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Surviving Easter Islanders were NOT lying when they said giant statues WALKED into place!!!

MoonTiger 7 Feb 6
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Perhaps the same is true for Stone Henge , as well.

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 9, 2019

Walking Stonehedge ... now that's a visual!


While it is suggested that the Polynesian rat was an accidental stowaway on Polynesian canoes, ku (that's me) thinks they arrived on those canoes intentionally - being part of the food supply (along with chickens, dogs and pigs). With the appearance of European diseases that wiped out (maybe 90% of) the people - the fecundity of the rats (without efficient rat traps and lack of natural enemies) - the rat population could have "bloomed" as these archaeologists theorize.

mkeaman Level 7 Feb 6, 2019

While it is suggested that the Polynesian rat was an accidental stowaway on Polynesian canoes, ku (that's me) thinks they arrived on those canoes intentionally - being part of the food supply (along with chickens, dogs and pigs). With the appearance of European diseases that wiped out (maybe 90% of) the people - the fecundity of the rats (without efficient rat traps and lack of natural enemies) - the rat population could have "bloomed" as these archaeologists theorize.

mkeaman Level 7 Feb 6, 2019

@MoonTiger The subject of rats eating the palm seeds and eventually wiping out the palms (including the suggestion that the rats were accidental) was prominently mentioned in the video. I threw in my 2 cents because I believe that the rats were an important part of the puzzle that the archaeologists hadn't completely considered. Are you an archaeologist? And do you know that rats are normally consumed by humans in many parts of the world?

@MoonTiger What may be interesting (relative to other facts in the video) is that the archaeologists stayed away from mentioning the "system" of connected cavities, etc., that occur at the top of the mountain (from which the moai are "mined" ) that seems to be part of a moai transport process, which would involve large ropes, etc., acting as some kind of "pulley-ing" contraption.



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 6, 2019

That's really cool!


Have you seen the ridiculous photos on Facebook showing that the statues have entire bodies (legs, arms etc.) but the bodies were buried in the ground all this time so nobody knew? Some people seem to believe anything, like they never heard of Photoshop....

Carin Level 8 Feb 6, 2019

That's ingenious!!

Charlene Level 9 Feb 6, 2019

Interesting. It strikes me that to move a large stone object in such a manner would require a fairly level, firm surface - I'm not familiar with the geology or archaeology of East Island, but I wonder if there is any evidence of the people who erected the statues laying down paths over less-than-ideal sections?

Jnei Level 8 Feb 6, 2019

@MoonTiger Fortunately, ancient verbal lore is far more respected as a potentially valuable resource now than it used to be - there is evidence that stories and folk memories can preserve information, albeit with varying degrees of accuracy, over hundreds and even thousands of years.

@MoonTiger Everything should be questioned. It doesn't matter how accepted it is; question it, weigh up the evidence and come to a conclusion. Also, yes - history and archaeology have both suffered from a lack of female points of view. That too is, at long last, changing.

@MoonTiger off topic, but I’m in the generation that had to memorize Song of Hiawatha (why did that matter, other than to test rote memory) ha -but I still know the first several verses! Go figure! Ha ha

@MoonTiger nope- never heard of Paddle to the Sea, that I remember.? I wasn’t and still am not, a huge fan of animation- there are always exceptions-


- you might like this animation 🙂

@Jnei I’ve read the “Ugly American” twice - as a 20 year old and recently. Makes me sick like that animation!

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