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NZ giant parrot! not anthro but archeo - []

Allamanda 8 Aug 7
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Bet it could really bite!

Carin Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

A bit like that ancient ancestor of the Aussie Kangaroo, stood around 3 metres high and was a scavenging carnivore/o,omnivore, built like a brick shit-house, I'd hate to meet one of those in a bad mood.
Some of its descendants, the Red Kangaroo males, stand around 6-7 feet tall and have a very nasty temper to match their well muscled bodies as well.

Triphid Level 9 Aug 8, 2019

@Allamanda Oh yes, very tasty meat, free of diseases despite what people think ( you only find 2 kinds of 'roo, the healthy and the dead, never those that are full of worms and other diseases) their meat is completely free of fatty tissue and high in iron as well.


Seems clearly an early ancestor of the Kea, New Zealand alps parrot. You have to watch out for these clever ones!

Kea - Naughty Alpine Parrot of New Zealand


Archaeology is Anthropology
There are 4 disciplines in Anthropology

  1. Archaeology - study humans and their past through the trash they leave behind;
  2. Cultural Anthropology - studying humans through their culture;
  3. Physical Anthtopolpgy- studying humans as a biological being and our evolution; and finally
  4. linguistics- studying humans through their language and the evolution of languages.
t1nick Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

@Allamanda no just responding to his end of intro comment


Carbon dating - once it becomes more readily available, cheaper,and easier to obtain - will end the reign of biblical anti-evolutionists.

Believers will always believe no matter what. Do not fool yourself.

@dalefvictor I know the #religulous are delusional....obviously suffering from being brainwashed since childhood to "believe"...they let go of the "Santa", "Easter bunny" and even the "tooth fairy" but they won't let go of "intelligent evolution" (or heaven, or rising from the dead, etc) I just feel sorry for them. But research is working on a smaller, simpler, faster Radio-carbon dating won't be out in the near future - but if/when it becomes a common tool, you can bet that the #religulous will lose numbers faster.

0 could've been a watch could crack a burglars head 'wide poem'

Charlene Level 9 Aug 7, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Aug 7, 2019
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