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Did paleolithic artists ritually amputate their own fingers?!

Maiasaura 7 Dec 4
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I doubt the ritual explanation, frostbite is more likely but so is crushes and get a hand caught in a line while taking down a large animal with a rope or net. Having seen workj place injuries on farms and ranches I have seen the exact same amputation sequences.


Look at the videos of men in activities on the internet , and tell me that cavemen were so much smarter that , even though they were hunting wild animals , beating stones together to make spears and arrows , and trying to start fires , then tell me you can't figure out why cavemen had missing fingers .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 4, 2018

Well, it might have been a possibility considering that male/female circumcision is still a practiced religious ritual to this day.
Sadly, humans are well known for doing extreme and very strange things to show their veneration/s towards their even stranger and weirder Deities.

Triphid Level 9 Dec 4, 2018

Yes, this is true, but I never did believe that modern Rabbi's did circumcisions with a pencil sharpener.

@DenoPenno Shit, and here's me thinking that the Rabbis just bit the tassel bit off....LOL

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