The pottery in this part of South America was very advanced and the glazes were as good as anything the greeks or romans were producing, those glazes also survived quite well but not as well as the pottery from Peru which is very arid and this helped preserve these pieces, mostly collect by grave robbers and then sold to archaeologists.
The sand dunes are hundreds of feet high along this section of coastal Peru and it is very dry indeed as evidenced by this mummified dwarf that was found in a burial site from Chan Chan.

Surfpirate Level 9 Aug 11, 2018

I find it odd that any of the glazes survived?

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 11, 2018

They all look too new.

Anonbene Level 8 Aug 11, 2018

The ceramics in this area of South America was very advanced compared to the pottery found in North America, most of which is in very poor condition after only a century or two.

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