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Climate Change Likely Iced Neanderthals Out Of Existence

Climate records gathered from stalagmites in Romanian caves show two extremely cold dry periods correspond with the disappearance of Neanderthals.

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Aivery 7 Sep 5
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I must share this story with my rock & gem club.

pixiedust Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

Good read. The way they can zero in on ancient climate changes from the stalagmites must garner them a lot of insight about other things too. Cool.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 6, 2018



Yeah, another interesting piece in the puzzle for sure. We may never know with certainty why our cousins like the Neanderthal, Denisovans, and the still mystery hominid died out. Probably a combination of things.

Druvius Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

They still live on in us!

Although quite diluted, the Neanderthal and Denisovan residuals are still among us, or at least some of us. In fact, other than Blacks out of Africa, everyone else, including redheads, has a smidge of Neanderthal. Then there a a very few of us with residual Denisovan. []


It seems that climate change has eliminated many civilizations. What to do? What to do? Climate change denier in chief is off his rocker. It seems that they were absorbed by homo sapiens. Red heads have 3% Neanderthal DNA. Africans zero.

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 5, 2018



Do you work for jhu?


Not a surprising piece. I think this has been discussed before. I still like how the Smithsonian writes though, I used to love their magazine, but they drifted away from the articles that were the "Latest" in science news. Same with National Geographic.

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 5, 2018
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