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Are Canadians just nicer people than Americans or is it just 10 times more likely that something bad will happen to you in the States because there are 10 times more Americans than Canadians?

Surfpirate 9 Jan 28
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You need to know the history of our two countries to understand the difference.

Arouet Level 7 Jan 28, 2019

Canada and Quebec? 😉
Seriously, my wife has a completely different understanding of Canadian/Canadien history than what I was taught. Apparently, after the French won the battle at the Plains of Abraham they took pity on the Black Dog English and allowed them to stay which was a mistake in hindsight.

@Surfpirate It's true that la Francophonie provides a valuable firewall to US influences and excesses, but I was really thinking of the selection effect of the 1776. Prudent, thoughtful, loyal colonists tended to vote with their feet by migrating North, leaving the violence and banditry behind. Two contrasting attitudes have been retained to this day.

@Arouet Oh those Loyalists, I live on an island that is swarming with them, they are very grumpy and mean spirited people. Maybe they weren't patriots at all but merely assholes that their neighbours used the American Revolution as a pretense to get rid of them?

@Surfpirate What island would that be?

@Arouet I live in the Township of the Frontenac Islands, Ontario.

@Surfpirate I used to live in Kingston just across the water. I thought the UEL DNA was pretty diluted by now and I was referring to 18th century folks. Still, I take your point, though I might not use your strong language.

@Surfpirate The French won on the Plains of Abraham?! I think you need to take a second look at your history books.

@QuidamOutrepont The French lost as far as I can tell and I had ancestors there to prove it but my wife is a Quebecer and insists that it was a draw at worst since both generals died. As with most Franco/Anglo Canadian disputes, we have agreed to disagree. 😀


Canadians are nicer, but working hard to accept the American way.?

1ROBROY2 Level 7 Jan 28, 2019

Yep, that about sums up how strangers are treated in the U.S.


This goodwill robot travelled the full length of Canada without so much as a scratch so we sent it on to the US and well, there you have it.

Surfpirate Level 9 Jan 28, 2019

Poor ‘Bot.. probably didn’t even see it coming. ?

Davekp Level 8 Jan 28, 2019
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