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Cost of having a baby in 1943. My how things have changed.

Aivery 7 Sep 5
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Times were very different back then.


I had both my children at home, but we still had to pay the midwife.
My ex made a beautiful trestle table to pay one of them.


Yes, but babies are bigger now.

Krish55 Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

It's rather appalling, if one thinks about it, that the mere act of bringing a child into the world should cost anything at all, imho.

Condor5 Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

@Aivery I'll agree with the doctors and nurses, however, the drugs and supplies are grossly overpriced. You can buy an entire bottle of Tylenol for the cost of two pills. The prices are outrageous.

@Aivery It is very ridiculous and has gotten very out of hand. This idea that profit is the most important thing in the world is outrageous.


It's an interesting idea, I had to think about because I'm a Canadian and I never received a bill when any of my 3 children were born, never even considered I would but I did some searching online and the estimated cost for a foreigner who gives birth in Canada without complications is about $5k CAN. Canada has had a lot of expectant mothers fly in to give birth here because of the excellent level of care and reasonable pricing.

... also don't forget under the current laws they become citizens if they're born here. I'm not pushing any position on that issue either. Just saying it is a reality. Not to diminish the importance of these other reasons.

I had a horrendous experience in Regina - so, boo, hiss

@pixiedust Good thing you weren't across the border without a credit card or they might have let you deliver in the street. My cousin delivered her daughter in Sask., she was living in Midale and said that the nurses and her OBGyn were amazing. Maybe Regina just isn't good for the vagina.

@Surfpirate Not the medical team of insensitive idiots that I had. I had a much better experience years before in Halifax.

@pixiedust My first two kids were pretty easy deliveries but the third I delivered with the help of a nurse from Guyana, the anestheasologist bailed as soon as the head started to crown and the OBGyn wasn't there because they were in the middle of a breach birth elsewhere. We were wiping down my boy when she came in and cut the cord.

@Surfpirate Macaroni! We women are super heroes!

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