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Found- Fossilized School of Fish


Lutherzme 8 May 30
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That’s really neat!

Hathacat Level 9 June 6, 2019

A thousand years from now, archaeologists from another planet will find the fossilized remains of Humans, in a big hurry to go nowhere!

davknight Level 8 June 1, 2019

Imagine finding a mass grave and wondering why so different?



t1nick Level 8 May 30, 2019

Wow, questions I never thought to ask.


I am thinking it may have been a lightning strike which killed them. If they were in shallow water,. Over mud, easily buried.

Heathenman Level 7 May 30, 2019

"Dated" to be allegedly 50 million years old.

**When...not if...but when they come out with a more universal, simple to operate stone and ancient materials dating tool...

....then we can finally put to rest the "earth made in 6 days" joke pointed out by the #Religulous....

Right now, only major college science buildings and large science-based corporations house radiometric dating tools. There have been many that have risen over the past century; some more specific than others.**..

....but what we need is a simple, portable, relatively inexpensive one.

Present costs and times are in the thousands of dollars, and in the time frame of many weeks and often months before a date is confirmed in a sample.

Right now; the #religulous argue that these "ages" are randomly assigned, and/or they charge lots of money (so they're greedy) and/or the age-dating process is obscure, complicated, and thus hard to comprehend.


Robecology Level 9 May 30, 2019

An where do they get their information? From a self-serving, book written and re-written from people who believed the Earth was flat and the center of the universe. Even this had to be translated, several times, and then someone had to use one interpretation to come up with a hypothetical number. On top of everything else, people get tons of money from suckers willing to swallow these "true facts" just so they might experience "immortality".

@JackPedigo Of course the bible's not a good source for science history.

You're preaching to the choir.

But what I'm saying is that all paleo-scientists are very vague about how they get their samples age-dated. It's very hard to even find a source on the web; I've tried many times.

I challenge you to do so now!

Search "how to get a geologic sample age-dated". I'll bet you that you won't be able to reply with a specific address and phone number. They're just very vague about how it's done!

Again; my point is that when...not if, when....someone comes out with a fast, easy, relatively inexpensive field-operable (semi-portable) radiometric age-dating tool...then the #reliligulous will be done.

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