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HAL Dies at 90 😟
Douglas Rain, Voice Of HAL In ‘2001: A Space Odyssey,’ Is Dead At 90
A classically trained actor, Rain was one of the founders of the Stratford Festival in Ontario, Canada.

Dougy 7 Nov 12
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His contributions to Canadian theatre cannot be overstated. Thanks Douglas. ?

Davekp Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

A little trivia... Kubrick intentionally used Rain because he was Canadian.


Part of what made things work? Apparently it was Rain's Canadian tonalities:

Kubrick was attracted to Mr. Rain for the role partly because the actor “had the kind of bland mid-Atlantic accent we felt was right for the part,” he said in the 1969 interview with Mr. Gelmis. But Mr. Rain’s accent isn’t mid-Atlantic at all; it’s Standard Canadian English.

As the University of Toronto linguistics professor Jack Chambers explained: “You have to have a computer that sounds like he’s from nowhere, or, rather, from no specific place. Standard Canadian English sounds ‘normal’ — that’s why Canadians are well received in the United States as anchormen and reporters, because the vowels don’t give away the region they come from.”

Lukian Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Daisy Daisy give me you answer true RIP Doug

It's "give me your answer, do" (as in, "please do" ) although I like your variant better ... and I like both way better than British rocker Blur's perversion, which is, "give me your heart to do".


"I'm sorry, Dave, but this conversation can serve no purpose anymore".

I think that statement sticks with me more than anything else in the movie for some reason. A computer flipping off a human. I wonder how far away that actually is for us. Still past my end-of-life, I'm fairly sure.

mordant Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

If it comes to be it will be the end of all our lives, I'm fairly sure.

@Surfpirate I go back and forth on this. I tend to land on the side of this thought: so long as at least 1% of all computing activities end in a system hang, AI is probably not a great practical threat. Let us pray to the Blue Screen of Death to save us.

@mordant For AI to become truly self aware it needs to eliminate the weakest link in the chain, the human link because that's where the system hang is coming from.

@Surfpirate When a general-purpose AI can write a general-purpose OS, then is when to start worrying. We don't have the former and still need humans for the latter.

Personally I think the secret sauce for general-purpose, "hard" AI has not yet been discovered; it's not just having spiked neural nets and more compute capacity. I think the answer is probably in something like Judea Pearl's causal calculus. All we're doing now is statistical curve fitting.

@mordant I know enough to know that the general public has no idea, where we are in relation to self aware AI.

@Surfpirate This is true. But people I deeply respect exist on both sides of the "should we consider this an existential threat" issue. Those on the "sound the alarm" side of the argument are more meta-thinking it from a philosophical standpoint. Stephen Hawking is an example of a smart guy who is alarmist outside his area of expertise. Elon Musk is another. Still, these voices should be heard and we should proceed with caution. Musk is putting his money where his mouth is at least, by open-sourcing AI research to maintain transparency and reduce the chance of proprietary breakthroughs.

@mordant Well there you have it and there you are.

@John_Tyrrell Totally agree, that's not working out as advertised. I think 5G networks and interconnecting smart cars so they can exchange info -- and similar enrichment of the data they have at their disposal, like smart roads -- will help quite a bit, but we're not there yet.

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