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File I guess under not enough lifetimes to visit all the museums -

I was on a drive east of Tucson, Arizona, USA a couple of years ago and ran into this random museum that was mentioned in some motel lit, and so I took part of a day and went there. Pretty good, I'd say, though I know little about these things.


Similar to a comment I made in another thread, I'm wary of sweeping claims generalizing across "all" Native American tribes, but also am a bit wary of attempts to provide information on the totality. In any event, I'm not recommending the place as some sort of mind-blowing museum, but if you're into that topic and happen to be driving along I-10 East of Tucson, it might be worth a look.

kmaz 7 Aug 18
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My town has a uniform museum that I finally got to and I thought it was very fun, so, I try to see whatever is near me!

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 18, 2018

Thank you. I enjoy small museums that are off of the beaten tract. I will look for it on my next trip west.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 18, 2018

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